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Tony's POV
Here goes the hardest thing I need to do that I've been dreading. I got excepted into college for the next semester. I have to leave, which means I have to tell Carter. I've been standing outside her door for fifteen minutes. I cant move. "Are you trying to scare me?" Carter asked. I looked over. She walked up to me and opened the door. She went into her room. "I have to tell you something" I said. "If you had a wet dream about me, I don't wanna hear about it" she said. "Carter, this is serious" I said. "Was it hot? Was it accurate? Cause I wont hesitate to peg a dude, and you are so peggable" she said. "Its not about a wet dream" I said. "Ugh. That means its boring. Fine, what's up?" She asked. "I'm leaving Teen Island" I said. Her expression faded. "What?" She asked. "I got into college. I have to leave in a few days so I can take the train upstate to the school" I said. "You're leaving?" She asked. "You knew this would happen eventually" I said. "I know but... I didn't think it would be so soon. That means... all of the old team will be gone" she said, looking down. "No. You'll still be here" I said. "I cant do this without you Tony" she said. "That's why you have a phone. I'm only a text away" I said. She frowned. "I don't want you to go" she said. "You think I really want to go? I'm gonna miss you and the others like hell" I said. "Why didn't you tell me you applied?" She asked. "I didn't want it to haunt you" I said. She put her head in her hands. "I'm sorry Carter." I said. "Don't be. You should go. Go have a real life. Everyone here has too eventually" she said. "Ill talk to you later" I said leaving her room.

Carters POV
Its been two days. I have music blasting in my room and I'm punching my punching bag. I didn't hear the door open or anyone knock. I didn't even know someone was in here until her hand stopped my punching bag from moving. I looked over and paused the music. "Emma. Sorry. Didn't hear you come in" I said. "Are you ok? You seem out of it" she said. "I'm fine" I said walking to my nightstand. I took a swig of water. "Carter McAllister" she said. I stopped and turned to her raising an eyebrow. "You're sad that he's leaving, aren't you?" She said. "I don't want to talk about it until I have to say bye to him" I said turning back around. "Carter, are you stupid?" She asked. "Excuse me?" I snapped. "Don't act like we didn't see you two at Christmas time. You like him" she said. "He's my best friend" I said. "Carter. You don't open to many people. But you open the most to him. Admit it, you like him" she said. "I don't like him!" I exclaimed. "Carter. You need to come to terms with yourself fast. Tony is leaving tomorrow and after that, he's gone forever. So make up your mind. You need to tell him how you feel before he leaves and time is ticking. Hurry up Carter" she snarled. I was taken back. "I taught you too well" I said. She pretended to tip her hat. "Do it" she pointed at me.

We're all in the living room. "You got all your shit?" I asked. "Yes. For the last time, yes. I quadruple checked everything" Tony said. "Ok, then start with your sappy shit. Say your goodbyes" I said. Tony rolled his eyes and hugged all of us. He hugged Stephanie. "Thank you Tony" she said. "Thank you Stormy" he replied. I was the last one. Everyone looked over at us, waiting for me to do something. He hugged me. After a second, I curled into his neck to hide the tears forming in my eyes. I took a deep breath to pull back my tears and pulled away from him. "Go have wet dreams about the college girls instead" I said, punching his shoulder. He smiled at me. "Bye guys" Tony said. "Bye Tony! We love you. Have fun!" Everyone said. He left and everyone immediately turned on me. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" They yelled. "What?!" I exclaimed. "THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! Carter, this is the last chance you have. Go get him before he leaves! Stop pushing down your feelings. I know you have them! Just go! Go tell him! You need to stop hiding your feelings and tell him!" Emma shook me violently. "I cant!" I shrieked. "Take the dirt bike! Go!" Emma ordered. "But-" I got cut off. "GO!" The whole team yelled. I scrambled out the door.

The tires screeched as I stopped the dirt bike and tripped over myself on the docks. Tony looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you ok?" He asked. "You cant go" I panted. "Carter I'm on a time crunch here. I have a boat and a train to catch" he said. "I know, but you cant. I need you. I- ... I- ... ughhhh! This is too hard!" I said, gripping my head. "Carter I have to go" he said. "Tony..." I started. I stared at him. He raised an eyebrow. "I love you. There it is. I love you, so please. Stay" I pleaded. His eyes widened. "Carter. I love you too. But I cant. I have to go" he said. At this point, the tears are falling. He walked to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm not having wet dreams about anyone else. Ok? Ill call you everyday I can" he said. "And Ill get off this island as fast as I can" I said. "Ill send you my address." He laughed. "Yo! Boats leaving! Lets go!" The guard yelled. Tony looked at him and then me. "Bye Carter" he said. I pulled his shirt down to me and kissed him. "Bye loser" I said. He smiled and left. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. As much as I'm trying, I cant shove these emotions down. They're too prominent. I need to go home.

I calmly came into the house. The others watched as I slowly and calmly walked to my room with no emotion. "What happened?" Emma asked. "Did you do it?" Courtney asked. "Did you get to him?" Joey asked. "Did you miss him?" Clay asked. I ignored all of their questions and just went to my room. I walked in and as soon as I locked the door, I collapsed against it. My back hit the door and I slid down it, crying my eyes out. I curled into a ball as I sobbed into my knees. I know the others can hear me but I don't care anymore. I banged my head back against the door and screamed at the top of my lungs. Emma wants me to get my feelings out, well there they are. All the pain. Its out now, and I'm laying here a mess because of it.

Emma's POV
"What do we do?" Clay asked. "We cant do anything" I said. "You think she'll be ok?" Noah asked. I looked over at Carters door. "No." I said honestly. "She wont be ok until she's with him again" Stephanie said. "Then we gotta get her out of here. Its what's best for her" Oliver said. "Yeah... wait what?" I said. "She needs to be with Tony" Stephanie said. "Oh shit. That means..." I led on. My jaw slowly dropped thinking about it. "It means you become the leader" Clay finished my sentence. I gulped. "You guys are right. Its what's best for her. Courtney, when does the next away boat leave?" I asked. "Uh, they come and go every two days" she said. "So?" I asked. "It'll be here on Friday" she said. "Then that's when she's leaving." I said. We all agreed. "Whos gonna tell her that?" Siren asked. They all looked at me. "Ill wait till tomorrow. She needs to be alone right now" I said.

Its the next day. "Emma, the day is nearly over. You have to talk to her" Clay said. "She hasn't come out though" I said. "She's not going too. You know that" he said. I sighed. "Ok. Ill go" I said. I went to her room and knocked gently. There was no answer. I came in anyway and closed the door. She's not in bed or anywhere that I can see. "Carter?" I asked. "Give me a sec" she called from the bathroom. I waited and she walked out looking miserable. "What?" She asked. "Start packing. You're leaving on the away boat tomorrow at noon. You need to be with him, so you need to go" I said. She shook her head. "Carter, you cant stay here like this. I know it'll be better once you're with him so you are going" I said. She sniffled. "I told him Id be off the island as soon as possible. I told him I loved him." She said. "That's great! Right?" I asked. "I didn't think it'd hurt so bad" she said. "Its gonna be ok. You'll be with him again in no time" I said. She looked up at me. "Here" she said handing me her finger gun. I 'took' it from her. She karate chopped each of my shoulders. "I dub you, the new leader of the Teen Bandits" she said. I smiled. "Thank you for everything tween" she cried. "Thank you Carter" I smiled.

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