Tour Guide

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Sirens POV
Joey showered in the morning and then went right back to bed. She really is exhausted. Carter told me to stay with her while everyone else went out. She says its so Joey doesn't wake up and hurt herself or break anything, but I think it had something to do with what I said yesterday on the beach. Now its noon and I'm watching tv. Joey slowly turned her head over and I looked at her. She looks hung over. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." I said. She closed her eyes and groaned. "Are you ok?" I asked. "I'm sore everywhere" she said. "I guess you and Joker kinda share the same body" I said. "My body morphs into her. We are the same person. She doesn't have to deal with this though because she never gets the after math. She's never experienced pain" she groaned. "Alright, enough ranting. Do you want some water?" I asked. "No" she whined. "You look miserable" I laughed. "Shut up. You cant possibly know what pain I'm in" she said turning away from me. "No. I cant, but I can keep you company while it goes away. That's why Carter left me here." I said. "Good for you." She said not caring. "Yeah I'll get you some water" I said.

She's awake now. "Are you better now?" I asked. "Mhmm" she said. "So can you tell me about Jokers powers?" I asked. "I don't know them. She seems like a God to me. Like she can do anything. It actually makes me feel kinda useless" she said. "You're not useless" I said. She raised an eyebrow. "Noah said you're really smart. That's useful" I said. "Yeah, well, that's what happens when you're on the run for two years" she says. "What happened to you before? Before you came here?" I asked. "My power isn't normal. I have one of the four power mutations. Type D, also known as the rarest one of all. Power of Pranks. My mom has enhanced vision, and my dad has super strength. This definitely isn't what they wanted. They tried to hide my power as much as possible, but I never understood why. I didn't even know I had it until one new years. I got caught in the smoke, woke up in the hospital" she said. "The hospital?" I asked shocked. "Yeah. Joker had a blast. Literally. Tore my ear in the process" she said. "Oh" I said. "After that, I was so mad at my parents. I thought that maybe if we had tried sooner, that we could get Joker under control, but no. They didn't want that to happen. They wanted to look normal so even after all that happened, they still pretended like I didn't have powers. I had so many questions. They wouldn't answer them, and I couldn't go to anyone else because no one knows anything about my magic. After that I got kidnapped and brought here. Do you know how hard it is to be special? When no one can help you?" She asked. My eyes widened. "Actually, yes. I know all about the mutations. I have type B." I said. "You're a songbird?" She asked shocked. I nodded. "Emma and Clay helped me get control of my powers. They were just lucky that there happened to be a songbird on the island before me. I couldn't control my magic until last year so yeah I get it" I said. She smiled. "My parents weren't too proud of my magic either. I don't know anything about your powers, but Ill help you as much as I can" I said. "Thanks" she smiled.

"And what happened when you came here?" I asked. "I had roommates of course, but they kicked me out after Joker did something. I wish I could remember what she does. Anyway, I kept trying to give Joker more chances but she just got me more and more in trouble. And then the king sent his guards to get me" she said. "That explains why Carter and Tony have never seen you before. You've been here the same amount of time" I said. "Yeah. I never figured out why they never sent the bandits after me. I only got caught because I tripped on my smoke bombs and turned into Joker in front of a guard" she said. I laughed. "So you must know a lot about the island" I said. "Every little bit. The only thing I didn't know anything about was the bandits, but that's changed now. So yeah, I know everything about this place" she said. "I haven't even been here for a year and I've seen way more then I expected to" I said. She smiled. "Time flies" she said. We went silent for a moment. "Do you wanna see more?" She asked. "What?" I asked confused. "The rest of the island. Come on, lets have some fun. Ill give you a tour" she said. "Uh... ok" I said.

"Where are we?" I asked. "Athletes Overlook. The people here have been fighting to make this place a real zone forever, but it isn't. So the sporty kids built it, named it, and claimed it themselves" she said. "Wow" I said. "Every sport you can think of is here" she said. "Do you play sports?" I asked. "Yeah. I play field hockey. Its so fun. I also like rugby but field hockey is more my thing" she said. "Cool" I said. "Do you wanna play?" She asked. "I'm not really a sporty person" I said. "That's ok. We can play something simple. Do you like ping pong?" She asked. "That's a sport?" I laughed. "Yeah! Come on" she said. She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her.

"That was fun. Where are we going now?" I asked. "You ever been to Lovers Cove?" She asked. I looked at her confused. "No. People say its gross cause everyone just hooks up there" I said. She laughed. "Its not gross. People don't just hook up there. When it was named the most romantic spot on the island, they weren't kidding. Its a beautiful place. Its reputation actually makes it better because no one wants to go there. It makes for a good date spot" She said. "Oh ok. So why are you taking me there?" I asked with a smirk. She glanced at me with a smirk and I was taken back. She laughed. "Relax. I'm just gonna show you the place" she said.

The water is silent here. Not one movement. There are a few wooden cabins here and there. "What's with the cabins?" I asked. "Those are the reason that this place has the bad reputation. If you stay out of the cabins, its a great place" she said. "Oh" I said grossed out. "Here, come sit" she said. We sat down on some rocks near the shore. "Do you come here often?" I asked. "No. I actually haven't been here since I got rejected" she said. I huffed. "Who was stupid enough to reject you?" I asked. "One of my old roommates. We all came here together to hang out in peace. I told the girl I liked about my feelings and not only was she straight, but also homophobic. That's why they kicked me out" she said. "Damn. That sucks" I said. "Yeah" she said. "Whos your old roommate?" I asked. "Her name was Benny" she said. I bursted out laughing. She looked at me confused. "Do you know her?" She asked. "Know her? That bitch got owned by Clay when he told her off! Ha! I'm sorry but it was hilarious" I said. She smiled. "The thought of that happening is very amusing" she said. I looked at her. "She doesn't know what she's missing. You are an amazing woman Joey. Both sides of you are" I said. She smiled. "Thank you. You're pretty cool too" she said. I looked back at the water. I wanna say something but I don't wanna make this awkward. "I wish I could talk to her." She said. I looked back at her. "Just to get to know her" she said. "Who? Joker?" I asked. She nodded. "Maybe you can. What if you did that thing where you write her a note and then go back and forth" I said. "I've tried. She cant spell... or write... or hold a pencil" she said. "How do you know the last one?" I asked. "Because she snapped it in half" she said. We laughed. "I could act as a sort of translator for you" I said. She shook her head. "No. Ill figure it out eventually. There has to be a way" she said. "I'm always here if you need help" I said. She looked at me. "I don't need help with Joker, but maybe with something else" she said. "What else?" I asked. She scooted over to me and kissed my cheek. I immediately got red. "Sorry" she said. "Don't apologize" I smiled. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. We sat there for a minute. "Shit. I hope Joker likes you" she said looking over. "Don't let her kill me" I said. "Ill try" she said.

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