𝟎𝟎𝟑: 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.

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"BOW, thats how ya do it!'' Y/N bragged

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"BOW, thats how ya do it!'' Y/N bragged. "How'd you even find out?'' she asked as she turned to draken.

"Just heard some guys talking about it,'' Draken replied simply.

"oh well,'' she sighed. "i can't believe people actually entertained that crap. i mean a fight club. really?"

mikey nodded. "i know, right? who's got the time to do that?" he rolled his eyes at the thought of it. "oh yeah, can i come to your place? I have no doroyaki at home.'' he added.

"fine,'' she said, dragging the 'e'.

"cool, thanks.'' he beamed. the things he would do for doroyaki is honestly concerning. sometimes, Y/N wonders if he likes doroyaki more than her.

draken gave her a look as if to say. 'good luck, he'll eat you out of house and home.'

Y/N nodded in understanding. 'i know.'

draken cleared his throat, trying to stifle a laugh. ''this is the way i go, so i'll see you two later."

"see ya,'' Y/N waved.
"See ya, Kenny!'' mikey smiled.

draken nodded them a goodbye and walked off.

"Alright let's go,'' she said as Mikey continued to hang onto her arm.

"alright. Also, tomorrow I'm planning on visiting Takemitchy. You wanna come?'' he asked.

Y/N raised a brow. "visit him? where? does he know about this?"

mikey pinched her cheek. "so inquisitive. it depends where he is when i wake up."

Y/N rubbed her cheek. "sure, I'm up for that,'' She took out her keys as they arrived at her door. "We're here,''.

She opened the door and sighed '𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.'

mikey rushed to her drawers as soon as he got inside. she chuckled as she sat on the sofa. "doroyaki addict."

mikey scoffed, his mouth now filled with doroyaki. "and proud."

she playfully rolled her eyes.

mikey had finished his doroyaki in a flash and was now laying on the sofa, his head on her shoulder. she looked at him.

"tired?" she asked.

"just a little." he replied.

she smiled as she turned on the tv. "wanna watch something?"

mikey now spoke with his eyes closed. "i cant even keep my eyes open."

"i dont understand how you get so sleepy after you eat. it's like taking care of a baby."

"im your baby." he replied smugly.

she ruffled his hair. "yes, you are."

he sighed as he clung onto her even more. "man, takemitchy does seem like shinichiro. doesn't he?" he brought up.

she nodded. "i thought it was just me that thought so." she smiled as she continued. "he's got the same resilience that shinichiro does."

mikey nodded in agreement. "for sure."

Y/N pondered in her thoughts as she played with mikey's hair. mikey closed his eyes. Y/N decided to speak up once more. "do you ever think about what our future will be?"

mikey's brows furrowed. "that's random."

Y/N gave a small smile. "i dont know, it's just something i think about sometimes."

mikey closed his eyes again. "well, if anything, i want my future to be with you." he started. "i would wanna get married to you."

Y/N blushed. "yeah, well i guess our ideas arent too different."

mikey gave her a playful nudge. "thinking the same thing, huh?"

Y/N flicked his forehead. "maybe."

"then it's settled." he spoke. "in the future, we'll get married." he said it as if it was nothing.


"i promise."

Y/N beamed. mikey smiled as he kissed her now pink cheek. "we will get married and live out our lives together."

her eyes twinkled at his sincerity. "mhm."

Y/N cleared her throat. "well, how's gang business?"

mikey sighed. "it's cool." he replied simply.

"that's it?"

"well, nothing's really happened. although, i'm still bent on making my dream a reality." he smiled.

Y/N ruffled his hair. "well of course, and i'll be there to support you."

mikey chuckled to himself as he contemplated. "i honestly don't know what i'd do without you, y'know?" he gently cupped her face. "and i mean that. seriously, thank you. you mean the world to me."

Y/N's face flushed, but not with embarrassment. she looked into his dark eyes, her gaze filled with unwavering affection. "i love you, manjiro." she whispered softly.

mikey's expression softened. he returned her lovestruck look with his own. "i love you too,

Y/N raised a brow in realisation. "you're doing a lot of talking for someone who's meant to be sleepy."

mikey made fake snoring sounds. "cant hear you, i'm sleeping."

she chuckled. "you sure?"

he didnt respond.

he was actually sleeping.

he was actually sleeping

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