New Girl

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Noah's POV
"Hey! You're Noah right?" Joey asked. I nodded. "Where's the bathroom? I'm lost. There are too many doors in this hallway" she said. "Its at the very end of the hall." I said with a laugh. "Thanks" she said.

When Joey came back out, I was on the couch. "Hey. Thanks. I don't understand how I'm supposed to adapt to this so fast" she said. "I get you there. I did my final test last month to be a bandit, but I got sent on a mission way before I even started training." I said. "You're new?" She asked confused. "Sort of. Joined in November. And like you, I was put in so that I wouldn't go to jail" I said. "What'd you do?" She asked. "I nearly killed a guy with a baseball bat" I said. She took a step back from me. I laughed. "Relax. I was doing it to protect Emma... and Carter, and Tony" I said. "Oh wow. I can barely remember everyone's names" she said. "Yeah it takes a minute" I said. Carter walked into the kitchen and grabbed two pans. I put my fingers in my ears. The fur on Joeys ears and tail stood up as Carter smashed the two together. "Everybody out! We got a lost dragon to find!" Carter yelled. Everybody rushed out. "Everybody go to your normal pairings. Noah take Joey. Lets go" Carter said.

"So we just walk around the forest?" Joey asked. "Yeah pretty much. A normal 'patrol' is just walking around and doing whatever you want. If you happen to see something bad, you turn that person in" I said. "This seems very easy" she said. "I wouldn't say that. There's a reason we carry guns" I said. She stopped walking and just stared. "Is that one of the reasons?" She asked pointing. I walked up next to her and saw what she's looking at. "Yep" I said. We found the dragon. Or at least its tail. "Boy, this guy must be huge if his tail ends here" I said. "Shh! If its that big and its laying down, the head must be close." She said. "What if its laying forward and not in a curl?" I asked. "These woods end soon. If it was laying forward, its head would be in the castle staff housing unit that's ahead" she said. I looked at her confused. "How do you know the island so well?" I asked. "I've been here for two and a half years and I've been running away from Jokers bullshit the whole time. I know every nook and cranny on this island like the back of my hand... not including the time I spent in jail" she said. "I have a walking map. Good to know" I said. "This thing knows its being hunted. It wouldn't go anywhere it could be seen. It has to be in the forest, which means its head must be nearby" she said. "Which way do we go?" I asked. "Tip of the tail is curled to the left so his body is curled on the left side" she said. "Are you an animal expert too?" I asked. She looked at me like I'm stupid. "Have you ever seen an animal sleep in an S shape?" She asked. "Fair enough. Lets go" I said. "And do what?" She asked. "We have to get this thing off the island" I said. "How do you plan to do that?" She asked. "I don't know. We can figure it out later" I said. "I don't think you realize how soon 'later' is" she said.

"Now what?" I whispered. Joey glared at me. "Later is here genius. Where's your bright idea?" She whispered yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Maybe we can lead it to the shore" I said. "And then what? Swim it all the way to another island?" She asked. I perked up. "I was kidding you idiot!" She said. "No. What if you fly it to another island?" I said. "Me? You're crazy" she said. "No not you. Joker" I said. "I don't think she'll go for that. Plus I cant control what she does" she said. "Do you have a better idea?" I asked. She hesitated but then rolled her eyes. "Fine" she said. She threw down her smoke bomb and Joker emerged. "The woods? Whos body are we burying?" She laughed. My jaw slowly opened as I saw the Dragon lift its head. Joker turned and saw it. "Oh. Ok. What's going on?" She asked. "We need your help to get it off the island" I said. "Oh. Pshhh. Piece of cake." She said. She made herself glow. "Over here big boy! Girl? Thing! Come on! Follow the light!" Joker said. She took off running and the dragon followed. I called Carter.

Sirens POV
Clay and I are patrolling the beach. I glanced over and saw Joker bouncing, backflipping, and running like an idiot down to the water. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself. "Why is she glowing?" Clay asked walking up to me. "I have no idea" I said. We both watched as she ran down the beach and then we felt the ground rumble. We looked down, at each other, and back at Joker, who now we can see being chased by the dragon. "Oh shit. Go!" I said. Clay and I ran to get over there.

Jokers running next to the shipping docks. "Clay" I said in fear. "I see it. We have to keep them away from the docks. You draw Joker away. Ill make sure the docks are secured" he said. I stopped and took a deep breath. I hummed a tune and started running again. Now I can boost my speed. I ran up to Joker and stopped humming. "That way! You have to lead it away from the docks" I said. Joker looked at the docks and then the dragon. She looked behind us. The beach closes off soon because of the housing unit. "Ok" Joker said. "Where are you going?" I asked. She took off running again. She got to the water and my jaw dropped. Emma, Carter, and Noah ran up to me out of breath. "She is not walking on water" Emma said shocked. "Yeah she is" I said. Joker ran and ran, and the dragon was forced to take flight. Joker bounced up onto the dragons neck and wrangled it. "She is not gonna fly that thing" Carter said. "Yes she is" Noah said. I looked at him and then her. "Carter?" I asked not looking at her. "Yeah?" She said. "Can I marry her?" I asked still looking at Joker. "Which one?" Carter asked. "Yeah they're both impressive." Noah said. "Both. Either. I don't care. I need that girl in my life" I said. "Ok. Chill out" Clay said, walking up to us. The dragon disappeared into the sky. "Twenty bucks she doesn't come back" Clay said. "Deal" Emma said.

Its late. I'm watching tv in my room. There was a gentle knock at my door. I got up and went to it. I don't want whoever it is to come in and rant at me this late in the night. I opened the door to see a tired, dirty, and torn up Joey. She smiled lightly and my eyes widened. "Are you ok?" I asked bringing her in. "I'm exhausted" she whispered. "What happened?" I asked. "Joker got the dragon to another island. She also got lost and left me a message saying to figure out how to get home." She said. "How did you get home?" I asked. "After running from the dragon on the island for a while, a mermaid saw me and offered me a ride. So then I got pushed on an inflatable raft, by a bunch of mer-people back here" she said. "Oh wow. Do you wanna shower?" I asked. "In the morning. I cant feel my arms" she said. She fell down on her bed and her tail swayed a little. I took in her appearance. "Have you always had that cut in your ear?" I asked. Her ears twitched. "Yes." She said. She has a chunk of her left ear missing. "Well at least get changed. If you're gonna be dirty, at least be comfortable" I said. She groaned and turned into her dog form. "There. Comfortable. No clothes at all" she said. She plopped her head down on the pillow. "Alright. Goodnight Joey. Let me know if you need anything" I said. I pulled the covers over her and went back to my bed. I turned off the tv and went to bed.

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