Run Away

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Emma's POV
I got off the bus and walked back to my house. My parents aren't home. I guess they're working late again. I walked upstairs to my room and found Darrell, my brother, in the doorway. "Hi?" I said, confused. "Hey" he said. I walked past him and he followed me inside. "What do you want?" I asked, putting my bag down. "Are you gay?" He asked. I looked at him like he's stupid. "That's a weird question" I said. "And that's a weird answer. You're avoiding it because you know I know the truth" he pointed at me. "I think you're a little obsessed" I said. "No I'm not! I'm right! Answer the question!" He snapped. I stared at him unamused. "You are not an officer. I don't have to answer anything" I turned away from him. "Ill tell mom and dad" he said. I stopped dead in my tracks. He chuckled evilly. "So its true. You're a dyke" he said. "Yes. I'm a lesbian. What about it?" I asked. I'm starting to sweat. He laughed. "When mom and dad find out, they're gonna hate you! They're gonna kick you out and leave you on the streets to die! Maybe they'll send you to one of those reforming churches." He said. "No they wouldn't" I said. I don't want that to happen. I'm only twelve. I cant handle that. "Yes they would, and when they get home, I'm gonna tell them everything!" He said. "No you won't! How did you even know?" I asked. "I went through your room" he shrugged. "What?! Ugh! You cant tell our parents!" I said. "Where's the fun in that?" He asked with a laugh. Fear shot through my body as he left my room. I'm gonna get kicked out. There's no way they'll accept me. I cant handle that kind of reaction from my parents. Would they really act like that though? Am I crazy? Is Darrell just messing with me? No. He cant be. He's right. My parents will kill me. Not literally, but emotionally. I have to leave before they find out. I have to run away.

My dad is a cop. He'll find me if I take anything with me. I have to go somewhere he'll never suspect. Somewhere that even I don't know the destination. Its midnight. I snuck out of my window and gently closed it. I slid down the roof and peered over the edge. Curse my room being on the second floor. I saw the tree next to the house. "Worth a shot" I said to myself. I ran over to it and jumped onto one of the branches. It wobbled like crazy and I thought it was gonna snap but it didn't. I slowly made my way down the tree and then booked it out of the neighborhood. As I walked down the street, I remembered that we don't live far from the docks. There's always people coming in and out from there. I'm sure I can hitch a ride somewhere. Anywhere is better then here. I started shaking once I was at the docks. Every person here is an old white man that looks like a pedophile. Most of them probably are.

A young boy ran past me. He looked like a teenager. I followed him. He ran onto a boat where a bunch of kids were getting on. That's perfect. I ran over there and slipped onto the boat unnoticed. I went below deck where the other kids were and sat against the wall with them. Most of them are asleep. "Transport ready?" The young boy asked. A girl walked to him. "Yeah. They all seem pretty tuckered. Id say they'll all be asleep by the time we get there" she said. "Alright. Three days to the Island. That makes three hours by magic engine. Ok. Lets power it up and get out of here" he said. They went back above the deck and I leaned back. I'm going to some sort of Island. Maybe this wont be so bad.

I was woken by an air horn. I'm off the boat, on a dock, with all the other kids. We all stood up in confusion, still tired. Its morning now. "Lets go. Follow in a group. If you stray, you will be punished" the girl from the boat said. We all followed her. We walked through this small civilization. Everyone here is a teenager. This is really creepy. We walked up this long ass gravel pathway. There were teens in some sort of guard uniform along the path that would let us through. We finally got up to this giant castle. Where the fuck am I? We walked in and waited in this big room. A guy came in. He looks older. He must be seventeen or eighteen. "Welcome to Teen Island. You've all been chosen to come here because your living conditions suck. We're giving you a better chance to become better people. If you'd like to go back, for whatever stupid reason, follow Kasey and she'll bring you back to the boat. To the rest of you, enjoy the Island. I'm the king here and yeah we have rules, but you'll figure them out yourself. Go have fun for now" he said. I raised an eyebrow while all the kids talked in confusion. We exited the castle and walked back down the path. I looked around in awe and confusion. This is an entire Island ran and composed of teens. I'm not even a teenager yet. I will be in a few days, but damn. How do things not get out of control?

"Move it human" some guy said. He pushed me to the ground and smirked as he walked past. He had dark brown hair and was really tall. His eyes glowed blue for a moment. He's a super. I hate being human sometimes. Supers don't get periods. Plus they all have cool powers. I wish I had a cool power. "Are you ok?" I heard. I was met with a brown haired boy who had two fox ears and a tail. He's a mutant. Mutants are cool too. They can turn into whatever animal they're mixed with. He reached out his hand and I took it to get up. "Yeah. Thanks" I said. "Tony Green. At your service." He said. I heard yelling and looked over. There's a girl screaming her head off at the guy that pushed me. He looks terrified. "Whos that?" I asked. "That's Carter McAllister. She's leader of the Teen Bandits" he replied. "What are the Teen Bandits?" I asked. "You must be new. We keep order around here. King doofus up there doesn't give two shits about this place, so its up to us" he said, pointing back at the castle. Carter walked to us. "Sorry about the asshole. He's been handled. Are you alright?" She asked me. "Yes, I'm ok." I said. She observed me closely. "You look lost kid" she said. "She's new" Tony said. "I didn't ask you Tony. What's your story kid?" She asked me. Carter has long blonde hair. She's wearing a red crop top and black jeans. She stands in this weird, leaning to one side, pose with her thumbs in her front pockets. "I... uh... I ran away from home." I stuttered. She raised an eyebrow. "You weren't chosen to come here, were you?" She asked. "Am I in trouble?" I asked, fear coursing through me. "Depends. How old are you?" She asked. I bit my lip as I started to shake again. "You're twelve aren't you" she said. I nodded. "When's your birthday?" She asked. "Three days" I answered. "Close enough. Tony?" She looked at him. "I didn't hear anything" he shrugged. "Perfect. Welcome to the Island kid. Have a blast" she said. She nudged her head to the side, gesturing for Tony to follow her and he did. They walked away and I admired their jackets from behind. It has an uppercase B with a snake raveled through it. "Wow" I whispered to myself. "I'm on Teen Island" I said in shock.

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