𝟎𝟐𝟖: 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞.

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yuzuha charged at taiju again. "yuzu, don't!" y/n tried to stop her. but it was too late. taiju had delivered another blow which had sent her flying.

takemich ran in front of taiju. "scram, little shit." taiju said in a low voice.
"no, i won't let you do this to her! you're ruining your own damn family!" takemichi yelled in his face.

"no, stay back!" hakkai pleaded. takemichi turned to him.
"and what the hell are you standing back there for?!" when takemichi turned back, he had been sent a blow to the face.

y/n had had enough. "you fucking piece of shit." taiju turned to her and raised a brow. "excuse me? i don't think i heard you quite clearly."
"you're a fucking piece of shit." she charged at taiju. he tried to give her a punch to the face, like he did the others, but she managed to dodge it. she gave him an uppercut to the jaw.

taiju held his mouth. "you little bitch." y/n chuckled.

"n/n stay back!" takemichi yelled. being the person she is, y/n turned back. when she turned her attention back to taiju, she was greeted by a punch and sent flying.

"people that get in other people's business deserve no mercy." taiju said, looking at y/n.

"shut the fuck up." y/n clapped back, her nose now bleeding. yuzuha walked forward.

"i appreciate what you guys are trying to do, but i'll protect hakkai." her vision was a blur as she shakily attempted to re-approach taiju. "i'll finish this. once and for all."

her knife was stopped by someone else. a well known voice spoke. "this isn't the type of thing we use to protect someone."

"mitsuya?!" takemichi said in confusion.

"drop the damn knife, yuzuha. you're cutting my fingers off." he smiled at her. yuzuha's quivering hands dropped the knife as she fell into mitsuya's chest. he embraced her.

"everything is gonna be alright." he reassured her. he turned to takemichi. "takemichi, make sure you look after yuzuha." he then looked at y/n and chuckled slightly. "i'm not surprised your here."

y/n gave him a peace sign. "what can i say." she smiled back. "now go kick that steroid man's ass."

mitsuya nodded and turned to taiju. "i'm ready to fight you now, asshole." taiju smirked.
"you out of your fucking mind? i'll crush you like the piece of shit you are."

"go to hell." mitsuya said simply. "and your cheap ass promise can go with you."

their brawl had now begun. taiju may have had the strength, but mitsuya sure did have the endurance and agility to keep going.

"you guys gonna stand there and watch?"

y/n turned around to see who had sneaked up on them now. she stood up. "fuyu!" her e/c eyes scanned over his face. "what the hell happened to your face?"

"hanma and kisaki beat me and tied me up." he replied. y/n balled her fists.
"those fucking assholes."

chifuyu smiled at her. "it's fine, n/n. i'm fine. i am still breathing, after all."

chifuyu looked at takemichi. "i called mitsuya earlier, had a feeling hanma and kisaki would betray us."
"ohh." takemichi said in realisation. "wait, so will mitsuya fighting break the truce?"
"nope. since he broke it, everyone'll understand."

while they had been busy talking, it looked like mitsuya had taken the knee.

"enough!" hakkai said from the back, reminding everyone he was here.

mitsuya was starting to give out. however, his resilience kept him going. hakkai continued pleading for mitsuya to stop. "stop already, taka!"

"i'm getting pretty sick and tired of this back and forth bullshit. i think it's time to take you out." a pipe came from behind mitsuya. another black dragon member had showed up. mitsuya flew to the floor.

another lackey of taiju's came from the back. "that info worth the a hundred grand?" he smirked as he walked to the front to stand beside taiju.

y/n stepped forward. "you son of a bitch!" she charged at taiju again.
"come back for more?!" he grinned.

talemichi and chifuyu charged for his two lackeys.

she punched him again. then she kneed him in the stomach. taiju took in a sharp intake of breath. she smiled. "getting winded?" taiju suddenly stood up. he scoffed. "no way." he punched her and sent her straight to the ground.

she shakily stood up and charged straight back at him again. he punched her again. "you think i'm giving up?" she went t back in for a third time. her vision was beginning to blur.

he gave a series of blows, on after the other. she began coughing out blood. her left eye couldn't even open. but she still had a smile on her face. takemichi called for her. "that's enough, n/n!"

she grinned as she went back in to try and charge at taiju. "like hell it is." taiju dealt her a blow to the face with his full power.

"be gone, you little shit."

she flew back. she tried to get up just one more time. "i'm not... done..."

"stay back, n/n. it's time i finally kicked taiju's ass!" takemichi declared. y/n smiled as she shakily said.

"be my guest, takemichi.."

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now