chapter 16.

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The same day.

Barona drove in Tiger's yard which was now filled with a few relatives.he looked at Jamani seated on the stoop with both his hands on the face.he looked at Jamani then sighed before they both stepped out of the car.

They both walked over to where he was sitting then sat down joining him.

Barona:I'm sorry my man.
Tiger:(Blew a smoke)I just know that I won't die without dealing with the people who did this.
Barona:(Cleared his throat)Uhmm this Jamani,he is a police officer and it's long story i will tell you all about it once all this is over.
Tiger:(Looked at Jamani then chuckled)So how long does someone who kills a person who did bad to him gets sentenced,it's a revenge sort of thing.
Jamani:It depends.
Tiger:On what?.
Barona:That's should stop talking like that you will lend your self in trouble.
Tiger:(Chucked tearfully)Trouble.Trouble won't hurt me,there is nothing more that can be done on me(voice shook)Half of my life is gone.
Barona:I'm sorry.
Tiger:(teary)Maybe this is my karma.Maybe god saw that prison won't do anything to me instead he took my family.(Crying)maybe this is my karma for all the bad things I did in the past.

Jamani looked at him as he continued crying while talking inbetween.


Relebohile looked at the time on her phone and it was 18:00 already.though she was enjoying the time she was having with her twin sister she wondered how things were going to be from now on.Was she going to now stay with her real parents and continue with life like nothing happened.maybe that was the decision she had to take on her own.

"So how was it growing Tshegofatso's voice echoed on her ear and she looked up at her snapping out of her thoughts.

Rele:Great.everything was great.what about you?.
Tshegofatso:Well I had a very nice and comfortable upbringing.I've known about you since I was 10.that's when my parents told me that I once had a twin times I would imagine how life would've been if you were it was going to be us against the world.i would get depressed sometimes thinking that all those were in my head.
Rele:I didn't even know about you.but I always felt like there is this deep void inside my heart that all the money and love my parents gave me wasn't enough.i just felt like there is someone out there who could fill it.and yes I tried dating but that also couldn't.and now that I'm here i (emotionally)I feel complete i guess all this time all I needed was you.its too soon to tell but you are my better half.i just felt this sudden connection between us the moment I held you in my arms.

Onthatile smiled emotionally with her hand on her chest listening to her girls she felt did she miss that.taking her mind back to the day they were born.he remembered how the child they buried was different from Tshegofatso.that one had thick black hair and she was lighter than did she miss all that.and she didn't connect to the child like she did on Tshegofatso.she thought maybe it was because she passed on.

Driving back home.not so far to her house.khangelwa pulled over at the mall.she stepped out of the car going straight to a phamasy.she bought all sort of different sleeping pills,all five packets then paid before walking out.from the exit of the mall she could see the old women standing next to her car.maybe it was one of the homeless ones.she walked over then opened her car as the women turned and faced her.

Women:Don't do it.
Khangelwa:Excuse me?.
Women:Don't run away from your problems.there is a better way of doing things than the one you want to take.
Khangelwa:I don't know what you are talking about.
Women:You know exactly what I'm talking about.there is a lot that you still need to do in this world.its not your time.
Khangelwa:Can I please go.
Women:Your grandmother from your mother's side just wants you to know that you are a good person.she is saying that don't let what you did on the past overcloud your judgement.There is still more you need to have done more harm than good here so you have to compensate for that...thank you.

She said then walked away leaving Khangelwa confused.she looked around but the women was out of sight.there was no corner or hiding sport near so where could she have gone in less that a minute.maybe it was all in her head.she put the pills on the passenger seat then drove off singing along to her favourite hit.

At Barona's house.

Both him and Jamani stepped out of his car then headed straight to the boured.Onthatile walked out of their bedroom. She looked at Jamani and Barona walking over then quickly went outside before they could get in.

Onthatile:I was Hoping that we could talk.all three of us since Khangelwa is not here.
Barona:Okay is everything Okay?.
Onthatile:Yes.(looked at Jamanj)I know and understand that you have nothing to do with what your wife did and I feel sorry but i need my child back full time.
Jamani:Okay.khangelwa and I already discussed that.and we decided to give her back.
Onthatile:Thank you for making things easier for me.
Barona:What about tonight.
Onthatile:She is sleeping over.
Jamani:Can I please talk to her before I leave?.
Onthatile:Yes .come in.

She stepped aside and let then in.then all walked in the tv room.

Onthatile:Tshego,Thabo let's give rele and her dad...Jamani space.

They all walked out leaving jamani and Relebohile.Jamani smiled at his daughter before holding her hand. Thought he was angry at her for misbehaving.she was still his daughter.dna or not.

Jamani:You do know that this is your new family right?.
Relebohile:(Sighed)yes,mom already told me.
Jamani:You don't look happy.
Relebohile:I feel bad for feeling like this but I'm happy.i feel so complete happy.
Jamani:Okay then.I have to go.just know that I love you.
Relebohile:I love you too.

They both hugged and Jamani walked out and got in the cab he had requested and it drove off.

At Jamani's house,After taking a long hot shower Khangelwa finally stepped out.she got dressed before walking out of her bedroom heading straight to the kitchen.she took a bottle of wine and a glass.

She took the plastic she of the pills she bought at the phamasy ,she tore the first pack of pills before taking all ten of then In her mouth,forcing them down with the wine.if these ones don't work then she was gonna take another she would die peacefully knowing that her child will be well taken care off and Jamani,well he would find another who would give him kids.she gulped dowm the second glass of wine then layed down as she started feeling uneasy.

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