𝟎𝟐𝟎: 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝.

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this fight had been full of plot twists but was now only reaching its climax

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this fight had been full of plot twists but was now only reaching its climax.

Y/N looked down at mikey. he still wasn't responding. she looked down to see takemichi and chifuyu trying to stop baji.

kazutora had gotten up, slowly edging towards her. "why don't you join us, N/N?"


"why not? valhalla is ten times better than toman anyway. aren't you meant to be my friend?"

"kazutora... i'm your friend, and i always will be. but i'll never join you."

"you say you're my friend?" he deadpanned.

"yeah. we'll always be friends, kazutora. but, at some point, this all has to stop. mikey didn't—"

"that's all i hear from you. mikey, mikey, mikey."

she stayed silent.

"so, tell me, are we really friends?"


"liar." kazutora suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed Y/N in the stomach.

y/n coughed out blood. "kazu...tora..."

takemichi was still below.
'wait... it isn't only baji that gets killed. N/N does too!' he looked up at the cars.
"N/N!" he yelled.

everyone's attention suddenly turned to Y/N who was breathing heavily in a pool of blood.

takemichi looked around for where kazutora had gone next. he heard the sound of another stabbing along with the words:

"die, baji."

baji had now been stabbed aswell. takemichi pushed him off.
'nothing has changed! they're still both about to die!'

baji stood up on the cars. takemichi now had to save y/n. he began running to the top of the junk cars. y/n was still breathing heavily, just hanging in there.


"N/N! everything's gonna be okay!"

she laughed. "yeah, and then i'll get another cool scar."

tajemichi frowned. "now's not the time to be joking around!"

her smile faded. "sometimes, you've got to laugh to hide your fear, take...mitchy..." she whispered as her eyes begun to water. she smiled softly. "trust me... i really don't want to die."

takemichi's lip quivered. "N— Y/N! stay with me!"

it seemed while Y/N was fighting to stay awake, baji was also fighting in a different way. he was somehow able to checkmate kisaki. baji held a pipe to his throat. it was all going too well... baji's breath hitched. blood oozed from his mouth as he choked and fell to the floor.

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now