𝟎𝟎𝟗: 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢.

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after the new information he got from the future, takemichi was sprinting to the warehouse

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after the new information he got from the future, takemichi was sprinting to the warehouse. mikey and a few others were meant to be having a meeting there to discuss the moebius conflict.

'I wanna save Akkun and I wanna save Draken. And I wanna save Hina! So I have to stop this whole conflict with moebius from happening.'

He had finally reach the warehouse and could hear familiar, muffled voices inside discreetly discussing their next course of action. Takemichi barged in on their private meeting.

"Mikey." he said, still panting.

"Takemitchy, whats up?" Mikey asked with a carefree smile on his face. Everyone else glared at Takemichi, partly annoyed and partly confused why he would disturb their meeting.

In particular, takemichi noticed familiar E/C eyes glaring at him, analysing him, trying to guess why he showed up.

'is that N/N? wonder what she's doing here. just what is her place in toman?'

"What the hell are you doing here?" draken sighed.

"you got no business here" scoffed Pah.

"yeah get lost, you dipshit." added peh.

ignoring their comments, Takemichi walked forward and stopped in front of Mikey. he could steel feel glares from the others around him but he didn't care. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the judgement he was about to recieve.

"this fight with moebius. It can't happen."

"huh?" Mikey said, confusion visibly on his face.

"someone's pulling the strings here!" Takemichi protested. he suddenly felt a strong force pulling on his hair and before he knew it he was thrown to the floor by pah.

"one more word and i'll kill you." he said coldly.

Y/N was interested at takemichi's sudden change of heart. she wanted to hear him out first before she began her judgement.

"chill guys, lets hear him out." she said.

takemichi gave a faint, brief smile at her before turning back to Mikey.

"I can't tell you why, but you can't fight!" takemichi pleaded.

"huh?" Y/N muttered, now visibly confused as well. she was disappointed to hear that he didn't even have a reason to back him up. "i tried to understand, but i don't really get where you're coming from Mitchy."

as takemichi stood up, pah began punching him.

"you say we can't fight moebius and you don't even know why?! that's bullshit!" he roared.

"enough, pah. takemitchy, you've made your case. but the fight's still on." mikey affirmed. "you don't know anything about this, pal. Once I've made up my mind that we're gonna fight, Toman and Moebius are gonna fight."

takemichi shuddered seeing he's not getting anywhere.

"why are you so determined anyway, mitchy?" Y/N inquired, still trying to figure out what his motives are.

Takemichi suddenly fell to the ground and began the waterworks.

"i've just become friends with you guys. i don't want this to have to end already." Takemichi sobbed.

"eh? did you have a bad dream, mitchy?" Y/N asked, concerned.

"he said he's not backing down. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into moebius more, Y/N." draken implied.

'Y/N? that's her real name?'

"really? what else is their to really know except that its a gang full of shitheads?" she remarked. "i'm tired of researching them they're not even interesting." she whined.

"Y/N is right. ken, are you going against Toman?" Mikey joined in.

"that's not what i said." draken responded.

"well that's what i heard."

while takemichi was watching everything go down, he suddenly heard a voice from behind him.

"sorry to interupt. moebius this, moebius that. i'd prefer it if you kept our name out of your mouths." a man in red uniform said while combing his hair.

"you're osanai."

"shut it, dickcheese."

'that's osanai?!' Takemichi thought while recalling his memories of osanai in the future. he did look quite different.

"we heard you wanted a fight so we're bringing it to you" he boasted. he snapped his fingers and suddenly most of moebius was inside the warehouse.

"you bastard."

"careful, i'm two years older than you. Thats mr bastard to you!"

pah charged at him and was punched to the ground by osanai in an instant.

"thanks for proving you're just middle school babies. The 'tokyo manji gang'. what sort of a name is that?" he jeered.

"oh yeah? well what the hell's a moebius?" Y/N piped up.

"oh, is this the well known N/N?" he said sarcastically. "she yours, mikey? even if she is,
i still might take her. or maybe ill do the same thing i did to this dumbass' buddy's girlfriend."

Osanai and his cronies began to laugh. Y/N began to laugh with them. they suddenly stared at her while she continued laughing. 'is she insane?' takemichi thought.

"you were laughing cause that was a joke, right?" she said, trying to embarrass and antagonise him. it was working. he didn't say anything so she continued. "like i'd ever let you lay a hand on me." she smiled while saying it. everyone felt somewhat scared from her behaviour. how could she talk about violence with a smile on her face?

Mikey looked back and smiled at her while muttering "badass."

osanai snapped out of his shock and put back on his 'tough guy' act.

"well mikey, this is war."


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