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Emma's POV
"You do know that if we get caught, Ill have my tail cut off right?" Clay asked looking around all paranoid. "Relax. No ones gonna see us" I said. He took a deep breath, then another one, and another, and eventually started heaving. "Will you stop it?! You look crazy" I snapped. "I'm sorry! I'm scared" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Ill just tell Carter not to blame you. She is my girl-" I stopped because I don't actually know what we are. "Girlfriend?" He asked. "I don't know. Something. She's something that cares about me and will listen to me, so" I said. "You think she's still gonna listen to you when she finds out you disobeyed her direct orders?" He asked. "Will you shut up?" I said. He looked down.

We've been avoiding the marketplace and drivers gully, knowing that the other bandits are there. "Hey, isn't that him?" Clay asked. I looked over. "No, but that is Noah! I wonder why he isn't with Darrel. Come on" I said. "What? What do you suppose we do?" Clay asked. "I know Noah. He'll spill whatever their plan is without hesitation. I need you to grab him while I knock him out" I said. Clay took a deep breath. "Ok" he sighed. He bolted after Noah and tackled him to the ground. I stared at them shocked. I wasnt expecting him to do it right away.

We tied him to a tree. I poured a cold water bottle on his head. He gasped as he woke up and shook the water off his head. "What the? Emma?!" Noah said shocked. "Hi Noah" I said. "What's going on? Why am I tied to a tree?" He asked. "Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. I need you to tell me what Darrel is up too" I said. "Why would I tell you?" He asked. "Because we both know that you don't wanna be here" I said. He looked to the side. "Darrel did drag me along to this island with absolutely no proof that you're here." He said. "He didn't have proof?" I asked. "He had a 'feeling" he said. I laughed. "We've been here for weeks! I got sick of Darrel's bullying a few days ago and I left him. Spending time alone here wasnt bad though. I'm starting to like it here honestly" he said. "So you'll help me?" I asked. "If it means getting untied from this tree. Yes" he said. I smiled. "Great. Clay, untie him" I said. "You really trust him?" Clay asked. "We're the ones with guns here. If he runs, he wont get far" I said. Noah's eyes widened. "Damn, what happened to you" he said shocked. Clay untied him. "What's Darrel planning?" I asked. "He wants to take you home by force. He's gonna knock you out and then kidnap you. He stole your dads police baton" he said. "Little does he know that he's gonna get arrested for trying" I said. "He's mostly been in the marketplace. He figures that since its the most populated that that's where you'd be" he says. "Thanks Noah. You know, if you're gonna be staying here then don't hesitate to ask for some help" I said. "Yeah. Just ask for the teen bandits and we'll be at your service" Clay said. "Thanks, but unless I get tied to another tree, I think Ill be ok" Noah said.

"Ok, let me look around before you go in" Clay said. "You really think you're gonna spot him?" I asked. "Not him. The other bandits" he said. "Oh" I said. He ran into the marketplace. After about five minutes I got bored and went in myself. What trick does Darrel think he can pull on me? I'm not the dumbass that he used to know. I glanced to the side and saw Clay talking to Tony who looks very mad. Then I saw Carter and our eyes met. She immediately glared at me and I tensed. I walked faster, hoping to lose her in the crowd. "Emma!" I heard her yell. I didn't look back. I don't want to see how mad she is. "Emma stop!" She yelled. Now I could hear her running. I didn't think she would be this scared for me. I decided to turn around, only to come face to face with Darrel holding a baton. My eyes widened and before he swung it, Carter jumped in front of me. He hit her in the head, knocking her to the ground. "Carter!" I shrieked. I bent down to her. "Carter are you ok? Carter wake up!" I said shaking her, but she didn't move. "What did you do?!" I shouted at Darrel. "It wasnt meant for her you bitch!" Darrel snapped. "You really wanted to hurt me? How would that have gone over with our parents when you took me back?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't care! I need to take you back because mom and dad are blaming me for no reason. They think I shipped you out!" He said. "You practically did!" I said. "I didn't think you'd take a joke so seriously. God damn you Emma. You're such a-" a gun clicked and he stopped. "You wanna finish that sentence?" Tony asked. Darrel slowly turned to him. He glanced back at me. "I see you've made yourself at home. Too bad it wont last much longer" he said. "You're really gonna say that with a gun to your face?" I asked. "What gun?" Darrel asked. He turned back to Tony and before he could shoot, twisted his arm and punched him with the baton. Tony groaned in pain and gripped his eye. Clay ran to him. "Go get the others" Tony groaned. "Are you sure?" Clay asked. "Go!" Tony yelled. Clay took off. I'm guessing the others are all at drivers gully. I pulled out my gun. "Don't make me do this Darrel" I said. "You wouldn't dare" he said. "You don't know that" I said. "Really? Because it seems to me that you're still the same scared little girl I confronted five months ago" he said with a smirk. "Yeah no. Wipe that look off your face before I do it for you. You look stupid. Darrel, the fact that you came here without telling our parents to go on some wild goose chase is so stupid. I mean really? REALLY? The fuck is wrong with you? Also, dragging Noah into this, that's just a dick move" I said. He stared at me shocked by my sarcasm. "Dick move indeed" We heard. Darrel turned around and Noah stood there with a baseball bat. "This is way too far. Even for you. I didn't sign up for this, and I'm not gonna let you do this. Sorry bro. It is what it is" he said. "What are you-?" Darrel didn't get to finish before the bat connected with his ribs. My jaw hit the ground as Noah beat the shit out of Darrel. Stephanie and Oliver ran in to pull him off and took away the bat. If Darrel isn't dead, it'd be a miracle. Courtney, Clay, and Siren came in with paramedics. "Are you ok?" Clay asked. "Yeah. Yeah I'm ok" I said. "And you?" He asked looking at Carter. I looked at her. She's awake and looking around like a crazy person. "I see colors that don't exist" she groaned. "You probably have a concussion" I said. I picked her up and she laid on my chest. "Boss. I know this isn't the time, but what do we do with Noah? He technically committed a crime but he also just saved you guys" Stephanie said. Carter looked at Noah who is now tied to a log thanks to Oliver. "The only way he can get out of it, is if he's a bandit" Carter said. "Ok?" Stephanie said confused. Carter blinked a few times. "So make him a bandit. Bring him back with us. Tell whoever that we're 'handling it" Carter said with finger quotes. "Got it" Stephanie said. "Help me get her up" I said to Clay. Carter wrapped her arms around our shoulders and we walked with her. Tony and Darrel are going to the hospital. I have no idea where that is on this island but at least there is one.

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