𝟎𝟑𝟗: 𝐧𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰.

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it had been a day since she died

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it had been a day since she died. mikey was sat in the hospital again. why couldn't he accept it?

hina had come to visit Y/N's body. her cries filled the halls.

"hey, hina! don't cry!" a voice spoke. hina turned to the direction it had come from. it was a thumb.

"i'll protect you!" it spoke again.

hina ran to around the corner. "it's not funny, takemichi." she paused when she saw his face. he was holding back tears.

"when i was twenty one, a boy kept getting lost in a store i worked in." he started. "i tried to do this to make him feel better, but it just made him cry even more." another pause. "now look at me, a loser at twenty six."

he turned to the door. "i'm going now. and don't worry, hina. everything will be okay. heroes don't run away." he left.

takemichi had to move forward and take charge

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takemichi had to move forward and take charge. fight through the pain. mikey and draken hadn't called any meetings as of late, so he and chifuyu did instead.

before going there, he met with chifuyu. he gulped. "chifuyu, i have some sad news to tell you."

chifuyu's eyes already looked reddened as he sniffed. "she's dead. that's the news, isn't it?
N/N's dead."

takemichi gasped. "how did you know?"

"it doesn't take long for word to get around, takemichi. after i heard, i visited her earlier today. i saw mikey there. he's not in the right state. i guess he won't be leading for a while." chifuyu frowned.

takemichi gave a small nod. "we have to do something, chifuyu. we still have to fight."

chifuyu hummed in agreement. "we will. we just need to get everyone in toman to join us too."

"attention everyone!" chifuyu raised his voice as he and takemichi stood halfway up the steps of the musashi shrine

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"attention everyone!" chifuyu raised his voice as he and takemichi stood halfway up the steps of the musashi shrine.

"shut up!"
"you tryna call the shots now, chifuyu?"

"everyone listen up! earlier today, N/N died. mikey and draken currently aren't ready to participate." chifuyu informed.

there were mutters in the crowd.

"we would have a better chance if we took time to prepare." takemichi started. "but, toman is going after tenjiku today!"

"stop fucking around with us!"
"are you serious?!"

the crowd turned to leave. chifuyu sighed. "a double suicide it is." he gave an encouraging smile.

takemichi smiled softly in return.

"make it triple!" a voice joined in. it was akkun. "i'll join you guys. takemichi never runs away!"

takemichi's school friends all stepped up as well. "let's face tenjiku together!"

"this takemichi, always picks fights he known he cant win." a cheery voice spoke. it was smiley followed by angry who was wheeling his wheelchair. he still had the same grin on his face. "i snuck out the hospital."

another voice followed. "takemichi's a moron. that's why he never runs away." it was mitsuya, who was being wheeled in by hakkai. "bring angry and hakkai with you."

hakkai and angry stepped forward.
"you won't have to carry toman's burdens alone!" angry spoke.
"right." hakkai added.

"we haven't got a chance!" chifuyu yelled. "but if we run away, toman is through! we have show them that just because we don't have mikey, we are still unbeatable!"

"he's right!"

"toman! toman! toman!"

toman and tenjiku, face to face as planned

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toman and tenjiku, face to face as planned.

"i've been waiting for you," kisaki stood up high as he looked down on everyone. "hero."

takemichi's brows furrowed at the very sight of him. 'i swear i'll drag you down from there!' he thought as he stepped forward.

izana smirked to himself. "you guys seem outnumbered. this should be interesting." it seemed as if he was speaking to himself more than the others. "let's start with a vanguard fight."

a loud blonde stepped forward. "i will be taking today's fight! black dragon's former leader and one of tenjiku's big four! shion madarame!" he yelled as he introduced himself. "who are yoy sending out, toman?!"

takemichi gulped as he face forward. "what's a vanguard fight?" he asked, hoping one of his comrades would answer.

"it was a ritual that was popular with the s-62 generation," yamagishi informed. "it starts with a one on one and slowly builds up into and all out battle."

the obnoxious blonde, now known as shion spoke again. "you've got none of your big shots left! mikey, draken, N/N, mitsuya and smiley! not a single decent member is left!" he mocked.

takemichi heard footsteps behind him. out emerged peh. "you'll be fighting me." he turned to look back at toman. "stay back."

shion stepped up close to peh with an agitated look on his face. "i don't give a shit who you are... i'll kill all of you toman bastards myself."

peh scoffed. "you guys keep yapping." he punched shion in the face. "but none of it makes any fucking sense!"

and just like that, shion was out cold on the floor.

"takemitchy!" peh called. takemichi straightened. "you give the command of when to attack, got it?!"

takemichi nodded. "right!" he took a deep breath. "let's do this!"

 "let's do this!"

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