𝟎𝟑𝟎: 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲.

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mikey's smile disappeared in an instant as his dark eyes scanned around the room.
"well, if it isn't black dragon."

he looked at y/n. "and my wifey's here too? what a holiday."

mitsuya bowed. "i'm sorry mikey. this is all my fault. i made a truce and then went ahead and broke it."

mikey didn't say anything. "shinichiro always liked that. even baji used to talk about it. 'listen to how mitsuya's bike purrs'. he smiled.

he turned his attention back to the problem at hand. he looked at taiju. "why are you interfering? i only want to enjoy my holidays with the people i care about." he gave taiju a death glare. "if you kill mitsuya, shinichiro and baji will be said."

taiju's fist flew to mikey's face. sending him to the floor. "mikey!" y/n called, worried. he hadn't responded. she stood up, ready to charge again. "you piece of—" chifuyu held her back. "i'll fucking murder you." she told taiju.

he grinned. "tonight the great taiju has defeated the invincible mikey!"

mikey stood up. "prayer time is over." mikey couldn't stand straight.

"that all you got 'invincible mikey'. i'm not impressed." taiju taunted.

mikey took a deep breath. "that punch you just gave me, that was my punishment to myself." before taiju could respond, he was on the floor, knocked out cold.

"ho—lyyy shit." y/n commented.

"it was a tradition. baji, shinichiro and i. we would go out riding in the snow." he smiled as he took out a familiar charm. "when i go on a ride on the 250 shinichiro got me, i always wear baji's good luck charm." he smiled. "baji, shinichiro and you guys are all in my heart. that's the only thing that keeps me strong."

he turned to the door and smiled. "let's get outta here."
"right!" everyone said.

mikey held out his arm for y/n. she smiled and took it, now clinging to his arm. they walked out the door.

outside someone else was waiting. "draken?!" they looked around. atleast a hundred black dragon soldiers passed out on the floor.

"wow, you rocked them!" y/n said with stars in her eyes.

she turned to mikey. "it may not be christmas, but can we go on a christmas date?" he smiled.
"can you really call it a christmas date now?" he teased.
she huffed. "in some countries, it's still Christmas."
"i'm kidding, dumbass. we can go right now." he paused. "after you clean all that blood of your face."
she chuckled. "don't like me the way i am?"

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now