𝟎𝟎𝟐: 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?

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Y/N was able to hear what one of the voices weas saying

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Y/N was able to hear what one of the voices weas saying.

"Bring me my bat!''
"i'm gonna kill you!"

some guy was about to charge at some obviously defenceless boy when she stepped in.

"What do you think you're doing, Masa?'' she spoke."If you're gonna beat someone up atleast use your fists,''

"what are you doing?!"
"get out of here, little girl!"
"go home!"

Y/N ignored them as she stared at Kiyomasa. "Shouldn't you be bowing right now?'' she said, giving him a death glare. Reluctantly, Kiyomasa bowed.

"why is he bowing to her?"
"what the hell is going on?!"
"just who is this chick?!"

'he's not bowing far enough.' Y/N thought as she huffed in annoyance. she didn't wanna have to do this. (she did).

she raised her leg and roundhouse kicked Kiyomasa. He dropped to the floor. Everyone gasped in shock at what they just witnessed.

"yeah, that's better," she smiled down at him "bow like that the next time we meet, 'kay?''
Y/N taunted as everyone around her stared in shock.

she nodded to the boy she had saved and was about to leave, but it seemed like the two snow snails had actually made it.

"Scaring the crowd and then leaving N/N?'' one voice said.

"oh, she's done already?'' said another.

looks like the two slow pokes had finally arrived.

"wait, N/N is here?"
"no way, she's N/N?!"

"finally, you guys made it. '' she sighed.

Suddenly, the crowd bowed. good day, commander sir!

one of Kiyomasa's unknown underlings stepped forward in an attempt to talk to Mikey.
"Hello sir! I'm Akaishi! I'm in biker gang number 3!"

mikey ignored him which cause Y/N to snicker.

"shut your mouth. Mikey doesn't talk to people he's not interested in," said Draken as he walked past.

"Y-yes of course, sorry about that."

Kiyomasa stood up and did another one of his shallow bows. As Mikey walked past, Draken kicked him.

"Kiyomasa, who died and made you king?'' he said. "Make sure you're always that far down when bowing to your commander,"

"Didn't learn the first time, Masa? Y/N jeered trying not to burst out laughing.

mikey walked over, passing Y/N and going to the boy that kiyomasa had tried to intimidate. he leaned so close that the boy fell over.

"So, who are you?'' he asked.

"Hanagaki Takemichi,'' the boy, takemichi, replied.

"I see. Takemitchy.''

"Huh? Takemitchy?''

"Thats what Mikey said your name is, Takemitchy."

Y/N nodded.  "takemitchy... I like that.'' she grinned.

Mikey chuckled as he continued looking down at takemichi. "takemitchy it is then. say, takemitchy, are you really in middle school?"

takemichi's eyes widened at this question.

"alright then," mikey said as he finally got off the boy and stood up. "starting today, we're friends, takemitchy."

takemichi just stared at him.

mikey gave him a small smile before strolling over to kiyomasa.

his expression changed in an instant "are you the one that was running these matches and disrespecting N/N?''Mikey asked.

"y-yes'' Kiyomasa stuttered. Before he could finish, Mikey kicked him. He started pummelling his face before he could fall to the ground.

"Who do you think you are?"
He was so beaten he fell unconscious.

"Deserved it!'' Y/N snorted as she walked past him.

"Yo N/N, lets go. Taking bets at this little fight club is lame.'' Mikey sighed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder walking off with her and Draken.

" 'kay. bye mitchy!'' she waved goodbye to her new friend.

" See you, Takemitchy,'' Mikey said.

"Don't bring Toman's rep down. All of you scram.'' Draken said.

The three of them disappeared off as fast as they arrived.

The three of them disappeared off as fast as they arrived

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