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Oliver's POV
"You know? I like having a gay best friend" Noah said randomly. I looked over at him confused and concerned. We're just chilling in our beds and then he spits that out. "What?" I said still confused. "Its great! I can talk about hot girls and you wont give a shit, and you can talk about hot guys and I wont give a shit" he said. I blinked at him a few times. "There is something seriously wrong with you" I said. "Oh I've been knowing that" he said. "And to think I felt bad for you when you told me your story" I said. He chuckled. "I don't know why. I'm just a sad white boy" he said. "That's true" I said looking back at my phone. "Alright then Mr. Mexican. What's your story?" He asked. "Well first, I'm not Mexican. I'm Puerto Rican. And second, why should I tell you?" I asked. "Because you know you're gonna tell me anyway" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. You know how I have a rare power?" I asked. "Rare? Your power isn't just rare. Its also one of the strongest powers to exist" he said. "Yeah well, my adopted family decided to show me off like a trophy. Every time someone needed something. 'Olly will do it!' Even though most of the time, I could barely pull it off. There was one time that I couldn't pull it off at all and as a result, everyone decided that I was useless from that point on" I said. "What did you do?" He asked. "They asked me to fix the plumbing issue in the bathroom sink. I had no idea what to do. I ended up breaking the water main" I said. "Oh... wow" Noah said. I nodded. "I don't know what they expected from an eleven year old" I said. "That sucks" he said. "Yeah. I actually don't even like using my powers. People used to crowd around me at school like I was some celebrity. It was so annoying. Especially since I'm an introvert most of the time" I said. "At least people payed attention to you. I doubt my parents even noticed I'm gone" Noah said. "At least you knew your parents" I said. There was a silence. "You wanna do something fun?" He asked. "Depends. What's your idea?" I asked. "Boys day. Grab Tony and Clay and bounce" he said. "I now realize how many girls are on this team. Yeah lets do it." I said.

"Why do I have to go?" Tony whined. "Because you're a dude." I said. Noah is dragging him out the door. "Are you assuming my gender? Have you met this generation? You cant do that anymore" Tony said. Noah dropped him and he groaned in pain. Clay took a picture. "Sorry princess. We'll leave you all alone at home with the rest of the girls. Don't stay up to late. Daddy loves you. Bye" I said in a baby voice. Clay and Noah laughed. "I hate you" Tony said getting up. "And to think you're the oldest one on the team" Tony said scowling at me. "Tony, I'm gay. I'm a fucking child" I said. "So where are we going?" Clay asked. "What do you guys wanna do?" I asked. "I wanna go back to bed" Tony said. "Shut up" I said. "I mean, I was gonna go surfing today, but I doubt you guys wanna do that" Clay said. "I can ride a wave" Noah said. "I don't ride. I support" I said. They all looked at me disturbed. "What?" I asked. "Beach day it is. Lets go before he says something else that's gross" Tony said.

I'm laying back in the sand. I'm surprised Noah knows how to surf. Granted, he sucks, but he can do it. I didn't think that many people actually took the time out of their lives to learn something like that. Tony sat down next to me. "You done splashing around?" I asked. "I really don't wanna be here man" he said. "Are you ok?" I asked sitting up. "I'm having a sort of crisis" he said. "What's going on?" I asked. He sighed. "I like a girl" he said. "As straight guys do. Your point?" I asked. "She's gay. Well, she's pan. She has a girlfriend too." He said. "Oh" I said. "I'm not some predatory dude. I'm not gonna go after her or anything. I'm glad she's happy. I just didn't think Id feel this way" he said. "She makes you happy?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm not sure why though. Every time we're together, I swear she wants to kill me" he said. "Well that's how most women are. From what I've seen at least" I said. "Id probably let her do it honestly" he said. "How long have you liked her?" I asked. "I guess my feelings started when my eye started to heal" he said. "Oh wow. So a while" I said. He nodded. "I just really want to be alone with my thoughts right now. I need to get this out of my head" he said. "Do you want to go home? I can walk you" I said. "No. I'm alright. Ill walk myself. Don't tell anyone about this ok?" He said. I nodded. "I wont" I said. "Ill see you later" he said walking off.

Noah and Clay ran up to me. "Where's Tony?" Clay asked. "He wasnt feeling good. I guess he really did need to stay home" I said. "He has seemed kinda weird. I figured his stomach was upsetting him since he keeps curling into a ball" Clay said. Now I feel really bad for Tony. Something is going on and I cant help him. I don't even know who the girl is. "Lets go get lunch" I said.

Tony's POV
I got home and not long after, I got a knock at my door. "Tony?" Stephanie asked. "Come in" I groaned. "Oliver texted that something was wrong. Are you ok?" She asked. "I'm fine" I said. "Do you wanna talk about it? Maybe Carter can help you" she said. "Carter will just tell me to man up. Besides, everything's fine" I said. "Tony. You cant lie to me. We dated remember? What's going on with you?" She asked. I stared at her from my bed. "I wanna kill my brain" I said. "Why?" She asked. "I have a crush" I said. "On who?" She asked. I waved her over to me. She sat on my bed and I leaned to her ear. "Carter" I whispered. Her eyes widened. "I'm a horrible person" I said. "No you're not. Everyone has feelings... except her" she said. "When she came to see me in the hospital, she started crying on me and telling me how she couldn't do this without me. I guess that kinda triggered something in me" I said. "Well that makes sense. That's a perfectly good reason to have these feelings Tony. You're gonna be ok." She said. "You wont tell her right? And you wont tell Courtney? Or god forbid Emma?" I asked. "I wont tell anyone. You're still my friend Tony. I'm gonna help you as much as I can ok?" She said. I nodded. She hugged me. "Ill be here for you. And if you cant take it any longer, you can always leave" she said. I pulled back. "What?" I asked. "You're turning seventeen. I know not all people do the early leave thing, but I think you could. You're really smart Tony. I'm sure you could get into college" she said. "I didn't think about that" I said. "You don't have too. Its just a suggestion. I just think that you're worth more than you let yourself believe. Just think about it ok?" She said. I nodded. "Thanks Stormy" I said. "No problem Foxy" she said.

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