A Wedding

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Courtney's POV
"Emma? Can I talk to you?" I asked. "Yeah what's up?" She asked. "I reached out to my parents last year, and they're getting married. I was wondering if Stephanie and I could leave for a bit so I can go to the wedding. We're gonna come back, but is that ok?" I asked. "Of course Courtney. Have fun. Oh, and don't wear white" she said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that stupid" I said.

Going on a visit trip is one of the hardest things ever. There isn't an actual boat for it. You have too find a way to get one. Luckily, I'm on the welcome committee, so I have perks. The trip to Florida takes two days so Stephanie is speeding up the current under us. My parents are waiting for us at the docks. I'm scared to meet them. I don't know what to say or do. We're almost there. The boat slowed. "What are you doing? We're almost there?" I said confused. "We cant just speed into the docks. We'd get arrested. Besides, you need to talk" Stephanie said. She stood next to me at the steering wheel. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. "Calm down. You're gonna be ok" she said. "I'm scared. I've never left Teen Island, and I have to meet my parents, and go to a wedding. I'm freaking out so bad I think I'm gonna pee myself" I said. "Babe its ok. Ill be right here the whole time. You'll have nothing to worry about. Just squeeze my hand" she said. I smiled and kissed her. "Ok. How do you park on a normal dock?" I asked. "I got it" she said taking the wheel.

Stephanie got the boat all tied up. "Are you ready?" She asked. "No" I said stepping off the boat. I grabbed my bag and she grabbed hers. I helped her step out and we walked down the dock. There's so many people. This is so weird. So many old white men with stupid hats. I guess these are what's called fishermen. They are disgusting. Stephanie walked me to the parking lot. "So what are we looking for?" She asked. I looked at my phone. "A black SUV with a shark sticker on the back window." I said. "Wow. They couldn't have given a license plate number? Ok, come on, hold onto me. I don't want you to get hit by a car" she said. We walked through the parking lot and I was stunned by all the cars. I'm not used to such a large population. "Is that them?" Stephanie asked. I looked over and my eyes widened. "Mhm" I whined. I'm shaking. I cant move. I cant breathe. "Hey, just squeeze my hand. Its ok" stormy whispered. I squeezed as hard as I could. I'm so scared. We walked up to my parents, who were leaning against the car. "Hi" I said. They looked up at us. "H-hi dad" I said. The man in front of me is a little taller then me with short blonde hair and green eyes. He smiled wide. "Courtney?" He asked. I nodded. "You.. you're... beautiful" he said. I smiled. Amalia came around the other side of the car. She's just as tall as Stephanie, has long brown hair, and blue eyes. She smiled. "You're here" she said happily. "Mhm" I said. "Wow. You're stunning" she said. I squeezed Stephanie's hand harder. She squeezed back and then let go. I looked at her nervously and then my parents. I laughed nervously and hesitated. I hugged them and they gladly hugged back. I closed my eyes tightly as I embraced them. I missed them so much and now they're here. I wanna cry so bad. I pulled away and grabbed Stephanie's hand again. "Um. This is Stephanie, my girlfriend" I said. "Its nice to meet you" stormy said. "You too. Thanks for looking after her" Amalia said. "Of course" stormy said. "Babe that's Payton and Amalia" I said. She nodded. "Are you ready to go?" Dad asked. "I guess so" I said. He popped the trunk. "Throw your bags in and hop in" he said. We threw our bags in the trunk and Stephanie shut it. We got in the back seat. I'm still shaking.

Mom is taking us to get dresses. We're in the car. Stephanie is holding my hand still. I'm rubbing my thumb on her hand. "So. Are you gonna fill us on in on anything?" Amalia asked. "Maybe not this time mom but I promise I will" I said. I squeezed stormys hand. "So Stephanie, how did you meet Courtney?" Amalia asked. "Oh" Stephanie looked down. "Yeah babe. How did we meet?" I asked looking at her with a smirk. "Well. I was still a guard when we met. I was on duty when Courtney showed up. My boyfriend at the time was being annoying and I got really mad at him. We were on the beach and my anger made the waves go all crazy. Basically I made a tidal wave and it sucked Courtney in when it splashed onto the shore." Stephanie said. "Oh don't stop babe. What happened after that?" I asked innocently. She glared at me. "When I helped her out, I was panicking and didn't realize the storm I had created and then I may have accidentally hit her with a small amount of lightning" she said. "Small? I was in the hospital for a week" I said. She groaned. "I still feel bad about that" she groaned. "To make it up to me, I became her other roommate" I said. "Wow. Ok. I don't know how to feel about that" Mom said. "Its alright. I'm ok now and Stephanie is much better with her magic" I said. "So you're a Storm Sequencer?" Mom asked. "Is that what my power is called?! That's awesome!" Stephanie said. I laughed. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I'm a magic scientist" mom said. "Oh wow. What does dad do?" I asked. "He owns a restaurant chain" she said. "Oh" I said.

Stephanie and I got matching dresses. Now I'm with my dad waiting outside Stormy and I's hotel. Stephanie's in the bathroom. "What are we doing?" I asked. "We're waiting for Raine. She's taking forever" Dad said. I gulped and started shaking again. I shoved my hands in my pockets. I'm gonna internally explode. Raines car pulled up outside. She got out. "This is her?! Wow. You're so much bigger!" Raine exclaimed. Raine is about my height with long black hair and green eyes. "Its so good to see you again Courtney." She said. "Y-yeah. You too" I stuttered. "I heard you're a bandit now" she said. "Mhm" I hummed. Thunder cracked above us. "Uh oh. Looks like its gonna pour" dad said looking up. I looked up and got worried. "No. That's not what that is." I said. I ran inside and spammed the elevator button. It opened and Stephanie walked out. "What happened? Are you ok?" I asked. "I'm afraid of elevators" she said. "Oh. Its ok babe. Now you can squeeze my hand" I said. She smiled and took it. We walked outside. I pointed up and Stephanie looked. She held her hand up and the sky cleared. "Raine, this is Stephanie my girlfriend" I said. Raine smiled. "We better get going. If you're late to your own wedding, Ill never hear the end of it" Raine said.

Stephanie and I are in the first row. My leg is bouncing like hell and I'm chewing my nails. "Hey, calm down. Its ok" Stormy whispered. Its not helping. "I cant do it. I'm gonna explode" I said. "Shh. Just squeeze babe" she said. My hand is shaking but I still squeezed Stephanie's hand. The music started and suddenly I felt nauseous. I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Stephanie made her hand cold and touched the back of my neck, snapping me out of my trance. Everything happened so fast. Before I knew it, both of my parents were up there with the officiant. I squeezed the life out of Stormys hand as they kissed. Everything ended as fast as it started. Stephanie took me outside.

"Breathe darling" She said. I heaved in and out. Tears are pouring out of my eyes and into Stephanie's chest. I'm shaking and my vision is blurry. "What's wrong babe?" Stormy asked. "I cant do this. I cant move here. I have no idea what an elevator even is! I've never seen half of this shit and I don't understand anything! I'm gonna die here!" I said, shaking her viscously. "No you're not. Ill be here to help you" she said. "That makes me seem so pathetic" I said putting my head on her shoulder. She held me close. "No one that's been in your situation can survive out here without help. Its ok babe. After a while, you'll start to understand it anyway. Everything's gonna be ok." Stephanie said rubbing my back. I hugged her tightly and cried into her. I heard running. "What happened? We saw you looking like hell in the audience. We were dying to break away" dad said. I looked at my parents. "I'm scared" I cried. "Of what?" Mom asked. "This" I said gesturing to the world around me. "Courtney, its always scary to move off the island" mom said. "But its worse for me. Its the only home I ever knew" I said. They looked at each other and then me. "That's our fault. I'm so sorry" dad said. "I'm not." Stephanie said. We looked at her. "I'm glad you did what you did. Because you made an amazing person" Stephanie said looking at me. She took my hands. "And she's gonna thrive so well, no matter what she thinks" she said. I sniffled and smiled at her. "She really is in good hands with you" mom said. "She's in good hands even without me" stormy said. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I hugged her and took a deep breath. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" Stephanie said.

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