𝟎𝟎𝟓: 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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The next morning, Draken, Mikey and Y/N were outside of Mizo Middle School

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The next morning, Draken, Mikey and Y/N were outside of Mizo Middle School.

"When you said that we were going to meet mitchy I didn't think you meant while he was at school," Y/N remarked.

"It just makes it more thoughtful that we're visiting him during school hours!" Mikey joked.

They walked through the halls of Mizo Mid.
"Is takemitchy a 3rd year or a 2nd year?" Draken asked.

"I'm guessing hes a 2nd year," replied Y/N.

"cool, lets go look through all the second year classes," mikey spoke.

they walked around searching for the second hear class, while walking they saw a couple of third years in the hallway. they were all staring at Y/N.

"woah, she's hot!"
"hey, isn't that the girl from the other day?!"
"yeah, i think that's N/N!"

the group walked over to her. draken and mikey hadnt yet noticed since they were on the other side of the hallway, still looking for takemichi.

"hey, hottie. watcha doin' around here?" one smirked.

Y/N gave a look like she was gonna vomit. "is that your attempt at picking me up?" she scoffed. "man, even if i was single i would pass all you freaks for sure."

one of them pushed her again the wall. "the hell did you just say?!" he spat. Y/N was gonna push them off, but she didnt wanna make a scene.

"listen, where is this guy? ill fight him right now and show that i'm way bett—" he wasnt able to finish since he got kicked in the face by the one and only mikey. him and draken cleared out the rest of them.

Y/N sighed as she moved away from the wall. "yikes, that was scary for a sec."

draken chuckled. "you shivering?"

Y/N scoffed. "as if!"

mikey walked to the final door on this floor. he slid the door open. "Hey, there he is!" he exclaimed. "come and play with us takemitchy!" he said in a sing songy way as he stepped into the classroom.

takemichi earned some surprised looks from his classmates. He was shocked about their intrusion himself.

'this guy is insane!'

"yo, mitchy!" Y/N waved with a grin. draken leaned on the doorframe with a faint smile.

takemichi quickly stepped outside, he looked shocked to see all of his 3rd years wiped out.

"hey, uh. what is all this?"

"well this is a school, so i schooled them," Draken replied simply which earnt a snicker from Y/N.

"lie down and line up, wimps. on your stomachs."

Y/N face palmed. she knew what they were about to do. They started jumping on each of the 3rd years like hopscotch. Y/N just walked beside Takemichi.

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now