Honorary Members

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Emma's POV
I'm in the marketplace. I don't know how I'm gonna find seven new members. I don't even know seven people here. Maybe Courtney could be a bandit. I'm not sure how Id convince her though. Carter is supervising Tony at Drivers Gully right now. Apparently, he's one of the no helmet people. Which means, I'm alone while there's a psychopath out to get me. I wonder if Siren and Clay are still at the beach. I headed over there, this time making myself visible so Siren didn't freak out. Clay was there but Siren wasn't. "Hey, where's Siren?" I asked sitting by him. "At home. I got bored, so I figured Id come out here. I see you got the job" he said, looking at my jacket. "Actually, still in training." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "How'd you get the jacket then?" He asked. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked. He nodded. "The Teen Bandits will be disbanded if we cant find seven new members" I said. "What?! But we need the bandits" he shrieked. "I know!" I said. "Have you found anyone?" He asked. I shook my head. He looked down. "Well, if it comes down to it, I'm always open" he offered. I smiled. "Thanks Clay" I said. I looked out on the beach in thought. I got an idea and turned back to Clay. "Actually, that would work." I said. I stood up and held out my hand. He took it and stood up. "We all have to go through training anyway. I don't see why you cant do it. You think Siren would be down?" I asked. He shrugged. "Probably" he said. "Great! Can we go get her? I'm excited now" I said. "Sure. Come on" he said.

"Carter! Guess what?" I asked. I walked up behind her at Drivers Gully. She's standing on the sidelines watching. She looked over at me calmly. "I'm not doing this. Tell me what you did" she said, unamused. "I found your next two members" I gestured to the pair behind me. Carter turned to Clay and Siren. They smiled and waved. Carter smirked and huffed. "They wont last a week" she said. The pair got salty almost immediately. "You don't know that. If you can turn that into a bandit" I pointed to Tony crashing his bike again. "Then you can turn them into bandits" I said. Carter lifted a finger. "No. That was not my work. They however... I might be able to work with" she said. I smiled. Carter looked at them. "Names" she ordered. "Clay" he said. "Siren" she said. They look scared now. I get it honestly. Carters very intimidating. She squinted at them. "You're thirteen, he's fourteen?" Carter asked. They nodded. "Hey, how old are you?" I asked out of curiosity. "Turned fifteen last month" she said. Tony ran up to us. "You ready to stop trying?" Carter asked. Tony panted for breath, covered in soon to be bruises. "Yeah. At least for today" he panted. "Guys this is Tony. Tony, you remember Siren and Clay. They're our new members" I introduced them. "Honorary members" Carter corrected, raising a hand. "For now at least" she said. "Cool. Can we go home now?" Tony asked. I looked at Clay and Siren. They shrugged. "Ok, lets go" I said.

I honestly don't think my next idea will work. I want to see if Courtney will join, but I don't think she would ditch working for the king just to be a bandit. Especially since Stephanie is her roommate. Still, I'm desperate so I'm here at her door. I took a deep breath and knocked. She answered and seemed surprised to see me. "Hi. Are you looking for Stephanie?" she asked. I raised my eyebrows. Why would I be here for Stephanie? Why does she automatically assume that I wouldn't want to talk to her? "Uh, no. I'm actually here for you" I said. "Oh. Ok. What's going on?" she asked. "I know it's a long shot, but I was wondering if you would want to be a bandit" I said. Her eyebrows shot up in shock. "Why?" she asked confused. She leaned against the doorway and crossed her arms. "You haven't heard? Don't you work for the king?" I asked. "Welcome committee doesn't talk to the king. What's going on?" she asked again. "The bandits are gonna get disbanded if we can't get at least ten members" I said. "What? That's insane" Courtney said. "I know" I sighed. Courtney looked skeptical. She looked back in the house and then back at me. "I would love to help you out, but I can't. I can't ditch my roommates. Besides, I'm kinda partnered with Stephanie and she isn't the fondest of you bandits as you remember" she said. I rolled my eyes and she backed off the doorframe. An idea sprung in my head. I looked back at Courtney. "Do you think that if Stephanie didn't hate us that it would work?" I asked. "Well, that would never happen, and again, I'm not abandoning my roommates" She said. "You don't have too. Bring them with you. We have five members right now. We still need five more" I said. She looked to the side in thought and then looked back at me. "Tell you what. If you can get Stephanie on board with this, I'll get my other roommate to join with me" she said. "Deal" I smiled. 

"No! That's a horrible deal!" Tony shrieked. "Yeah, even I have to agree. There's no way Stephanie will be ok with this" Carter said. "Yeah well, we don't really have another choice at the moment. Besides, this hits two birds with one stone. We get three new bandits and Tony gets to have an earnest conversation and work things out with Stephanie" I looked over at him. "What!? Oh hell no!" Tony yelled. Carter looked at me and then Tony. "Tweens right. Looks like this is our best and only option right now. You're gonna have to grow some balls" Carter said, swirling the drink in her cup. "No. I'm not talking to Stephanie. End of conversation." Tony crossed his arms. Carter sighed. She put the drink down and held up a finger gun at him. His eyes widened. "I never gave you a bullet" He said. "No, but all the other members did before they left. Something about passing on the glory" Carter said with a smirk. He sighed deeply and got up. "You want me to go now?" he asked. Carter nodded and put her hand down. He sighed again. "Let me grab my shoes" He went to his room. I slowly turned to Carter. "What the hell was that?" I asked with a laugh. "Leader gets a special rule. The finger gun. Whenever I catch someone doing something bad, they can either give me a bullet and do something for me, or they can get shot and I'll get them in trouble" She said. I smiled and laughed a little. "That's awesome" I said. "Yep" she smirked. Tony walked out and Carter held out her hand. He pretended to drop a bullet in her hand and she smiled. "Have fun" Carter said. Tony sighed heavily and dragged his feet out the door. "How many times can he sigh like that in a five minute time span?" I asked. Carter huffed a laugh. "He's a cry baby" she walked away. 

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