𝟎𝟎𝟏: 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭.

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"ah, the famous N/N

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"ah, the famous N/N." a delinquent spoke.
"what should we do with her?" another asked.
"lets blackmail toman!" one suggested.

right now, Y/N was tied to a chair with tape on her mouth. she kicked around and screamed trying to get loose. who knew going to the convenient store would turn into this?

one walked up to her and placed a hand on her chin, inspecting her. "good idea, we should tell toman we've got their girl. y'know shes like a prize. they'll all come running. especially that mikey guy."

"what about me?" another voice said. the group of delinquents turned in horror to see that it was mikey. "aw, man. you guys took N/N? i'm starting to think she's a celeb." he chuckled to himself.

all the delinquents froze as they stared at him.

"get him!" one commanded as they all suddenly charged at him. it was really embarrassing to watch them get their asses kicked so quickly.

when mikey was done, he went over to Y/N and took the tape off her mouth. she sighed as she looked at him.

"what the hell is wrong with people? i just wanted to get some snacks and all of a sudden im being kidnapped!" she complained.

mikey giggled. "yeah, well its not the first time is it? i dont think you know how valuable you are in the gang world."

Y/N raised a brow. "what's so good about me that they have to kidnap me? i'm sure anyone could do what i do."

mikeh shook his head. "you know a lot about gangs, you fight, you're smart which makes you good for strategising and you're close with me."

Y/N pouted. "man, guess people just cant help themselves." she did a dumb pose. "guess im just a wanted gal."

mikey pulled her to him. "well your my gal, so they need to stop." saying that, he turned to the delinquents. "kidnap her or even touch her again and i will kill all of you."

he then turned back to her with a carefree smile and took her hand and walked out the alleyway. "anyways, lets go."

Y/N shuddered. "your aura change is scary."

mikey just smiled as he got on the bike. "i don't know what you're talking about."

Y/N sat on the back and mikey placed a helmet on her head. "safety first."

Y/N sighed. "what about yours?"

"dont need one."


as he sped off, Y/N wrapped her arms around him. "so, howd you find me this time?"

"i was going to your house and happened to zoom by." mikey replied.

"i feel like you have special senses."


"so, what did you wanna come by my house for?" she asked curiously.

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now