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Earlier on the beach
Tony's POV
I watched Carter and Emma stroll down the beach. I guess I'm in charge of getting these kids home tonight. Clay trotted back over to Courtney and I, and changed into his mutant form. "Aren't you proud of yourself" I said, with a laugh. He smiled. "Don't blame me for sending her on her way" he said. "Yeah because it was just you" Courtney said, sarcastically. We laughed. "And now you" Clay turned to me. "Excuse me? I don't have a crush" I said. "No, but you have an ex. And she's on this team. So you have a problem" he said. "That's none of your concern" I said. "Yes it is. Its all of our concern. If you two hate each other, one of you will eventually leave. We cant survive any defections" he said. "Wow. You're really into being a bandit" I said, impressed. "He's got a point Tony. You really need to have a talk with Stephanie" Courtney said. I looked at the water where Stephanie, Oliver, and Siren were splashing around. "Well, while you do that, I'm gonna surf. You wanna come Courtney?" Clay asked. "I don't know how to surf but sure" she said. They stood up. "Ill teach you. Come on, lets go get boards" he said. They ran off and I looked back at the water. This is not gonna end well.

I swam out to where Stephanie was. "Hey" I said. She looked over at me. "Hi" she said, looking back to the others. Oliver is now chasing Siren in the water with a super fast vine of sea weed. "Not everyday you meet someone with plant magic" I said, watching them. "Don't say that to him. He used to get swarmed by the kids in his middle school. He hates being special." She said. "Why? His powers are awesome!" I said. She looked over at me. I looked at her and my smile faded seeing her sad look. "You remember what I told you?" she asked. My eyes widened slightly. I looked back at Oliver. "Oh" I said. "As a super, everyone expects more from you. If you mess up even once-" I cut her off. "They neglect you" I finished her sentence. Our eyes met. "I remember." I said. "Oliver messed up once, and then everyone, even his own family, turned on him" she said, looking at Oliver. We had a moment of silence. "Do you remember what I told you?" I asked. She nodded. "How mutants are treated like animals? Like lesser beings? Yeah I remember. Truth is, we're all equal in that matter. Every species is bullied by one another, and so, we do whatever we can to make ourselves feel better" she said. "Which only leads to more bullying" I said. "Yeah" she said. There was another silence. "Well this conversation took a turn real fast" I said, looking at her with a smile. "Yeah. No kidding" she said, with a laugh. "What does this make us? We're kinda like frenemies huh?" I said. Her smiled fell again and she looked at me. "I understand the argument you made now, but I still wont forgive you" she said. "Why?" I asked. "Because you went way to far! A communist? Really? Are you insane?" She said. My ears went down. "I'm sorry! I guess I just... got caught in the heat of the moment" I said, looking down. "I noticed" she said. "Well you zapping me with lightning didn't make it any easier" I said, looking up again. "I was mad! You know I cant control my magic when I'm mad!" She said. "Still, it wasnt helping my case" I said, crossing my arms. "You're really making me want to forgive you" she said sarcastically. I sighed and stood up as straight as the waves would let me. "I'm sorry. For making you mad, and for going to far in our argument... and for that one time I ate your socks while I was drunk" I said, looking to the side on that last part. "Thank you for apologizing. I accept your apology. And I'm sorry for zapping you" she said. "Friends?" I asked. "Friends" she agreed.

We're messing around with Siren and Oliver. "Hey look!" I pointed to Clay and Courtney surfing. Stephanie looked over and got red almost immediately. She looked back down. I tilted my head in confusion. "I didn't think you'd fall for a fourteen year old" I said, shocked and confused. She looked up at me angrily and the water around us stopped moving. "I'm not looking at him you dip shit!" She yelled. "Ok! Calm down before you cause a tsunami" I said. She took a deep breath and the water started moving again. I breathed out relieved. I don't know how someone with such a short temper survived this long with the power to control the weather. She nearly electrocutes herself everyday. "Wait... you like Courtney?" I asked shocked. "Shh!" She shushed me. My jaw hit the floor. "Seriously?" I asked. "Shut up!" She said. Courtney and Clay swam over to us. Courtney leaned her head on Stephanie's shoulder making Stephanie smile and look down at her. "I never want to surf again" Courtney said tiredly. We all chuckled. "You're pretty good for someone whos never done it before." Clay said. Courtney flipped him off. "We should head home. The suns going down" I said. "If we wanna get any food we should leave now before the lines get too long" Siren said. "Last one to our bags gets hit with one of Carters bullets!" Clay said. As soon as he said that, we all bolted out of the water. As soon as I told them about Carters finger gun, they were terrified.

Carter and Emma came back late. Her hair is still damp. I'm cleaning the kitchen. Emma went straight to bed. Carter came and placed her bag down lightly. "Thanks for cleaning up" she said. I smiled. "No problem. Did you guys have fun?" I asked, raising my eyebrow with a smirk. She smiled and shook her head. "She told me" she said. "And what did you say? You better not have broke her" I said pointing at her. She rolled her eyes. "I played along. Told her we'll see what happens." She said with a shrug. "You're so cruel" I said with a smile. She sighed. "I don't know what I'm doing Tony" she said looking down and shaking her head. "She's cool and cute, but I'm not good at relationships. And I don't even really know if I like her that much" she admitted. "Of course not. Its been two weeks. She's younger. She falls in love easily. You have experience" I said. "All my relationships have lasted for three weeks tops" she said. "What about Sara?" I asked. She shot me a death glare and I put my hands up in defense. "I don't want Emma to hate me" she said. "She wont" I said. She looked at me like I was stupid. "She wont! Because this time, you're gonna do something different" I said, pointing at her. She raised an eyebrow. "You have to open up Carter. You cant keep running from your feelings" I said. "I do not!" She said. "You do" I said calmly. Her eyes widened a little and she looked down. "Carter, you know I wont push you to tell me anything. But if you don't tell someone what your running from, you'll be running forever. You cant do that to yourself. You don't deserve it" I said. She took a deep breath. "My past" she said looking up at me. My eyebrows shot up. "I'm running from my past" she said. She picked up her bag and walked to her room.

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