New to This

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Emma's POV
"Emma?" Siren asked. "What?" I asked. "Why did you make her a bandit?" She asked. We looked over at Riley in the living room. We're in the kitchen. "She beat my time" I said. "Emma... seriously?" She said. "What?! She's talented!" I said. "No. She's hot. She's attractive, and you're interested so you did whatever you could to keep her here" she said. "I don't like that you know me so well" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Look Siren, everything's gonna be fine. She really is talented" I said. "If you say so" Siren crossed her arms. My phone buzzed. I frowned at it. "What is it?" Siren asked. "Grab the pans" I said. "I have a better idea." She said. I raised an eyebrow. "TEAM MEETING!" Siren yelled. The whole house shook as she screamed. I held the cabinets closed so nothing would fall out. Riley grabbed the lamp next to the couch before it fell. Sirens super voice, is super destructive, even when she doesn't mean it. Everyone slowly emerged from their rooms. "Is the earthquake over?" Clay asked. "Yes. Now everyone sit down" I said. Everybody sat on the couch and I opened my phone. "Someone managed to sneak weed onto the island. We have to track it down before said someone starts planting it" I said. "How do we do that?" Noah asked. "Humans and supers are gonna look for the person who suck it in. I need you two mutants to sniff out the weed" I said. "A little problem with that" Joey said. "Why?" I asked. "Joker is sick" she said. "How does that even happen?" I asked. "I'm not sure. All I know is that I can feel her sickness" Joey said. "Then do it yourself" I said. "I'm not good at tracking, but Ill try" she said. "I can help track down the weed. I mean, I am the botanist" Oliver said. "If you can help, by all means do it. Alright lets go" I said.

"Emma" Riley walked up to me. "Yeah?" I asked. "Your method of finding this mystery person is flawed. You don't have any information" she said. I took a deep breath. "Listen. I don't know how you super hero's do it, but we don't exactly have the best resources here, so this is all we can do. If you don't like that then feel free to do it your own way" I snapped. She was taken back by my response. "Emma, I'm not trying to make you mad. I just think there's an easier way to find this person" she said. I raised an eyebrow. "You're actually a lot luckier then my team and I are. Super hero's cant investigate. You can. So ask around. This is an island of teenagers. Someone has to know where this dude is" she said. I stared at her for a moment. "We have very strict rules on drugs and sex here. If someone does know about it, or has any relation to the person who did this, they'll be equally punished" I said. "Its just a suggestion" she shrugged. "Suggest all you want. You've been here for a week. You don't know shit. After you've been here for awhile, you can tell me what to do, but not now! If you had more experience, you'd know that there's only one place secluded enough for a drug deal to go down!" I said. "Ok! God! You don't have to get so aggressive. You have no idea the shit I've been through and you definitely do not reserve the right to drag me down because you're the leader. I'm only trying to help you, but if you wanna be a bitch, then you don't deserve any help!" she said. "I don't know why they would kidnap you to bring here. How could your life be bad if you were a fucking super hero?!" I said. "Oh and you're life was really so bad before you came here?" She asked. I stopped talking and looked down. "No. It wasnt." I said. I turned around started walking. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To catch a drug dealer" I said.

"Lovers Cove?" Riley asked looking at the welcome sign. "Its the most romantic spot on the island, and its just as disgusting as it sounds. That's why no one comes here. Which makes it perfect for a drug deal" I said. We ran in and hid behind the cabins. Two guys walked into view. Both look high as a kite. "I have a feeling they didn't plant any of it" Riley whispered. I bit my lip to hold my laugh. "Lets have some fun with these guys. You said you jump from buildings. Can you get on the roof of this cabin?" I asked. "Uh.. I can try. I'm only human and I usually have a grappling hook, so I might need a leg up" she said. "Here. This is gonna be great" I said putting my hands together for her.

"Oh boys" I said. They looked over. "Ah! A cop!" One of them said. He fell face first into the sand. I had to close my eyes for a second so I wouldn't laugh. "I'm afraid you breaking the law has upset the gods" I said. "The what?" The other boy said. I pointed up and he looked. Riley stood cross armed on the roof. "Look what you've done to yourself and your friend. You have disappointed the earth! Turn in your drugs and yourselves. You are not worthy to walk among the rest of the humans" she said, pointing down at him. I'm biting the inside of my cheek. I wanna laugh so bad. "Its in t-there" the pointed to the cabin. "Good. Now go turn yourselves in and never disobey us again!" Riley said. He grabbed his friend and they scrambled away. Riley jumped down from the roof and we watched them run away. We looked at each other and bursted out laughing. "The best part is, Siren and Noah are further down the beach. They'll run straight into them" I said. "I don't think they'll be running straight for a while" she said. We laughed again. I took a deep breath. "I am sorry I yelled at you. I haven't been leader for very long and trying to live up to the standards, isn't exactly easy" I said. "I'm sorry I aggravated you. I'm used to everyone having an input. I guess that's not how you do it here" she said. "It is, actually. Everyone gets to say what they want, but I still make the final decisions. I only got upset because you're so new and yet you're already adapted" I said. She smiled. "Not really. Everything is so... easy here. I'm used to fighting the big fight. Going straight to the punch. Having all the information. Here though, you don't have any information, and you find everything so well and your fights are so easy" she said. "They aren't though. Why do you think Clay has a bum leg? We fight big problems all the time. They just aren't as common here as they are in Florida" I said. "Yeah no kidding" she said. "You know, Id like to hear all the things you deal with" I said. "And Ill tell you. Just not today. Look" she said. We looked out on the sunset with the warm pink sky surrounding it. "I see why its a romantic spot" she said. I looked at her and she looked back at me with a smile. Her face glowed in the pink light. She looks beautiful. "Yeah it is" I said.

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