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Courtney's POV
I'm walking down the path to the marketplace. "Hey look guys. Its the new queen" a guy said. I turned around. "I'm not the queen yet actually" I said. "Oh yeah! That's right. You're still just the broken condom that lives here" he said. "The what?" I asked, confused. "You're the mascot. The girl who was the biggest screw up of all time!" His friend said. "But I-" he cut me off. "She's still the little girl that doesn't belong here." He said. "Are you kidding? She doesn't belong anywhere! She's a burden to this island and she'll probably die if she leaves" his friend said. My heart started racing. "I... it wasn't my fault!" I exclaimed. "Maybe not before. But it will be as soon as you sit on that throne" he said. I started to tear up. "But-" he cut me off again. "Aw look at that. She's gonna drown in a pool of her own tears" he said. I started backing up. "I know somewhere she can drown" his friend said. I got confused and as I took my next step back, I fell backwards and down a long dark hole. I crashed through a hard surface and into freezing cold water. I opened my eyes to see the ice shards from the frozen lake. I swam up to the surface and gasped for air.

I jolted up from my bed, drenched in sweat. I panted for breath and patted my hand down next to me looking for Stormy. "Woah! Woah! What are you-" she stopped when she saw my state. "Babe what happened?" She asked concerned. She sat up and I leaned into her chest. I clutched onto her as tight as I could. "Baby what happened?" She asked again. "I had a nightmare. All the teasing came back, and I fell in the lake, and I... I-" she cut me off. "Ok ok. Calm down. Its alright. It was just a nightmare. Everything's ok. I'm right here" she cooed. I let out a shaky breath. "I'm scared. I cant rule the island babe. I don't know what to do" I cried. "That's ok Courtney. I'm gonna be right by your side. Ill always be here to help you and protect you. Now get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow" she said. I took a deep breath. "Ok" I exhaled.

"Ok. We have everything set and ready for today. Did you pick out a dress?" Clay asked. "Yeah. The castle staff have it" I said. "Perfect. We should probably head over there" Clay said. "Right. Ok" I said. Stephanie wrapped her arms around me from behind. I jumped at the touch and turned my head to look at her. "Hey beautiful" she said kissing my head. "Hi" I said softly. "You still stressing?" She asked. "I'm fine" I said calmly. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You cant lie to me darling" she whispered. A chill went down my spine. "We need to get going" I said, walking to the door. "Courtney" Stephanie said. I turned to her. "I'm fine! I swear!" I said nervously. She smiled and raised an eyebrow. "I was gonna say you forgot your bag" she said. I blinked a few times. "Right. My bag" I said. I laughed nervously and grabbed my bag. I hurried out the door. I just wanna get this over with as fast as possible.

I'm the only person whos actually seen a coronation on teen island. I was probably eight or nine when Felix took over. Never in a million years did I think this would be happening to me. "Courtney?" Someone asked. I'm so zoned out that I cant even see whos talking to me. "Courtney?" The voice asked again. I came back into reality and looked around. "Huh?" I asked. "You and Stephanie have a dance lesson for the after party" the girl said. "Who are you?" I asked confused. "I'm Chloe. I'm part of the staff?" She said, trying to make me remember where I am right now. "Right. Ok" I said. "Are you alright? You look like you're gonna throw up" she said. "I might" I mumbled. "What?" She asked. "Nothing. Ok time to dance" I said, running off.

Flowers, dancing, dress, food I don't get to eat. All of these decisions and tasks that I've been stressing through all day. I don't think I can do this. I've been sitting in this folding chair with my head in my hands, looking at the throne for about fifteen minutes. The other bandits and the castle staff are decorating the room around me. They're all so preoccupied that they cant see I'm spiraling. Stephanie has noticed but whenever she talks to me, I just cant seem to get the right words out. Someone tapped my shoulder. I looked over. "You can sit up there you know. You don't have to be queen to sit in a chair" Stephanie said. I looked down. She squatted down next to me. "Babe, what's wrong? You've been weird all day" she said. "I don't know" I said, glancing at the throne. "I don't deserve this, but everyone is so sure about me ruling" I said. "Because we know you're gonna be great" she said. "And I know that I cant do it" I said, looking at her. She frowned. "I wish I knew how to help you" she said. I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. This is happening whether I like it or not. I don't think I've ever seen a vote so unanimous" I said. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. She kissed my head and stood up. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" I said.

I'm supposed to be getting ready and looking over my speech. I practically died while trying to write that damn thing. Now I'm sitting on the grass by the frozen lake in Glacier Garden. Since its right behind the castle, it wasnt hard to get to. I didn't tell anyone Id be here, because I just wanna be alone. I want this day to be over with. I usually hate coming here. All I can remember is when I got thrown again and again into this lake. Now I'm sitting in a ball right next to it because it seems like the lake is the only thing that isn't drastically changing. I started to tear up. I'm so afraid of becoming queen that Id run away from everything I love just to get away from it. I put my head in my knees as I started crying my eyes out. "Courtney?" I heard. I went stiff. "Go away" I said. "You know I wont" he said. I peeked behind me. "What do you want Oliver?" I asked. "To make sure you're alright. Stephanie's really worried about you" he said. He sat next to me. "I know she is" I said. "Why did you come here?" He asked. "I figured no one would look here" I said. "I'm confused. Do you not wanna be queen?" He asked. "Its not that. I have no problem being queen but this is all happening so fast. I'm just... not ready" I said. "That doesn't sound like the Courtney I know. Do you remember when we met?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "Not really no" I said. He rolled his eyes. "It was here actually. I was being bullied by some kids, and you ran in looking furious and kicked their asses right in front of me" he said. "Oh. Yeah, I had just been thrown in the lake and I saw the same guys bullying you" I said. "Do you remember what you told me?" He asked. I shook my head. "When you told me that they threw you in the lake, you said that sometimes you have to act fast to change your destiny. And after that, we became roommates and you never got thrown in the lake again" he said. "Not in real life anyway. I still have nightmares about it" I said. "The point is, things may be moving really fast right now, but its only gonna be good for you in the end. So take charge Courtney. Go kick this coronations ass. I know you can do it" he said. I smiled at him. "Thank you Oliver" I said. "Of course. You know I have to leave the island soon right?" He asked. I nodded. "I know" I said. "Whenever you need me, just call ok? I'm never too busy for my best friend" he said. "Thanks Olly" I smiled. "Don't thank me yet." He said, standing up. He reached out his hand. "Thank me after you get that crown" He said. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

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