Check Up

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Carters POV
I woke up and the clock read 2:47pm. I groaned and got up. I went to go change but as I walked to my dresser, Emma came in. "Oh. You're awake. Are you ok?" She asked. "Mhm" I hummed. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Getting dressed" I said. "Why? You're not going anywhere. You have a severe concussion. You're not allowed to leave. The doctor said to take it easy" She said. "Yeah? Well you weren't allowed to leave either but it didn't stop you!" I snapped. She was taken back. I sighed. "I'm sorry." I said. "Don't apologize. You're right. I shouldn't have left. I got you and Tony hurt in the process" she said. "Emma that wasnt your fault. Its our job as a team to protect each other. Regardless of that, you cant stop me from leaving." I said. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To make sure Tony's not dead" I said. "He's fine Carter. You know that" she said. "I don't care!" I yelled, turning to her. Her eyebrows went up. I sighed and looked up. "Tony is my best friend, and I will be dammed if I don't go see that he's ok. I need to see him" I said, looking at her. "Carter you're tearing up" she said, shocked. I shook my head. "Can you go please?" I asked in a whimper. She hesitated. "Ok" she said, and she left. I dropped to my knees and cried. I haven't cried since the other team members left. I already lost them, I cant lose Tony too. Just the thought of him being in critical condition is enough to make me bawl my eyes out.

I'm here. The hospital, and the vet, are right beside the marketplace. There's a small dirt path to get there. Its insane how health care works here. Only seventeen through nineteen year old's can work in the health department. You can only sign up to be in the health field if you're under those ages. You are trained since the moment you sign up so that there are absolutely no screw ups. They do a pretty good job. Only four times in the history of the island has a helicopter or a boat had to take a kid away to be treated by adults. I've been standing outside Tony's room for thirty minutes. I'm afraid to go in. I don't want him to see me disintegrate into a puddle. I took a deep breath, and whatever courage I could muster in, and walked into his room. He has a white eyepatch on his right eye. His other eye is closed. He has a wrap on his arm. His tail is hanging off the bed, swaying calmly. "Tony?" I asked. His eye opened and he looked over at me. "Glad to see I'm not dead?" He smiled. "Very" I said. I looked down sadly. His eye widened. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded. "I was really worried about you" I said. He smiled. "I always knew you secretly cared about me" he said, with a laugh. "Tony" I said seriously. He looked at me concerned. "I'm ok Carter" he said. I closed my eyes tightly and looked down. "Carter... have you been crying over me?" He asked shocked. "I don't wanna lose you" I said shakily. He pulled me into his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere Carter" he said. "I don't know what Id do without you Tony" I said. "Its ok. Ill always be there for you" he said. I backed off of him and put my hands on the railing. I sniffled. "I love you man" I said. "I love you too boss" he said. "Is your eye gonna be ok?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. Its not anything too bad" he said. I took a deep breath. "Good. I need my seeing eye dog. My vision keeps going blurry" I said. He laughed. "And we're back to the sarcasm" he said. We laughed. "I'm not a dog. I'm a fox you asshole" he said. "Close enough" I shrugged. "Is Emma ok?" He asked. "Yeah she's fine" I said, confused. "No, I mean after everything with her brother" he said. "Oh. I don't... I don't know. She hasn't said anything. She's been pretty normal" I said. He raised his eyebrow. "Which means she's trying to shove it down. Ill get on it" I said. "You better do it quick. From what I've heard, Darrel's getting locked up tight. If she wants to talk to him, she needs to do it quick before he heals" he said.

I walked into Emma's room and closed the door. "Hi" she said. I sat in front of her on the bed. "You need to talk to Darrel" I said. "What?" She asked. "You need to talk to him before the guards lock him up in the dungeon until he's nineteen and they ship him back to Florida" I said. "I don't want to talk to him" she said. "But you need to" I said. "But I wont" she fought. "Don't make me shoot you with the finger gun. I still have leverage over you, tween" I said. She looked to the side. "Carter, I cant. I cant see him. I cant even begin to think of what to say" she said. "Emma, magic healing isn't expensive here like it is in the US. He will be healed and thrown in a cell in less then two days. I know what its like to carry the burden of your past on your shoulder. You have a chance to fix it before it gets heavier. Don't make the mistake I did. Talk to him" I said. She stared at me for a moment and took a deep breath. "You really are an awesome girlfriend" she said. I was taken back. "A what?" I asked shocked. She smiled and shrugged. "Say what's on my mind right?" She asked. My jaw dropped for a second and then I shut it. "You wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked. "No. I just said that for no reason" she said, with a smirk. I laughed. "You're getting good at that" I said. She smiled. "Do you wanna be?" She asked. I stared at her for a moment. "Yes" I said. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "Ill talk to him. I promise" she said. "Speaking of talk. I have to talk to your boy with the bat" I said. "Good luck. He's annoying as shit" she said.

I walked into Oliver's room where he still had his prisoner tied to a log. "Where's Clay?" I asked. "He's moving in with Tony because he's sick of me bothering him about his skin care" Oliver said. I chuckled. "Get out while I talk to the bat boy" I said. Noah's eyes widened in fear as Oliver left. Oliver got rid of the vine he had covering Noah's mouth as he walked out. Noah moved his tongue around the inside of his mouth. "I bet that tasted awful" I said. He shook his head. "Minty" he said. "So. Why did you decide to club Darrel to almost death?" I asked. "Dude has been a pain ever since I met him. He was friends with my friends so I had to hang out with him. He seemed fine at first, but then he started picking on me because I was the youngest. He forced me to do whatever he said. I've gotten beat up, gone on dates I hated, and had to cut my hair because of that asshole. Then he drags me to this island because he has a 'feeling' that Emma was here" he told me. "Was Emma ever mean to you?" I asked. He shook his head. "God no. The Emma I met didn't have a mean bone in her body. She was always nice to me and apologized for Darrel's actions" he said. "What did your parents do?" I asked. "Nothing. They don't notice I'm there half the time. My sister gets all the attention" he shrugged. I squinted at him. He may not know it, but he actually is a contender to have been kidnapped and put here anyway. What we call 'the sibling overlook' is a big reason that kids are brought here. "Ok. Listen, I'm not one for second chances. This whole island is everyone's second chance as far as I'm concerned, but I'm willing to make the exception for you. The only reason I'm even considering letting you be a bandit, is because you saved my girlfriend, and I'm very grateful for that. So, you can either work your ass off to be a bandit, or join your buddy in prison until your nineteen. What's it gonna be?" I asked. "The first option. No doubt" he said immediately. I smiled. "Oliver! Untie him!" I yelled. The log disappeared and he fell backwards. I reached out my hand and helped him up. "Welcome to the Teen Bandits" I said.

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