Arrow to the Heart

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Sirens POV
Clay and I are patrolling the marketplace. Clay walked up to me. His leg is wrapped from what happened last month. "The boat with the newbies just got here" Clay said. "Cool." I said. "I think the guard that was on the docks may have spat some bullshit about them not being able to leave though" he said. I shrugged. "Most of the guards are stupid. So that's not hard to believe" I said. He chuckled. "Stop thief!" Someone yelled. Clay and I looked over. A guy is running away with something. Clay ran after him but not before a girl tackled the thief to the ground. I walked to them. Clay grabbed the girl and I grabbed the guy. "That was unexpected" I said. "Hey! Can I help you?" The girl asked looking mad. Clay huffed. "You're new" he said with a laugh. "She's coming with us" I said with a laugh. I hummed a short tune and the girl passed out. "You're getting good with the spells" Clay said. "Thank you" I said. "Can you put me down?" The boy asked. I looked at him. "Can you not steal? You don't even have to pay. Just ask. Its not that hard dude" I said putting him down. "Sorry. I don't like talking" he said. "Its alright." I said. "If you're gonna steal. Don't make it so obvious" Clay said. I nudged him and he shrugged. "What? Like I don't steal?" Clay said. I rolled my eyes. "Have a nice day" I said. The boy walked off. "Lets bring this girl back to Emma" I said.

The girl is tied to a chair in the spare room. "I'm tired. Why cant you do it?" Emma groaned. "You really trust him to interrogate that girl?" I asked. "Then both of you can do it" Emma said. "Alright fine. Come on Clay" I said. We walked into the room. "What the fuck!" The girl yelled. "Calm down" I said as we walked to her. "What? Are you mad because I stopped a robbery?" She asked. "No. We don't tolerate violence on Teen Island unless its 100% necessary" Clay said. I rolled my eyes. He's being dramatic. "And isn't you capturing me and tying me to a chair violence?" She asked. I bit my lip to contain my smile and looked at Clay. His eyes widened at the girls comment. "Boss!" He yelled and ran out. I followed him. "Boss? Since when have you called her boss?" I laughed. "I panicked. Shut up" he said. We walked back to Emma. "You fucked up didn't you?" Emma asked. "Yes he did. And it was hilarious!" I said. She sighed. "Ok. Get back to patrolling. Ill deal with this girl" she said.

Emma's POV
I walked into the room. The girl has long black hair and grey eyes. She has long legs so I'm guessing she's taller then me. "So, you're new?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said. "I don't know how it worked for you back in Florida, but this is Teen Island. Learn the laws" I said. "Why are there laws on an island for teenagers?" She asked. I giggled. "You're funny" I said. "I'm Riley" she said. "Emma." I said. I looked her over again. She's really pretty, and I like her attitude. "You know, you'd make a good bandit" I said. Making her a bandit would let me see her more. I don't know why I'm so attracted to her. I mean, I just met her, but still. "Bandit?" She asked confused. "The Teen Bandits are the kids who enforce the law... sort of." I said. "And you're the leader?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "I think Id rather just go home" she said. "Well, this is your home now. You get to stay here until you're no longer a teen" I said. That's a partial lie. I really don't want her to leave and I'm gonna feel guilty about this later, but oh well. She squinted at me. "Ok, Ill join your stupid bandits" she said. "Great. We'll start your training tomorrow" I said. I walked behind her and untied her. "This is your room, by the way" I said. We walked out. "Bandits! Or uh.. bandit? Meet the newest member" I said pointing at Oliver. He slow clapped looking unamused. I flicked him off.

Riley is definitely taller then me. She's really hot. "This is your training grounds?" She asked. "Yeah. You have to beat a certain time and get through all three phases of the course to become a bandit" I said. "Sounds easy enough" she said. "Clay here is gonna run through it and demonstrate how its supposed to go" I said. Riley nodded. "You ready Clay?" I asked. "Ready" he said. "Go!" I started the timer and the course. As he ran through it, Riley watched everything closely. Clay finished and ran back over to me. He stretched. "That's a good work out" he panted. "You didn't beat your record" I said. "I have a bum leg. Shut up" he said. "You wanna give it a try?" I asked Riley. "Yeah. Looks fun" she said. "Alright then." I said handing her a gun. She furrowed her brows at it. "Do I have to use that? Can I use a bow?" She asked. "Like, bow and arrows?" I asked. "I'm more comfortable with it" she said. I blinked a few times in confusion. "Uh... sure. Clay can you go find a bow and some arrows?" I asked. "Uh... I can try" he said.

Clay came back and Riley lit up putting the bag of arrows around her shoulder. "I got this, no problem." Riley said. "Cocky. Ill tell you what. If you can beat my score, Ill make you a bandit today" I said. "Ha! Sure thing" she said. She walked onto the course. "You forgot the part about you having the highest score" Clay said. "Shhh" I shushed him. "Ok and, go!" I started it. She ran through the first stage without any issues. "She's already beating Carters score" Clay said. I kept watching. She didn't even try to hide from the targets. She shot them all with ease and in the third stage, she never even got a scratch. My jaw slowly dropped watching her go. "She's amazing" I said. "She's beating your score" Clay said shocked. Riley got to the end and didn't seem out of breath at all. "You beat Emma's score" Clay said shocked. "How are you not exhausted?" I asked. "I jump off buildings and shoot stuff all day. This is just a warm up" Riley said. I raised an eyebrow. "You can go Clay" I said. He left and I looked back to Riley. "Ok. Two options. You can be a bandit now, or you can leave. I don't like lying, and I lied to you. You can definitely leave the island if you want" I said. She smiled. "Nah, I need a vacation. Plus, my friends will come for me eventually" she said. "What do you do for a living?" I asked confused. "Not exactly a job. My friends and I are some of Orlando's super heroes" she said. "You're a super hero?" I asked. "Yep. The Black Arrow, at your service" she said. "Well here, you're just a bandit" I said. She smiled.

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