𝟎𝟐𝟗: 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲.

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"here it comes, taiju!" before takemichi's hand could even brush taiju's face, he had been punched repeatedly. blood flew everywhere

"i refuse..." she began. "i refuse to lose to you." takemichi told him. blood oozing from his nose. blood gushed out his mouth as taiju kept beating him.

the cycle continued as takemichi ignored everyone's pleas for him to stop. he charged back at taiju, yelling, as he had before. but this time it was different.

he had landed a punch on taiju. everyone's eyes had widened at the sight. "yeah that's right, mitchy! beat that bastard!" y/n cheered.

taiju fell to his knees. he had maid him take the knee!

hakkai had stood behind takemichi with a horrified look on his face. "takemichi, you need to stop. this is all useless in the end." takemichi turnt to him.
"if i can change the future, then i'll risk my life. no matter what." he gave hakkai his signature smile. "fighting your hardest isn't painful. knowing you're alone is the real pain." he looked up at hakkai. "but you're not alone, hakkai. we're friends."

hakkai's eyes watered. he fell to his knees. "takemichi.. i'm not even worthy of having you as your friend. please, help me."

takemichi turned back to face taiju. "of course, my friend. you've orotected yuzuha all your life, but now you don't have to. i'll protect you."

hakkai's eyes were filled with tears. "you've got it all wrong. yuzuha was the one who had gotten all the abuse." tears streamed down. "yuzuha took all the beatings for me."

takemichi looked at him confused. "huh? you were lying?"

chifuyu stood up. "damn, that was really shitty of you."

"you suck big time!" takemichi announced. "but hey, so do i." he smiled. "even if you lied, we still stand by you. that's what toman's all about!"

hakkai walked to the front. "you guys are all beaten to shit. but i'm not." he stood in front of taiju.

"after all the shit i've done for you, you wanna do this to me, hakkai?!" taiju barked.

"hakkai shiba, tokyo manji gang's second division vice captain. i'll protect my family by beating your damn ass!" he gave taiju a punch right to the face.

y/n had woken up. "holy shit. what did i miss?"

they all continued to watch the brawl between the two brothers. until taiju stopped.

"dear God, why does thou test me this way?"

hakkai's eyes dilated. taiju charged at him and served a hard punch at him, pushing him to the ground.

"DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO KILL MY FLESH AND BLOOD? MY OWN FAMILY?!" he yelled out. as he continued pummelling hakkai into the ground. "I LOVE THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD!"

"wow, this guys is insane. maybe it's the steroids?" y/n said. causing chifuyu and mitsuya to snicker quietly.

"hakkai!" takemichi called out. he was out cold.

"i've got bad news for you all. none of you are getting out here alive! this whole damn church is surrounded by my soldiers!" taiju announced.

chifuyu looked out the window. "damn, he's not kidding."

y/n stood up and grinned. "eh, to hell with it." all the other toman members smirked.

"now we all protect hakkai!" takemichi yelled.

they all charged in. they were all in bad shape, so they were getting beaten left right and centre. takemichi got dealt a blow to the face, which caused him to pass out.

they could hear revving in the distance. "could it be?" y/n suggested. y/n was about to get up when takemichi pushed her to sit down.
"rest, you've done enough."

the door opened and in entered mikey. "merry christmas."

they all looked back at him. "what are you guys all doing here?" he smiled. "this is a holiday, after all."

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now