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Stephanie's POV
Courtney excused herself after her story. She doesn't look too good. "Hey, if you guys want a good story, ask Tony about his background" I said getting up. "What?! No. Stephanie!" He said. "You owe me one. Now tell them" I said. "Get your ass back here!" He yelled as I walked away.

I found Courtney leaning against a tree looking at her phone with a sad expression. "Babe? Are you ok?" I asked. She shut off her phone. "Yeah I'm fine" she said not making eye contact. "No Courtney. What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothings wrong" she said looking at me. I raised an eyebrow. She looked away. "I know how sensitive you are with that story. Why did you tell them?" I asked. "Cause I've been thinking about it" she said. "Why? What's going on?" I asked. "You should know already. Tony wants to leave Teen Island. He got me thinking about when I have to leave. I don't know how to live in the real world. I grew up here. Everything out there is so... scary" She said. "Tony's leaving? ...ok never mind that. Yes, it is scary out there. But you probably have the biggest bank account compared to anyone else here so I think you'll be ok. Money is everything in the real world" I said. "And I have no idea how to use it" she groaned. "Courtney. Have I ever told you my story?" I asked. She shook her head. "No" she said. "Babe, I wasnt kidnapped and brought here. Most people think I was but I lied. I was sent here. My parents are well aware that I'm here" I said. "Why?" She asked confused. "Because we were poor. Like, really poor. We were lucky if we got to pay our electric bill, or take a warm shower. When I was ten, my parents found out about teen island and told me. After a while, I understood that it was the best decision. So when I turned thirteen, they sent me here. I've seen first hand how awful it can be in the world, and I promise that's not gonna happen to you." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "I'm sure, and Ill help you. We're in this together" I said. "But aren't you going with Tony?" She asked. "What?" I asked confused. "You've been protecting him." She said. My eyes widened. "Oh no. No no no. That's not what's happening. I gave Tony the idea to leave but I'm not leaving, and I'm not protecting him. I'm helping him. He made me promise not to tell you his secret" I said. "Oh. Yeah that makes more sense." She said. "I sure hope it does because I'm still not very fond of him and thinking about me still caring for him is making me nauseous" I said. She giggled and I smiled. "Why else are you sad?" I asked. She hesitated. "This is my home Stormy. I'm not ready to leave it" she said. "You still have time. I can only imagine how scary this is for you, but I'm gonna be here for you ok? You're gonna be alright" I said, putting my hands on her shoulders. She leaned into my chest. "I wanna call them" she mumbled. "Your parents? Is that what was on your phone?" I asked looking down. "Mhm" she hummed. "Why didn't you?" I asked. She took a shaky breath. "Are you crying?!" I panicked. She clutched onto me. "I'm scared" she cried. I rubbed her back. "Its ok. Its alright. You can wait babe. You don't have to do it now. You have all the time in the world" I said. "No! I have to do it or I never will! I have to do it before I leave! And I have to do it myself!" She cried. I wiped the tears from her eyes. "You still have plenty of time. Breathe babe. You can do it a different time. Right now, I think you need to wait and calm down" I said. She hugged me and ducked into my shoulder. "I love you so much" she cried. "I love you too" I said rubbing her back.

Tony's POV
"Huh. I don't think you've even told me about your backstory" Carter said. "Yeah cause I'm not very fond of it" I growled. "Sucks for you Foxy. I'm not quite sure why you owe Stephanie, but if you don't tell because of that, Ill use my own leverage" she said, pointing her finger gun at me. Noah and Joey looked confused. The rest of us are tense. I took a deep breath. "Fine." I spat. "Always works" she said. I rolled my eyes. "Ok... I was born into a rich family. I lived in a mansion, had every nice car you could imagine, and my dad owned a hell of a lot of businesses. My mom was a lawyer. Even my brother was a champion baseball player. I was expected to follow in his footsteps. My dad pushed me so hard, and it didn't help that I actually am good at baseball. Thing is, I hate it. I like sports. Just not baseball. My dad would make me get up before dawn to practice. I won awards, went to summer camps, and it was mandatory that I went to all of my brothers games. All of that pushing made me hate it more and more. The more my dad pushed, the more I hated him too... and then I bit him" I said. "What?!" They all said. "Yeah. Not my proudest moment. I was swimming in my fox form. Dad came to me and told me to get out so I could practice. I reminded him that he said I could take a break today because he had hit me in the face with the ball the day before on accident. He refused and still forced me to get out. I got so mad during our fight that I bit his ankle so hard that he had to go to the hospital. My mom wasnt home very often since she was always working, but she was home a lot more after that cause my dad decided to sue me. Mom sided with me thank god. She defended me in court and thanks to her skill, we won. After that, I was known as a disappointment. My brother never even found out what happened to me before I was kidnapped and brought here. When I got here, I still remembered my moms number and I texted her to tell her I was ok and not to come for me. I actually still talk to her even now" I said. "Well, the last part of that story is sweet" Emma said. I smiled. "I love my mom. She tried to be there for me. I don't blame her for what happened. And she knows I'm safe so everything's ok" I said. "Well, I think we've had enough stories for tonight. Clearly the alert we got was a fake so we'll go home in the morning. Ill put out the fire. The rest of you, go to bed. Goodnight everyone" Carter said. A collection of goodnights came from the group as we got up. "Tony wait a second" Carter said. I stopped and waited. She grabbed a bucket. "Come with me to get the water" she said. I followed her.

"Why have you never told me your story?" She asked. "Because I may have left out all the verbal abuse" I said. Her eyebrows shot up when she looked at me. "But why didn't you tell me the story without it?" She asked. "I didn't want you to see me as some sad boy who needed to heal. I wanted to seem tougher after seeing how you act all the time. I guess I was... inspiring up to you" I said. She smiled. "That actually means a lot. Thanks Tony. And I'm sorry that all happened to you" she said. "Its alright. Its not your fault" I said. "So I inspire you?" She asked with a smirk. I smiled. "A little" I said with a laugh. We started walking back to the fire. I need to tell her. If only to get it off my chest. "Carter wait" I said, stopping. She put the bucket down. "You couldn't have said that before I was carrying the bucket of heavy water?" She groaned. "I need to tell you something" I said. She looked at me concerned. "You look sad and guilty. Are you ok?" She asked. "Carter... I don't expect anything from you, and I really just need to get this off my chest. You're my best friend Carter, and when you broke down for me in the hospital, I kinda... felt something" I said. She raised an eyebrow. I sighed. "I may have developed a crush on you. But I don't want you to be mad at me! And I don't want this to make things weird with Emma! I just needed to tell you" I said. She was stunned. "Weirdo" she said, turning back around. I was shocked by her response. "So, its ok?" I asked. "Yeah" she said, picking up the bucket. She turned to me. "This is always what happens when guys and girls are friends. One of them always falls. Its all good" she said. She walked away and I texted Stephanie.

"I told her" - Tony

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