𝟎𝟏𝟑: 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬.

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"Y/N!" emma exclaimed.

"hey em, draken. so he did say yes, emma." she gave her a closed eye smile. "I'm happy for you."

Y/N had pushed draken out of the way, sacrificing herself in the process. she had taken the blow intended for him, and now her head was drenched in blood. the pain and shock from the impact were making her feel lightheaded, the world starting to spin slightly.

"man, peh, this is hella low." she sighed in disappointment.

"stay out of it!" peh irked.

moebius members marched in.

"you ready, draken?" Y/N grinned.

"you know it." draken replied.

they moebius members all started ambushing them but draken and Y/N took them out with slight ease. Y/N's vision was begging to blur. her head was also beginning to hurt. she didn't wanna admit it, but she was reaching her limit.

tons of moebius members were already on the floor, struggling to get back up. while knocking out another member, Y/N heard a familiar voice.

"N/N, draken!" takemichi called.

"yo, mitchy." she looked over at mitsuya. "oh hey, taka."

"Y/N are you alright?" mitsuya asked concerned as him and takemichi ran over.

"I'll be alright." she reassured as she smiled.

"peh, you traitor!" mitsuya accused.

"shut up, mitsuya!" peh barked.

they all stopped when they heard a familiar exhaust sound.

"he's here." Y/N whispered.

mikey walked up to peh.

"I get it now. you made me miss my day with
Y/N just so you could ambush kenny. tell me peh, who tricked you into doing this?"

"I'm just doing this for pah!"

"this isn't how we do shit!" mikey told him.

"wow. i guess you do have some brains and you're not just brawn." someone stepped forward from the shadows. mikey turned around to see a tall dual coloured hair man.

"who the hell are you?" mikey asked coldly.

"the name's hanma." he stated.

"so you're the one who's been pulling the strings lately."

"you really are a smartass mi-" hanma didn't get to finish as mikey attempted to deliver a kick. to everyone's surprise, hanma blocked it.

"what's the hurry, Mikey?" he said, shaking his hand.

"crushing toman is our goal." he started. "but why fight you when you can fight yourselves?"

"damn, what's with all this talking?" Y/N asked. "I'm not surprised mikey kicked you. you're taking too damn long!" draken and mitsuya snickered at her comment.

"is this the illustrious N/N?" hanma said, making a big scene.

Y/N gave him a death glare, it felt like she was staring right through him. "just start the fight already." she said coldly. her eyes looked lifeless.

"fine fine. I'm just excited because I get to kill the invincible mikey with my own two hands!" hanma exclaimed, one hand covering his face. It showed off a tattoo he had on his hand. "moebius has a hundred men here! while toman has a measly 4" he boasted.

as if timed, the engines of bikes could be heard. it was toman.

"infighting isn't really my thing" yasuhiro muto.

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now