chapter 41.

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At Khangelwa's house.

In the early hours of the morning,Barona parked his car by Khangelwa's gate.The lights in the house switched on and Khangelwa stepped out and opened the gate for them.

Onthatile stepped out going straight to the house.

Onthatile:Rele?...Rele Baby are you Okay.
Khangelwa:She is Okay.let me call her.

She said as she stepped in.both Onthatile and Barona sat down curious.if Rele was Okay then what was the emergency.She better not have called them because She wants Rele to live with her because that's something that is not going to happen.

Khangelwa came back with Relebohile and they both sat down.Onthatile looked at her daughter's pale face,she looked sick and her eyes were puffy like she has been she was sure something is wrong.

Onthatile:What's going on?.
Khangelwa:Rele tell your parents what you did.

Relebohile looked at her mother as her heart pounded.she was the sweetest human ever, she just didn't want one bring out the bad side of hers.Her eyes turned to her dad who was looking at her curiously.her throat blocked as something chocked her.She coughed then sat up straight.

Rele:I'm sorry.
Onthatile:You are sorry for What?you are not making any sense.
Khangelwa:Relebohile burned someone's child with acid simply because her boyfriend left her for her.a boy she barely knows.

Onthatile calmly looked at her daughter.what went wrong with here.why was it always her in trouble,why not tshego for a change.

Barona:You are going to jail.
Onthatile:(Looked at Rele)Why?where did I go wrong with you,why are you always disappointing me.What is it that you don't get from us,what is it that you lack to the point of attempting to kill someone's innocent child because of a boy?.(Voice shook)Where did we go wrong with you.?
Barona:There is nothing wrong we did.if there is something is we gave her enough love both with her sister.we never had you think your sister is better than you or make you feel unloved.I just hope you know what you have gotten yourself into and if you think i will be getting involved then forget it.its on you.
Khangelwa:I just wanted you guys to know.i didn't want to take or make any decisions without your knowledge.i just hope you know that I love you and I'm doing what's best for you.

She said looking at Rele.Rele looked down sobbing.the possibilities of going to jail were high and if that girl survive then it will be the end of her because she wasn't wearing any baraglove,that hoodie only covered half her face.her heart skipped as a thought popped in her head.she left the bottle of acid there.her finger prints were all over was over.

At the hospital.

"We are doing our best to help her,I'm not promising you anything"

The doctors words rang in Nkazimulo's head as they waited for another update.
That's the only thing the doctor had said and hoping was the only thing he would do.they have been in there the whole night.even exchanged shifts,this was serious.

He looked at his mother leaning on his father's shoulder with her eyes closed.she cried till she had no tears left.

Nkazimulo:I think you should go home.Have a bath a chang,then come back.surely by then the doctor will tell us something promising.

He said facing his dad.


His mom opened her eyes without a word.she looked up with her hands pit together.her eyes filled with tears as she thought of the possibility of losing her daughter.

Mom:I can't leave her.she needs me.
Nkazimulo:She needs you stronger.Please go home and have a bath.i will also do the same when you guys come back.
Dad:Please update us.

The parents walked away.Nkazi sat down deep in his thoughts.


"I need to make a phone call"Tiger shouted from the holding cell he was put guard stepped closer and opened for him.he led him to the calls section before stepping back.

Tiger pinched In Barona's private number.glad he knew it by heart.

Tiger:Sure sure, it's Tiger.
Barona:Why are you calling me with a working number,where are you?.
Tiger:I'm in prison,I need you to call my lawyer for me.but before that I need you to come and see me.
Barona:Prison?What did you do?.
Tiger:It's about Sticks murder.
Barona:No,I thought you had everything under control.
Tiger:(Whispered)This other bi*ch sold me out.i don't even know what they have on me but it's evidence enoug to keep me in here.
Barona:You Told someone about that day.
Tiger:I didn't think she would do this.

"Time up"

Tiger:Please come,I have to go.

He said then placed the phone down.the guard led him back to his holding cell.


Mother in law looked as the pot she had placed on the stove warmed up.She poured sta soft then mixed it with a newspaper and halls.

She mixed them together properly.minutes later they started boiling.She covered her nose at the awful smell that had now filled the house.she switched the stove off then wiated for the mixture to cool off.

Once cool,she poured it in a looked disgusting but she had no choice but to drink because she had no money for back doors abortions.she pinched her nose together closing them then drank with her eyes closed.she gulped down the whole cup.

The after taste was horrible.her stomach started grumbling.she smiled this thing actually works.This Facebook thing wasn't useless after all.she saw this recipe for home abortion on fb.her stomach grumbled louder and the urge to rush to the toilet came over her.

She hurried up then stepped in the bedroom.she covered her nose as the smell of poop filled the whole room.she looked down as po*p ran down her legs.she had pooped on herself.she should've ran faster.the smell awfully got worse.


At the hospital later that day.

Doctor:We are done with her.You can come in and see her.

The parents and Nkazimulo walked in the ward.Nkazi looked at his little sister laying there with her eyes closed and a oxygen musk on.her chest was coverd with bandages so was her left breast.he stepped back a bit wiping off the tears thst had fallen.

Mom:(Emotionally)Will she be Okay?.
Doctor:Most mild acid burns Heal without leaving permanent scars.however long effect of acid burns causes cancer of your skin,chest or esophageal strictures which are narrowed esophageal due to scarring.
Nkazi:Will she heal and not have a mark.
Doctor:In her case No.she has suffered second degree burns,both the epidermis and the next layer of skin underneath,known as the dermis are damaged.after the appropriate medical treatment we will be giving her, healing will take a few weeks.I will give you some time with her.

He said then walked out.Khanyi moved her hand a little.Her mom looked at he making sure she wasn't imagining things.she moved her hands again and opened her eyes once before closing them again.

Mom:Nkazi call the nurse,she is waking up.

She opened them again and this time kept them awake.she made sounds lowly fully waking up.she tried to move but it seemed hard.

Mom:You are awake .Thank you lord.

The door opened and the police walked in followed by a nurse and Nkazimulo.

Police:We are here to take her statement.

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