Courtneys Coronation

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Courtney's POV
I just put on my dress and I'm finishing my makeup. "Wow" I heard. I looked over and smiled at Stephanie. I stood up and walked to her. "You look beautiful" she said. "Thank you" I said. She's wearing a strapless jumpsuit with a blazer that matches my dress. "Are you ready?" She asked. "I guess so" I said. "You're gonna do great. We're all in the front row" she said. I nodded. "You have your speech ready?" She asked. "Yeah. Now go to your seat so we can start this thing" I said. "Is that an order?" She asked. "Yep. Your queen demands it" I said with a laugh. She chuckled and pecked my lips. "Good luck babe" she said. "Thank you" I said.

I'm fidgeting with my thumbs. Everyone's in the throne room, waiting for me to open these doors and walk in as if I'm getting married. I think getting married would be less stressful though. I took a deep breath. "Ma'am? Are you ready? Should I signal the music?" A guy asked. I looked at him. "Yes. Thank you" I said. He nodded and ran off. I heard the speakers turn on and took another deep breath. "Now introducing, our new ruler. Queen Courtney" a boy announced over the speakers. I held my head up as the doors opened and I made my way down the red carpet. The music started as I came in but I didn't really pay attention. I glanced to the side and smiled when I saw Stephanie and my friends. I got up to the throne and turned around to face the crowd. A boy walked to me and I lowered my head to him so he could place the crown on my head. He handed me a microphone and walked back away and I looked to the crowd again. I took a deep breath. Here we go. "First, thank you all for being so excited just at the mention of me ruling. Especially since, until a few days ago, I would have never thought about doing it. Throughout my whole life, I've always felt like I was just the mascot for this island. I felt like a failure, or a mistake. A lot of people resented me for being born here even though I had no control over that. But now, I'm glad that you all see me as one of you. Someone whos just as broken and hurt, but is pushing through to make their life better. I don't regret my life, and I don't resent my parents for what they did to me. Instead, I'm grateful to this entire island for giving me the greatest childhood I could have asked for, and now I'm happy to repay the favor. I promise to do better then Felix did, and not to lie to you like he did. I have to thank the teen bandits separately because they were always there for me even before I became one of them. And since we're all teens, and none of us wanna hear a super long speech, I only have one more thing to say. To all the boys who used to throw me in the frozen lake... go fuck yourself" I shot up my middle finger. The crowd applauded and I smiled. I gave back the microphone.

"And now, the first dance" the guy announced over the speakers. Everyone stepped aside from the floor and I walked down to it. Stephanie walked to me and held out her hand. I smiled and took it. The music started and we began to swirl around the room. "You did good babe" she whispered. "Thank you" I whispered back. "Try not to fall this time" she whispered. She twirled me around and then pulled me back into her. I bit my lip to hold in my smile. "Fifty seventh times the charm apparently" I said. She chuckled quietly. Every time she spun me at rehearsal, I fell on my ass, but not this time so I'm very happy. "Try not to drop me this time" I whispered back in a mocking tone. She dipped me and smirked. "That was only once" she said, before she pulled me back up. "And by the way-" she started. She pulled me into her. "You've always been my queen" she said. "Duh" I said. We giggled.

Its the next day. The castle beds are like heaven. Now I'm on the docks with the rest of the bandits. People keep looking at me weird. I guess that's because Felix always stayed in the castle, but I carry a gun on me so I'm not really scared of anything. Oliver and his boyfriend are leaving. "You sure you got everything?" I asked. "Yes Courtney. Are you guys sure you'll be ok with only five bandits?" Oliver asked. "If Carter could build from two, I can build from five" Clay assured him. "Babe! We gotta go!" Louis called. "Bye guys." Oliver said. We all hugged him. "Thanks for everything" Oliver said. "No. Thank you" I said. He smiled at me and left to get on the boat. "So, your majesty. What are you gonna do now?" Noah asked. "Well first, I'm gonna fix a stupid decision and make Athletes Overlook an actual zone" I said. "Yes!" Clay said. We laughed. "And then, I think I'm gonna lay low for a while. Things have been moving so fast lately. I could use a break" I said. "We all could" Stephanie said. "I have a feeling that we'll be fine. We've already proven that we can handle anything thrown our way" Clay said. "Yeah no kidding" Hazel said. "Oh and before you go. Here" Clay said. He held out his finger gun. "You had that the whole time?!" We exclaimed. "Yep. I want you all to take it. I think it'll be more fun if we all get to sneak up on each other" Clay said. We laughed. "No complaints here! Give it!" Stephanie said. "So, whos gonna call Emma and Carter and tell them about Courtney?" Noah asked. "Not it!" The rest of us yelled. Noah sighed. "Ok" he groaned.

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