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Emma's POV
I woke up and Carter was still in bed. She's usually up before me. I stretched and then leaned over her. She's still dead asleep. "Carter. You forgot to set the alarm" I said shaking her. "I turned it off" she groaned. "Are you on your period?" I asked. "No." She whined. "Then what's wrong?" I asked. She groaned and pulled the covers up over her more. "I'm cold" she whined. I raised an eyebrow. I reached over and put my hand on her forehead. "Holy shit. You're burning up" I said. "I'm still cold" she said. "I'm gonna go get a thermometer" I said. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed it. "Open your mouth" I said. I stuck the thermometer in her mouth and waited. When I pulled it out I was shocked. "How could you have gotten a 101° fever?" I asked. "Its sick season. We live in an island of teens. Sick is everywhere" she said lazily flopping around her hand. She cant even talk properly. "Carter, the bandits cant function without you" I said. "Then you do it" she said turning away from me. "You want me to lead the bandits while you're sick?" I asked. "Until I'm good enough to do it. Its practice for you. Have fun. Go away. Let me sleep" she said. I kneeled on the bed and leaned over her. I kissed her forehead. "Ill bring you some medicine" I said.

"You're in charge?" Noah asked. "Only while she's sick." I said. "Carter hasn't gotten sick in two years. That must suck for her" Tony said. "Shouldn't you stay with her? Since you're her girlfriend?" Clay asked. "She was practically shoving me out the door. I wonder if she'll let me back in bed tonight" I said. "She will. She's not gonna let you go back to your old room. She'd miss you too much" Stephanie said looking in the fridge. I smirked. "Oh hey babe, you're up" I said staring at Stephanie. She slammed the door and jumped back in fear. I laughed. "Not funny!" Stephanie said. "Its a little bit funny" Siren said. Stephanie rolled her eyes and Courtney patted her back. "Where's Oliver?" I asked. "Probably still sleeping. He's the heaviest sleeper on earth, and I haven't even been here that long" Noah said. "Yeah he has slept through a hurricane" Courtney said. "It was a tropical storm and you promised you wouldn't bring it up!" Stephanie yelled. Lightning struck outside and we heard it start pouring. We all looked at Stephanie. "I never said it was you stormy." Courtney said kissing her cheek. My phone rang. "Oh no. Everyone shut up" I said.

"Hey Carter" I said. "King wants to see bandits. Go now" she whined. "That's it? No details?" I asked. "Just go. I wanna sleep and I'm gonna cry if someone else calls me" she whined. "Ok ok! We're going." I said. She hung up.

"What happened?" Siren asked. "Noah go wake up Oliver. The king wants to see us" I said. Tony rolled his eyes. "I really hope you can stop the rain" Tony said. "Hey, once its started, it dont stop. Grab an umbrella" Stephanie crossed her arms. "Babe" Courtney said raising an eyebrow. Stephanie looked at her and Courtney smiled. "Ugh. Fine. Ill stop the rain" Stephanie said. "Whatever this is, better be worth it" Oliver said coming out.

We bowed for the king. "Where's Carter?" King dip-shit asked. I looked at Tony. Can I say that she's sick? Will she kill me if I do? Tony nodded. "She's sick" I said. The king rolled his eyes. "Of course. Well, bandits, I need your help. A prisoner escaped and I need you to find her" he said. "We need a description" I said. "Tall girl, long brown hair, dog mutant, brown ears and tail" he said. "Ok, does she have a name?" I asked. "I'm sure she does but I don't know it" he said. I nodded and we left. "Ok, split up. We gotta find her" I said.

Sirens POV
After a while of searching, I headed to the beach. I'm bored and this mission isn't really doing anything to help. The sun is going down. Its really pretty. I stopped walking and just stood there to watch the sunset. I heard sand moving and looked over. Over where Clay and I used to sit is a brown dog digging a hole in the sand. I looked at it confused and walked over to it. I snatched it up by the fur on his neck. They yelped and started wiggling. Oh shit, this is a person. "Who are you?" I asked. "Put me down!" She yelled. "You're the prisoner aren't you" I said. "My name is Joey and I'm not a prisoner" she said. "Yes you are. There's a search warrant out for you. I was sent to find you" I said. "The king told you to look for me but that's only because he doesn't know that I'm innocent" she said. I put her down and she changed back to her mutant form. That's definitely the prisoner, and holy shit is she hot. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The girl that broke his rules isn't me. She just lives in me" she said. "You lost me" I said. "I have the power of pranks" she said. I raised an eyebrow. I've never heard of that before. "Basically, whenever I throw down a smoke bomb and inhale it, I turn into my alter ego Joker. Joker can do practically anything she wants power wise. She thinks she can do it rules wise too" she said. "So Joker is the real prisoner?" I asked. She nodded. "All she sees is a way to have fun. She doesn't look for consequences" she said. "So why the hole?" I asked. "I'm tying to get rid of these smoke bombs! If she cant be trusted then I'm not letting her out" she said. "You cant control her?" I asked. "She isn't me" she said. "Can I talk to her?" I asked. "You really wanna risk that?" She asked. "I have a gun" I said. She raised her eyebrows in consideration. "Ok. Sure" she said. She threw down the smoke bomb. Red smoke clouded around her and her silhouette got at least two inches taller. Her hair, her ears, and her tail turned red. She stretched out her arms. "I didn't think she'd let me out again after last time" she said. Her voice is deeper. Joey actually has a split personality. "Holy shit" I whispered. "Yeah that's a common reaction. Damn they sent a bandit to get me? I expected better. Whelp, later" she said. She went to walk away but I grabbed her arm. She sighed. "Are we really doing this?" She asked. "Uh yeah, because Joey is being put in prison for your actions" I said. She raised an eyebrow. "You have to follow the rules" I said. "But that's no fun" she whined. "That doesn't matter. Joey needs you to chill the fuck out" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Ill try, and NOT because some bandit told me too. But because I care about my other half" she said. She twitched her ears a smaller puff of smoke appears. Joey, back to normal, tumbled out of it. "What happened?" She asked. "You're all good" I said.

"So you found her, and instead of turning her in... you brought her home?" Tony asked. "She doesn't deserve to be in prison. I literally just told you the whole story" I said. "Well we still have to tell the king" Tony said. We heard a loud thud and everyone ran outside. Joker is hanging upside-down from a tree. "Sorry! I fell the first time" she said. "Joker! Get down!" I yelled. "Climbing trees isn't against the rules!" She said. "Get down!" I yelled again. She rolled her eyes again and jumped down. "You may be cute but you're no fun" she said. "So, Joker. Why should we not send you to prison?" Emma asked. "Uh, because I'm awesome? I can do anything. My powers are limitless!" She said. "I doubt that." Emma said. "Maybe not technically. But it feels like it" Joker said. "Change back" I said. Joker huffed and twitched her ears. Joey fell out of the smoke. "Guys, this is Joey" I said helping her up. "I need to stop dropping those smoke bombs" Joey groaned. "You do know there's no way that the king will let her slide right?" Emma asked. "I know a way" Noah said. We looked at him. "Well look at that. We finally hit ten members. Good for you Emma. You lived up to your promise" Tony said. Emma smiled. "Welcome to the bandits Joey" I said.

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