𝟎𝟑𝟑: 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧.

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"so, what's this last minute visit for, mitchy?" Y/N asked

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"so, what's this last minute visit for, mitchy?"
Y/N asked. she had assumed she was still talking to past takemichi, so she thought this visit was weird.

takemichi took a deep breath. "i have a message from you in the future."

her eyes widened in realisation. "future mitchy?!"

takemichi nodded. Y/N gave him a worried look. "did something go wrong in the future?"

takemichi sighed. "well, it's the worst one i've visited so far." takemichi confirmed.

Y/N gulped. "so, what did future me say?"

"she said don't leave toman or mikey's side no matter what. you have to be stern with him."

"that's all?" she said, confused. "so, what happened in the future this time?"

takemichi took a deep breath. "mikey killed all the old toman members. he tried to get you to kill him and then he tried to kill you. and then..."

Y/N raised her brow. "then what? what happened?"

"you killed yourself."

she paused. "i see. so, this is the second future where i end up dead. and this is the first future where mikey dies."

takemichi nodded. "i never thought of it that way."

Y/N looked as if she was thinking it over. for someone who had such a tragic future, she seemed really calm. "so, what made him do that?"

"i'm not sure. he only spoke to you, not me. i watched the whole thing, but i wasn't close enough to hear properly." takemichi explained.

Y/N placed a hand on her chin as she thought. "i have a feeling it has something to do with you and me leaving toman."

takemichi gave a confused look. "you really think so?"

Y/N nodded slowly. "yes. mikey relies on us more than you think, you know. he sees his brother in you. he needs your guidance as much as he needs mine."

takemichi nodded in agreement. "i understand. so, what's our next course of action?"

she stood up. "i'm going to talk to him."

takemichi looked confused. "huh? and say what?"

"just see how he's doing. mikey's not one to speak about how he feels unless you ask. maybe i could get an idea on why he ended up killing everyone." she explained.

takemichi gave a small smile. "good idea. good luck."

she had arrived at mikey's home

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she had arrived at mikey's home. she knocked on the door. emma opened it. "oh, hey, N/N!" she said with a joyful smile on her face.

Y/N gave emma a hug. "yo, em! where's mikey?"

"he should be in the garage." she said.

"cool, i'll be back soon. we can watch a rom-com if you'd like." Y/N offered.

emma went starry eyed. "okay!"

Y/N walked over to the garage and opened the door. as expected, she saw mikey on his bed. she jumped on his bed and covered his eyes with her hands. "guess who!" she said cheerfully.

"hmm... lemme guess. must be kenny." mikey teased.

she scoffed. "wrong!"

mikey chuckled. "i'm kidding, i know who that pretty voice belongs to." he paused to build suspense "it must be mitsuya."

"last chance." she irked.

"ah, it must be my wifey!" he sat up and hugged her. "why are you here?"

"just to see how you're doing. so, how have you been?"

mikey laid on his back and looked up. "i've been good."

she looked at him. "liar."

mikey chuckled. "nothing gets past you, does it?"

Y/N gave a proud look. "nope! not when it comes to you, anyway."

mikey's carefree expression suddenly hardened. "i feel this darkness."

her brows furrowed in confusion. "darkness?"

mikey nodded. "i felt it on the bloody halloween. i wanted to kill kazutora. i kept punching and punching. i just couldn't stop. its as if my mind went blank but my body kept going." he explained. "i also felt it on christmas, when i kicked taiju. it just happened."

he put his hand to his heart as he closed his eyes. "this darkness, it's eating away at me."

she looked at him, concerned. "why haven't you told me this before?"

"i didn't wanna worry you."

"it worries me more if you don't tell me."

mikey stared at the wall. "i just feel like this darkness will take control of me, and one day i'll kill somebody."

she put her hand on top of his hand which was still on his heart. "i'll make sure that doesn't happen. i'll take your darkness."

"promise?" he asked.

she held out her pinkie finger. "promise."

they pinkie swore. their promise rings twinkled at that moment.

"i'm lucky to have you, y'know?" mikey smiled sincerely.

she smiled back. "i'm lucky to have you too."

she looked down. "i love you in every timeline." she mumbled to herself.

"hm?" mikey gave her a confused look.

"no matter our future, i'll always love you. please remember that." she looked at him lovingly.

he gave her a warm smile back. "i'll always love you. and thank you. for everything"

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now