Girl Problem

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Noah's POV
"Ok Noah. Go ahead. Try to cover up your bullshit" Farrah said. "Ok. Darrel forced me to come with him here. He was trying to bring Emma back home after she left to come here. He ended up almost killing her... so I almost killed him instead. After that, I was given an offer. Stay here as a bandit to protect the island, or stay here in prison. I'm sorry I didn't contact you, but I've had a lot going on. I really forgot everything. I'm sorry" I said. "I bet you are. You've been gone for almost a year. You didn't once think about me?" She asked. I looked down. "No. I know I'm a horrible boyfriend. I know I cant be forgiven for that. But I really am sorry" I said. "You should be" she growled. "So what now? You gonna go home empty handed? Did you come here just to get an answer?" I asked. She ran her hands through her hair. "I cant go home. Ill just be blamed more. Its so bad, you have no idea. Even your sister is starting to get shit" she said. "Wow. I really didn't expect that they'd notice I was gone, let alone go after you and Hazel" I said. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Is it really that nice here?" She asked. I nodded. "It is" I said. She sighed. "Fine. Ill stay. But not for you. I have no intention of staying with you or even trying to see you after this conversation." She said. "Farrah, please-" I said. "No Noah. What you did was bad" she said. She walked away. "I'm gonna kill myself" I grumbled.

"So your ex girlfriend is here and has a super vendetta against you?" Emma growled. I'm in a hell of trouble if you couldn't guess. "Yeah" I said. Emma took a deep breath. "Does she pose a threat?" She asked. "Not to the island. Definitely to me. If she even sees me, she'll kill me" I said. "I would too! That's bad Noah" Emma said. "I know. I just... she wont even let me try and make it up to her" I said. "Duh! She hates you" she said. I put my head in my hands. "The worst part is that I do still love her" I said. "Then you better think of something fast" she said. "Its not that simple" I said. "How could this get more complicated?" Emma asked. I dropped my hands and looked at her. "Farrah is a werewolf" I said. She blinked at me and then looked down. "And you're her mate" she said. "Uh huh" I said. "And she's pissed at you, which means the wolf is pissed at you, which explains the wanting to kill you" she said. "Yep" I said. She took another deep breath. "Ok. You need to lay low for a while. Let her settle in and calm down. After a while, you can slowly make your way back into her life. If you're her mate then she's sure to come back to you" she said. "I got a new phone when I came here since Darrel had mine when we came. The only reason I must have forgotten is because of everything going on, and because I didn't see her on my lock screen anymore" I said. "Darrel has your phone?" She asked. "Yeah why?" I asked. "I have all of Darrel's stuff. You can find it!" She said. "Where is it?!" I asked. We bolted to her room and rummaged through the box of Darrel's stuff. "Here it is!" I said. I turned it on to be met with a picture of me and Farrah at our freshman homecoming. "Wow I really fucked up" I said. "Its ok Noah. You'll fix it" She said.

I have a bunch of messages from her. All from after I left.

"Hey are you ok? You weren't at school."
"Are you sick? You've never missed this much school????"
"Noah this isn't funny."
"Are you ok? Did something happen?"
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Your sister came looking for me. She thought you were with me. Where the fuck did you go??"
"Noah, people are starting to think I kidnapped you or something. Please hurry back."
"Noah please be ok. I don't know what happened to you, but I really hope you're not in danger."
"I'm hoping Darrel knows where you are."
"Uh, why are you, Darrel, and Emma all missing? What the hell is going on?"
"Where did you go!?"
"I found Darrel's plans. I'm coming to find you and if you're alive, you better have a good excuse"
"I'm almost at Teen Island. I'm starting to smell your scent. I'm so mad at you for what you've done. But I'm also sad. I love you Noah. Why would you do this to me? This has been hell. I really needed you. I hate that I'm so mad at you, but no matter what's about to happen, just know that I love you so much"

The last message killed me. She still loves me. I plugged in both of my phones and started the transfer process. When it was done, I deleted my family's numbers and texted Farrah. "This is my new phone. I never saw your messages until I found my old one today. I'm still so sorry, and if you still mean it, I love you too" I sent. The bubbles appeared on the screen but then went away. I sighed and tapped the side of my phone in thought. "Ill do anything to convince you that I love you more than anything" I sent. I tapped the side of my phone again waiting for something. The bubbles appeared again. "We'll see" she replied. That's better then nothing. "Hey dude" Oliver came in. I dropped my phone on my chest. "Hi" I said. "You look like hell. I heard what happened. You ok?" He asked. "I cant believe I was such a douche bag. I cant believe I forgot the love of my life" I said. "You'll be ok man. That's how love works. It gets beat around harder then anything, but then it gets back up. You'll figure it out eventually" he said. "How are you so wise when you're single?" I asked. "Because I'm not single. I just don't have a partner whos a bandit, like the girls do. I have a successful relationship with my boyfriend even without him being a bandit." He said. "Oh. I didn't know you had a boyfriend. That's nice for you" I said. "Everything will be ok with you and your girl. Alright?" He said. I nodded. "Ok" I said. I opened my phone again and looked at the photos of her I have. How could I forget such an angel? I'm such a asshole. I will never live this down. I will spend the rest of my life regretting and trying to make it up to her.

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