Story Time

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Emma's POV
I'm walking through the marketplace with Riley. "I didn't think humans could be super hero's" I said. "A persons species doesn't change a persons talent, or their desire to make a difference" Riley said. "If you're a super hero, you must have a good family. Why did you end up here?" I asked. "I'm not sure. I mean, my real family is a bust. But I was taken in by my teammates. They're my friends and now they're kinda like family so I'm not sure why I was brought here" she said. "Whos this team you talk about?" I asked. "The arrows. The original arrows were all human, and now their kids have taken over the duty. I may not be the child of an original arrow, but I'm still part of the team" she said. "I think I've heard of them. Its been a few years, but it sounds familiar" I said. She smiled. "Why is your real family a bust?" I asked. "Well, my mom died when I was born. My dad was a dead beat. He spent all his money buying me stuff that I didn't want or need. I needed food, but god forbid he bought that. If I hadn't made friends with Dylan, I would have starved. Eventually my dad left and I fended for myself until Retro offered to make me an arrow" she said. "Dylan and Retro. Are those your friends?" I asked. "Yeah. I mean, I have a lot of friends but those are my best friends" she said. "At least you're ok now" I said. "What happened to you?" She asked. I looked down. "I don't really wanna talk about it" I said crossing my arms. She stared at me for a moment. "That's ok." She said. "So, what have you had to face as a hero?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "Its hard to explain the backstory for this so just go with me" she said. "Hit me with it" I said with a laugh. "Giant robotic dinosaurs" She said. My eyebrows shot up. "I wish I was kidding. They're a pain in the ass" she said rolling her eyes. I chuckled. "What have you bandits had to do?" She asked. I choked on my spit and she smacked my back. After I finished coughing my lungs out I took a deep breath. "Sorry. We've just, been through a lot. I think that's a question you should ask the whole team. It'll be a good way to get to know them" I said. "Ok" she said. "That actually gives me an idea. We could use a retreat. I'm calling a team meeting. Come on, lets head back home" I said.

"You wanna go on a retreat?" Oliver asked. "Yeah. We could use a break. We need some team building time." I said. "As long as we're not going back to the woods" Noah said. "Nope. Although we are going camping again. This time, it'll be on the beach" I said. "That's a great idea. Plus, its time for the team photo again. We can do it on the beach" Courtney said. "It is? Damn I didn't even know that. Thanks for the reminder Courtney. Alright, everyone go pack a bag" I said.

We're all sitting around the campfire. "Alright Riley. Why don't you ask your question" I said laying back on the sand. The team looked at her. "I'm curious on what you guys have done to protect the island" Riley said. "You want the long version, or the short bits?" Courtney asked. "What do you mean?" Riley asked. "The long version" we all said. Riley looked confused. "Well, from what we know, this whole team is Emma's fault" Clay said. I sat up, slapped him, and laid back down. The group laughed. "You make it sound like I did something wrong" I said. "Emma brought us all in" Courtney said. "Yeah. When she got here there was only two bandits and then Emma joined. The king was gonna disband us but then Emma got all of us to join and we got to stay." Oliver said. "Really?" Riley asked shocked. She looked at me and I shrugged. "I guess I helped" I shrugged. "We saved a sea serpent, fought off a dragon" Siren said, counting on her fingers. "Fought Emma's douche bag brother" Noah added. "And our old boss's ex girlfriend" Clay said. "You gotta be specific with that Clay. We fought her evil ex girlfriend. Not Emma" Stephanie said. "You dated the old boss?" Riley asked looking at me. "I don't know what they're talking about. We fight all the time" I said. "Emma dated our boss, Carter, for a while before they broke up so Carter could be with her boy toy" Stephanie said. "Ew. You make it sound so gross. And that's not why we broke up" I said. "Sounds like you guys have been through tough shit" Riley said. "Tough shit? We've been to hell and back" Siren said. "See, I cant say that anymore cause I've actually been to hell and its not that bad" Riley said. I sat up and we all looked at her like she was crazy. "What? I know demons" she shrugged. We all looked back at each other and brushed it off. "Anyway, where's your girl?" I asked Siren. Siren looked around. "Joey" she sang. Nothing happened. "Weird. That usually gets her to come to me" Siren said. "Maybe its not Joey" I said. She shrugged. "Joker" she sang. She waited a second and then looked back at me. "That spell has never failed" she said. "Siren! I hear you! But I'm having a problem!" Joey yelled. Siren got up and walked to where Joeys voice is. "Guys!" Siren yelled in distress. We all got up and ran over there.

"Well... add that to the list of things we've done" Noah said. Joey is half transformed. She's her normal height with Jokers red ears and tail. "Babe, are you ok?" Siren asked. "I don't know. I can hear her. Its like we're both present" Joey said. "Ok Jokey. What happened?" I asked. "I get these small itches when Joker wants to come out. I figured this was just a normal one and I went to transform but then this happened" she said. Jokeys hand slapped her in the face. "What!?"  Jokey said. The hand flicked her off. "Why are you yelling at me! This isn't my fault!" She snapped. "Wait. Joker is talking to you?" Siren asked. "Duh. Have you never not seen Joker run her big mouth?" Jokey asked. Her hand slapped her again. "Stop it!" She yelled. "Does Joker know what's going on?" I asked. "I don't know. She cant hear you, but she wont talk to me" Jokey said. "Do you think she'll talk to me?" Siren asked. "Probably, but she cant-" Jokey stopped and put her hands on her head. She looked down and gripped her hair. When she looked back up, her eyes were red. She looked at her hands. "Ha! You're short Joey." Jokers voice came out. We all looked at her confused. "Well you are! Its not my fault you haven't had a growth spurt" Jokey said. Her hand slapped her again. "Ow! Oh, I see how that hurts now" she said. "Joker. What's going on?" Siren asked. "We tipped the balance. She's been spending too much time as herself and hasn't given me enough time out" Jokey said. "How do we stop this?" I asked. She shrugged. "I might actually be able to help you" Riley said. "How?" Jokey asked. "My friends uncle had a similar problem. His solution was being separated from his other half completely. I don't think that's gonna work here, but I do think that the same healing method would help you" Riley said. "What is it?" Jokey asked. "You need to have a heart to heart with the person you care about the most. The most powerful magic comes from love, friendship, and family. So Siren should be able to help you" Riley said. We all looked at Siren. She panicked and looked back at Jokey. "Lets give them some space guys" I said.

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