Phone Call

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Emma's POV
Carter came in and got in her sleeping bag. Courtney and Stephanie took forever to get back but they still got back before Carter. "Everything ok with Tony?" I asked. She hesitated. "Yeah. Its ok. Goodnight tween" she said. "Night" I said. We naturally faced away from each other when we slept. Now I think I understand what Siren was saying. We aren't a couple. We're just best friends. Now I'm even more confused. Do I even like her? Did I just tell myself that because she was intimidating? Does she even like me that way anymore? We don't really call each other pet names anymore. She just calls me tween like always. I shut my eyes tight and forced myself to sleep. Ill talk to Carter tomorrow.

We're doing one final lookout while the others pack up our stuff. "Carter?" I asked. "Yeah?" She asked, not looking at me. "Do you like me?" I asked. She looked at me confused. "Yeah?" She said. "Well I've been thinking, and, we aren't really like a couple. Just friends that sleep in the same bed" I said. "Do you kiss your friends cause I draw a line" she raised an eyebrow. "We only did that once, on valentines day" I said. "We did? Oh... I guess that's true" She said, looking down. "I'm starting to wonder if we should be together. We seem to be better friends than lovers" I said. "Wouldn't that hurt you?" She asked. "Would it hurt you?" I asked. "I don't have feelings tween. The bare minimum of feelings I do have, only showed up after you came here. Your optimism is infectious" she said. "I don't think it would hurt me. Which is why I also don't think that we're meant to be" I said. "Yeah, probably not. But hey, feelings fade. Its what happens" she shrugged. "I feel bad. Especially since you told me about your past" I said. "Emma, I don't regret telling you that. You're gonna take over the bandits when I leave. You're following in my footsteps, most of them anyway, so if anyone should know, it should be you" she said. "Thanks" I smiled. "So, friends?" She asked, holding out her fist. "Friends" I said, fist bumping her. "At least I get my room back" she said. "Oh shut up" I said. We laughed.

"You broke up?!" The team yelled. "We've been at this for an hour! And this isn't even what I called the team meeting for!" Carter exclaimed. "Why would you break up? You're the power couple!" Clay said. "Uh excuse me, but if you wanna vote best power go to Joey and Siren. If you want best couple, Courtney and Stephanie are literally cuddling while they're at the meeting!" I said. Courtney blushed and looked away from Stephanie. That doesn't really change anything since she's sitting in Stephanie's lap. I guess that's why Stephanie is looking at her weirdly. "I called this meeting because unfortunately, I forgot that two months ago we were supposed to take the annual team photo" Carter said. "You forgot the team photo!?" Tony stood up. "Stop freaking out. Its not like we had any defections. Plus, we have Joey now. Come on, we're going back to the field for the photo. Everyone make sure you're wearing your jackets" Carter said. We nodded.

I went to my room. No more spare room. Back to being my room. Tony rushed into my room and closed the door. "Are you good?" I asked, concerned. He got on his knees. "Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!" He said. "Sorry for what?" I asked. "For causing your break up!" He said. "The breakup that was my idea? How did you cause it?" I asked. "It was your idea?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah so what's this about?" I asked. "Uh..." he stood up. "Well this is awkward now" he said. "Spill" I snapped. He sighed. "I may have... told Carter about... the crush I have on her" he said, backing away from me. I blinked. "Weirdo" I said, with a laugh. "God you two are too alike!" he huffed. "Don't go liking me now, cause I don't swing your way at all" I said. "You don't care?" He asked. "No. I think you're crazy, but I don't care" I said. "Oh, ok. We should get going" he said.

Courtney's POV
We're back at the field, and we're trying to find the best place for everyone height wise. It doesn't help that Tony and Stephanie are extremely tall. "Are we done?" Noah asked. "Almost. Tony scoot in a little" Carter said. Tony scooted closer to Oliver. "Ok. Starting the camera. Everyone ready?" Carter asked. "Yeah" we said. She pressed the button and ran in to join us. We smiled and heard the camera click. "You turned off the flash! Finally!" Tony said. "It wasnt that hard. I think Taylor was just a little slow" Carter said. "Can we head back now? I need to find a way to make sure Joker doesn't kill me for not including her in this" Joey said. "Yes, come on" Carter said. I stayed back as they walked away. "Are you coming?" Stephanie asked. "Ill catch up. I need to make a phone call" I said. "Are you sure?" She asked concerned. "I need to do it now" I said. She smiled and pecked my lips. "Ill see you back home" she said. I nodded and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

I called my dad. My anxiety only got worse the more it rang. Someone picked up and I tensed up. "Hello?" I heard. I gulped. "I-is this Payton Quinn?" I stuttered. "Whos asking?" He asked. "Uh... my uh... my name is Courtney York. I'm your daughter. I d-don't know if you remember-" I said. He went dead silent. My breathing picked up. "I remember" he said, calmly. "You do?" I asked. "Why would I not remember my daughter?" He asked. I smiled to myself. "I thought you might have changed your number." I said. "Hold on... AMY!" He screamed. I pulled the phone away from my ear and then went back. "Stop screaming. God. What do you want now?" A woman asked. I heard a woman whos voice I remember too well. "Here. Someone you definitely wanna talk too" Payton said, excitedly. "You are such a child" Amalia said, taking the phone. "Hello?" She asked annoyed. I smiled. "Hi mom" I said. She went dead silent. "Courtney?" She asked. "That's me" I said nervously. There was a weird sound which I'm guessing was her putting me on speaker. "How did you get my number?" Payton asked. "Aunt Raine gave it to me but I was too scared to call. I'm still scared right now" I said. "Why?" He asked. "I don't know. I'm shaking like hell right now!" I said. "I don't know how I feel hearing you curse. The last thing I heard you say was my name" Amalia said. "I'm seventeen and I'm a bandit. What exactly do you want from me?" I asked. "You're a teen bandit? Isn't that dangerous?" She asked. "Meh. Its part of the job. I like it though. Its like I have a family" I said. "I'm glad you're safe." Amalia said. "I'm a little surprised you're still together" I said. "Together is a strong word" Amalia said. "Don't listen to her. She's mad I was late for the rent. We're engaged" Payton said. I smiled. "How are you doing? How have you been?" Amalia asked. "I'm great. I mean... it wasnt always great. When I was smaller, people would throw me in the frozen lake. And now people spread rumors about me. But, now I can threaten them. And I'm good at it too. And I have a girlfriend so I think I'm doing pretty good." I said. "A girlfriend?!" They both said. "Shit" I mumbled. "I hope you're not homophobic" I said nervously. "No, we're not. We're just shocked" Amalia said. "If it makes you feel better, I'm still a virgin" I said. "Well, I'm actually more mad about the frozen lake thing" Payton said. "Yeah it wasnt great, but now I'm a great swimmer" I joked. "When are you leaving the island?" Amalia asked. I hesitated. "I think Ill be staying until I'm forced to leave. I'm not ready to leave home yet" I said. "That's alright Courtney. If you'd like, we can invite you to our wedding. You don't have to leave forever. You can come visit and then go back" Amalia said. "I-I uh. I would love too" I said. "And bring your girlfriend so we can give her a hard time" Payton said. I giggled. "Ok. I cant tell you how much I miss you" I said. "We miss you too. I'm so glad you called." Amalia said. "Me too" I said. "COURTNEY! We need your help! Illegal night marketers on the run!" Siren yelled. "I gotta go." I said. "Be safe." Payton said. "We love you Courtney." Amalia said. "I love you too. IM COMING SIREN! Bye guys" I said. I hung up and smiled to myself. I cant believe I did it. I called my parents. I feel so much better now.

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