chapter 20.

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They Opened the half opened gate fully then walked in the yard full on rooms.Barona walked towards one Room and knocked.keeping his calm face on point.a women holding a baby opened.

Women:Ehh can I help You.

Barona looked at her rude self in could someone be so rude.looking at her and how dirty she was.he just stepped back without saying anything.looked like people who lived here were drug dealers or rather people who take drugs.

The Room next to the one he had knocked to doors opened.A man walked out holding a 1litre bottle of black label.he had his dreads all over his face and he was drunk.Barona looked at him closely and his heart skipped as everything made sense.he was so thin and high.Sticks moved his dreads from his face as Barona stepped closer to him.he touched his shoulder then smiled at him.

Barona:(Smiled)Hello anonymous.

He said then threw him a punch punch.sticks fell down still confused.he grunted as the weed he smoked left his body.his heart skipped as he looked at Barona.he was busted.he quickly stood up about to run towards the gate but Barona tripped him before he could get anywhere then lifted him up with his collars.

Sticks:(wiped the blood off his mouth)mxaaa entlekk what's going on here?.
Barona:I need you to do one thing for me okay.i need you to walk out with me and get in that car without acting hard.thst way no one will get hurt.
Sticks:Where are you taking me?ahhh my bra don't do this.
Barona:It's either we do this the easy was or the hard way.
Sticks:But what did I do?.
Barona:I should be asking you that question.let's go.

Barona put his hand over stick's shoulder and The investigator guy opened the gate for them.they all walked out and Barona opened the backdoor for sticks and he got in with the investigator guy .before getting in the front and drove off


At the hospital,Khangelwa wiped her tears as the psychiatric went on and on.

Psychiatrist:And how are you feeling now?.
Khangelwa:(Teary)I feel inhuman.i feel like I don't deserve to live.people hate me.
Psychiatrist:And that's where the problem care about what people say about you.You should really practice the Care more on yourself and less on what people say or think about you.
Khangelwa:I tried doing that.but what did I get.The constant hate and nagging I used to get from my inlawas because I couldn't give them what they wanted is what made me what I am today.
Psychiatrist:So you think They are the one who started this problem that you have?.
Psychiatrist:And what did your husband say about all of that?.
Khangelwa:That I should try to understand them.
Psychiatrist:And how did that make you feel?
Khangelwa:(shrugged)I don't know.normal maybe.
Psychiatrist:Do you think your husband might have had a hand in how your in-laws treated you?.
Khangelwa:I've never thought about that.
Psychiatrist:(nodded)Have you tried or rather did you tell your husband how you feel on how he looked at this matter of your in-laws disrespecting You?
Psychiatrist:Don't you think your husband could've done something to avoid the person you have turned to today.
Psychiatrist:And do you realise that you are in an unhealthy marriage?
Khangelwa:I'm happy.
Psychiatrist:No you are are happy because everyone around you is happy and once those people get mad or sad same goes to are not happy because you are happy.
Khangelwa:(sniffed and wiped her tears off)I don't know but i feel like you are telling the happy place is when those close to my heart are happy.


Sticks sat on the back seat Silently while Barona drove.There was no escaping this ,especially with the speed Barona was Using.He turned his head and looked at the Investigator guy.his muscles out on display.he was really screwed.he swallowed fearfully.

Barona drove for a while then pulled out in an open place.out of Joburg.Sticks looked at the thick bushed surrounding them.He looked at Barona stepped out.The investigator guy roughly pulled him out of the car then pushed him on the ground and he kneeled down as he began shaking in fear.Barona took  something from the car and a camp chair then walked over rolling the sleeves of his t-shirt before taking a sit down and facing him.sticks heart pounded as he looked at the gun on Barona's hand.

Sticks:(Shaking fearfully)Ayy my bra come on,don't do this.we were once friends my man don't do this.
Barona:(Smiled)Friends you say.Now my friend,would you mind to tell us why we are here?.
Sticks:I don't know ,you got the wrong guy please let me go.
Barona:Now let's start here.Where did you get the nerve to threaten my wife's freedom?.
Sticks:I don't know what you ar.....

Barona punched him across the face and he felt dizzy at that very moment.Barona pulled him up with the collar of his t-shirt.

Barona:Try another another one.

Sticks looked at him as he regained his little energy then looked at Barona before spitting out the blood that had filled his mouth.

Sticks:I don't kn....." 

Barona punched him again and this time he fell down face down.sticks coughed put blood.he tried to sit up but he was just too dizzy.he felt something in his mouth and he spit it out mixed with blood.Tears filled his eyes as he looked at two of his front teeths on the ground.

Stickes:(Crying)I'm sorry.
Barona:Okay tell me did you get my wife's fingerprints on those murder weapons of yours.

Lying would make things worse than they were.the thought of losing his teeths had him talking.

Sticks:I broke into your house,drugged your wife with some liquid using a cloth while she was sleeping.i made her touch the gun and knife.
Barona:How did you get into my yard?.
Sticks:Breaking into people's houses is one of my things.
Barona:You are not even scared of saying it.Now,who did you murder with those weapons.
Sticks:Tiger's Family.

Barona looked at him as his mouth dropped in disbelief.

Barona:You killed Tiger's family because of R500 000. Are you sick.why?.
Sticks:Both of you are doing okay in life.and I'm here su** do you think that makes me feel. We did that bombing together and......
Barona:You are really sick.We all had our equal share of that money.and while some of us invested on our future you decided to spend it recklessly.
Sticks:So what,I'm your friend you should've helped me out..
Barona:Do you know what tiger is going through right now?.
Sticks:(Smiled)I don't know and I don't care.

Barona looked at him before pulling his gun pointing it at him.

Sticks:You won't kill me.if you really wanted to then you would've long done it.
Barona:You are right.i won't kill you.i will leave that for Tiger.

He said then punched him over the face then kicked him on his stomach over and over again.The investigator guy pulled Barona off sticks.sticks rolled his body as he painfully grunted.Barona took put his phone from his pants before dialing tiger's number.

Barona:I found the guy who killed your family.i will pin you my location.

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