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Carters POV
I'm so glad my period is over. It came early this month. "Hey Carter" Tony said. "Hey" I said. The others are all out on "patrol." They're probably not patrolling but I don't care. "So what's going on with you and Emma?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Nothing" I said confused. "Oh come on. You've slept together a few times now" he said. "Yeah. Sleep only. When you say it like that, it sounds like you're implying something else" I said. "Still, you guys have to be more than friends" he said. "I'm sure she'd love that" I said. "And you wouldn't?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know" I said. "Seriously? Come on man. Its obvious that you like her. You gotta ask her out. Take her to Lovers Cove or something." He said. "Ew! Lovers Cove is a cum stain on this island" I said. "That's a little dramatic. Have you ever been there?" He asked. "No" I said. "Then how can you judge? I've been there a few times. Its actually not that bad. Take her out there. You wont regret it" he said. "You think I'm gonna take advice from you?" I asked. "I think that you wanna take Emma on a date but you're too scared to do it" he said. My eyebrows shot up. "You think I'm scared?" I asked shocked. He smirked. "You're terrified" he said. I clenched my fists. "You know what? Fine! Ill ask her out." I snapped. "Good." He said.

Emma's POV
I'm watching tv in bed. Carter walked in without knocking, as always. "Hi Carter" I said flipping through channels. "Will you go out with me?" She asked. I looked at her shocked. "Um... sure" I said confused. "Great. We'll go later tonight. Dress warm, we're going to Glacier Garden" she said. "Ok" I said still shocked. She turned around and left.

Not an hour later does Siren and Clay come in. "What do you two want?" I asked. "To help you prepare for your date" Clay said. I rolled my eyes and looked down. "Why?" I asked. "Well, I was gonna help you with makeup. I don't know why he's here" Siren said. "To make sure you look good. I'm picky with women. I'm gonna tell you whether you look good or not" Clay said. I glared at him. "And you wonder why you're single" Siren said. I laughed. "Thanks, but we're just going to Glacier Garden. Not anything special" I said. "Oh wow. Carter fooled Tony. He thinks you're going to Lovers Cove" Siren said. "Nope" I said. "Well, we're gonna help you regardless so get up. Lets go" she said. I sighed and slid off my bed.

Carters POV
I cant believe Tony talked me into this. Jokes on him cause I'm still not going to Lovers Cove. I walked out of my room and knocked on Emma's door. I heard a lot of loud banging. "Give us a second!" Siren yelled. "Help me!" Emma yelled. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. "Wow. Nice outfit" Tony said sarcastically. I flicked him off. "Shove it up your ass" I said. Siren walked out. "You're going out with a biter. I tried, but she doesn't like people touching her face apparently" Siren said. "Come on" Clay groaned. I looked at the hallway. Clay dragged Emma, who is very unhappy, out of the hallway. She walked up to me. "I hate you both" she said, looking at Siren and Clay. I took in Emma's appearance. She's stunning. I'm not gonna tell her yet though. Cant let the others know I have actual feelings. "You two are made for each other. You both don't know how to dress for a date" Tony said. I rolled my eyes. "Lets go before we get ridiculed by everyone else" I said. "Aw, why don't we get a turn?" Courtney asked, pretending to be disappointed. Emma and I looked at each other unamused and then left.

"So why Glacier Garden?" She asked. "Tony thinks I'm bringing you to Lovers Cove. He cant spy on us if he doesn't know where we are" I said. "Would he do that?" She asked. "Definitely" I said. "So... did you want to ask me out? Or did Tony force you?" She asked. "He forced me to do it sooner then planned" I said. "So you did?" She asked. I took her hand in mine. "Yeah" I said. We walked in silence for a while. Once we got to Glacier Garden, I spoke again. "You do look amazing by the way" I said. She looked over at me. "Thanks. Three hours of being poked and prodded at and Siren almost lost her hand trying to put mascara on me" she smirked. I laughed. "You're definitely something" I said. She smiled. "So why did you pick Glacier Garden specifically?" She asked. I shrugged. "I come here to escape my feelings. Its quiet and calm" I said. "Why would you want to escape your feelings?" She asked. I sighed. "Its easier that way" I said. "Easier to do what?" She asked. I bit the inside of my lip. "Carter... are you holding back your thoughts?" She asked, confused. I looked to the side. "Here, sit down" I said. We sat in the snowy grass. "Holding back my feelings lets me hold back the thoughts that I don't like. That's why I'm a bitch most of the time. I come here, to let out what I don't usually show" I said. "If there are thoughts you don't like then you need to come to terms with them" she said. I shook my head. "Its not that easy. If it was, I would have done it already, and yes, I've tried" I said. "Do you wanna tell me?" She asked. I hesitated. "Not right now" I said. She leaned her head on my shoulder. "I'm here for you Carter" she said. "Thanks" I said. I looked up and saw something that would make a perfect distraction. "You wanna go ice skating?" I asked.

Emma's POV
This is not gonna end well. "You know I'm horrible at skating right?" I asked. "No. Why would I know that?" Carter asked. I looked at her unamused. She laughed. I went back to tying my skate. "Let me help you" she said. "Just don't suffocate my foot" I said. She stood up and held out her hand for me. I took it and we got on the ice. "Congratulations. You've now done the main thing there is to do at Glacier Garden. Going ice skating on the only frozen pond we have" she said. I giggled. "Thanks?" I said. She held my hand and guided me around as I clutched onto her for dear life. I glanced up and saw a guy. From here he kinda looks like my brother. I panicked and fell backwards. Carter leaned over me. "Are you ok?" She asked. I looked back up but didn't see the guy. I looked at Carter. "Yeah. Other then my head pounding" I groaned. "Come on. You gotta sit down" she said.

I'm leaning my head on her shoulder and she has her arm around me. She's staring off into space. I examined her closely. "Carter?" I asked. She looked over at me. "What did you do on other dates?" I asked. "Raid the night market, do tricks at Drivers Gully, late night swim. Stuff like that" she said. "That last one sounds a little too romantic for you" I said. "That one wasnt my idea" she said. "Who was the smart girl then?" I asked. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Come on, who was it?" I asked. She sighed. "Her name was Sara." She said. "And?" I asked. She groaned. "She was the longest relationship I had. We lasted a few months" she said. "What happened?" I asked. "She lied to me. Never told me that she was a criminal. She hacked into other peoples accounts and when they left the island, they had nothing. She seemed like a great person, but when I revealed her secret, she immediately turned on me. I had to turn her in" she said. "Oh" I said. "She's still here actually. We're the same age. She's in the kings dungeon right now" she said. "Wow" I said. "I really don't like talking about her. She fooled me. The whole team hated her and I didn't listen to them" she said, getting angry. "Carter everyone makes mistakes. Its ok" I said. She shook her head. "Not anymore." She said, looking at me. I kissed her cheek and she went stiff. "You don't have to be afraid of messing up around me. Mistakes are apart of life. It makes it more fun" I said. She smiled at me. "We should head home. It gets really cold out here after dark" she said.

We're walking home. "Carter?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said. "What's your story?" I asked. "What?" She said confused. "Everyone on this island has a story. What's yours? Why are you here?" I asked. "That's a... that's an interesting question" she said nervously. "That you're avoiding" I said, raising an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. "Fine, but you cant tell anyone. I'm not particularly fond of this story" she said. "I wont" I said. She sighed. "Ok. Well, like you, I was afraid of coming out to my parents. When I finally did tell them, they kicked me out. I went to my friends, my family, anyone that I knew. No one would take me in. They all shoved me out. I was only on the streets for a few days before a bandit found me. The bandits had the 'honor' of kidnapping that night, and Taylor stumbled across me late at night. She didn't even have to kidnap me. I willingly went with her." She said. "Is that why she took you under her wing?" I asked. "That was part of it. She took pity on me. I was depressed and I didn't care what happened to me at that point." She said. I hugged her. "I'm sorry that happened to you" I said. "Its fine. I'm glad I told you. I've been running from it for a long time. When you told me about what happened with your family, and when you ran away, I knew I wanted you under my wing, because you remind me of myself" she said. "Really?" I asked. She nodded. "You got luckier than I did" she said. I smiled. "Thanks Carter" I said. "Of course. Come on" she said. We kept walking. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked. "Sure" she said.

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