𝟎𝟑𝟒: 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭.

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"man, shit sounds rough out there

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"man, shit sounds rough out there." Y/N sighed as she bandaged chifuyu's face. "so kisaki wants to make his own toman?" Y/N asked.

takemichi nodded. "yep, he's joined tenjiku. he wants mikey to accept him."

Y/N had a confused look on her face. "hah? what's his obsession with mikey?" she grumbled. "man, he makes my blood boil."

chifuyu giggled. "seems like you have competition." he teased.

Y/N nodded repeatedly. "for sure! man, i just wanna kill him!" she paused. "but then id be no better than him would i?" she sunk back down as she continued bandaging chifuyu's face.

chifuyu sighed, understanding her frustration. "there really is no winning, is there?" he gave a slight chuckle.

Y/N smiled. "yeah." her phone dinged. she took it out to see what it was. "oh man, i totally forgot about the meeting!" she dragged the two boys up. "we gotta get going!"


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"THE EMERGENCY MEETING STARTS NOW!" draken announced. "yesterday, a recently formed gang called tenjiku from yokohoma attacked us!" he continued. "the first to be attacked was first division!"

everyone turned to takemichi and chifuyu. they stepped forward. "we were attacked my team mochizuki." chifuyu informed.

"team mochizuki?" draken repeated in confusion.

"its the team run by kanji mochizuki, ex leader of jugem." nahoya mentioned. "he's probably tenjiku's main force."

"no way!"
"an s-62 generation is in tenjiku?!"

"thats not all." mitsuya spoke up. "the haitani brothers are also apart of tenjiku."

"the ones who control roppongi?!"
"these are all s-62 members!"

"so this new gang is made of the s-62 generation." mikey summoned up.

"sounds like their grudge with toman runs deep." draken added.

"in any case... we cant keep getting beat! were invading yokohoma next!" mikey yelled. of course, his announcement fired everyone one up.

"damn right!"
"the s-62 are just a bunch of fossils!"

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now