𝟎𝟏𝟎: 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.

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Mikey and walked up to Osanai. "all this just for some middle school kids? just as shitty as expected, osanai." he scoffed.

"eh couldn't hear you there!" osanai mocked.

"he said that your shitty." Y/N spoke as she walked up to them. she took the lollipop out of her mouth as she looked osanai up and down. she giggled. "this is osanai? man, you guys must be headless. or maybe you're just dumb. seriously, does he pay you to follow him around?"

everyone could see the embarrassment on osanai's face. he tried to act as if he didn't hear her. trying, and failing, to reinforce his tough guy act.

"who the hell do you think you're eyeballing?" osanai sneered at takemichi, raising his fist as if preparing to strike. takemichi braced himself for the impact, but suddenly, Y/N swooped in front of him, intercepting the blow just in time.

with a teasing laugh, she retorted, "so now you're going for mitchy? as if anyone would want to look at you." she glared at him, her words dripping with mockery. "you gang leader wannabe."

"your fight is with me." pah spoke.

osanai turned to him.

"no pah. don't fight moebius." takemichi protested in a desperate attempt to stop them. pah pushed him back.

"have some faith in him, hanagaki. pah's one of the best. he'd never lose to someone like osanai." peh said filled with hope.

"Takemitchy. just sit back and watch. this is pah's fight." Mikey told him, while his eyes were on pah.
osanai unleashed a barrage of punches, raining blow after blow onto pah's body. after landing several strikes, osanai delivered a devastating blow to pah's nose, sending him reeling back. pah staggered, struggling to stay conscious as blood streamed down his face, staining his features.

"he's a monster! pah, i'm coming!" peh yelled, running to help his friend. Mikey stopped him.

"didn't i say sit back and watch?"

"yes, sorry about that." peh went back to where he was standing.

"sit back and watch?! this is too cruel. his nose is broken and he's barely even conscious!" takemichi argued.

"chill, mitchy he hasn't given up yet."
Y/N replied in a carefree tone. she made it sound as if it was normal and expected.

"thats right." mikey added, giving them a close eyed smile.

"are you guys crazy? this is sadistic! its just torture now!" takemichi exclaimed.

Y/N sighed hearing takemichi's words. "you have to give him a chance, mitchy."

osanai gave pah his final blow. pah had reached his limit. he dropped onto mikey's arm.

"i'm sorry mikey. i'm worthless." he muttered, choking on his blood.

"what are you talking about pah? you haven't lost." mikey reassured. suddenly, osanai's cronies started cackling and taunting them.

"is he insane?!"

"did he not just see what went down?!"

"better start begging for mercy!"

mikey ignored their comments as he walked straight up to osanai. 'does mikey really think he can beat osanai?' takemichi thought.

"here we go," Y/N muttered with a knowing grin on her face.

"huh, what now?" osanai said, puffing out his cigarette. "you want some? i'll have you layed out in ten sec-" osanai didn't get to finish his empty threat as mikey swiftly kicked him.

Y/N snickered at the sight. she knew it was coming. 'deserved it' she thought.

"anyone who thought pah lost, come out here. i'll kill you all," mikey said with a cold glare. everyone was shaking. he turned around and smiled

"my bad N/N and kenny. couldn't help it."

Y/N stood up and walked over laughing. "you gave him the thrashing he deserved!"

draken smiled at them. "what am i gonna do with you guys."

suddenly, osanai got up and started charging at them with a broken bottle. he was aiming for mikey in particular.

"Mikey, lookout!" blurted Y/N. draken ran infront and stopped osanai.

"osanai, i'll tell you why you lost. you left the true delinquent's past. we know what you did to that girl and how you beat up her parents. you're nothing but a piece of shit." he looked around at the other moebius members. "any of you do any thing else messed up, we'll kill you ourselves." all of the moebius members looked terrified. Draken continued. "you're leader is toast because he got his ass kicked by mikey! anyone got a problem with that?!" no one uttered a word as they stared at draken speechless. "well in that case, moebius now belongs to the tokyo manji gang!"

immediately after, sirens were heard.

"cops are coming," Y/N informed.

"the cops? shit." draken mumbled with a grin on his face.

"crap, the police!" panicked takemichi.

"think they're coming to congratulate us?" peh joked. mikey laughed.

"time to scram!" he exclaimed as he took hold of Y/N's hand.

"hey moebius! your leader is here. don't just run off and save yourself." draken yelled. while he was waiting for the moebius members to come and take their leader, pah came and charged at osanai with a knife. he stabbed him.

everyone's eyes  widened at what they had just witnessed. draken pushed pah back before the wound could get any deeper. mikey, Y/N and takemichi turned around. the three of them froze in shock.

"osanai! osanai!" draken stammered trying to get him to wake up. there wasn't much time. the sirens were getting louder. the police were getting closer.

"pah, lets go!" mikey yelled.

"i'm sorry.. mikey." mikey looked at him in disbelief. "peh, you look after the third division. i'm going with the cops."

"the hell you will, pah!" mikey countered.

"we have to get out of here now, mikey!" draken exclaimed.

"pah, come with us! PAH!" Mikey pleaded. but it was too late. the cops had arrived.

Y/N ran behind with takemichi. she noticed his pace slowing down.

"mitchy, you okay?" she asked. when she turned back, he was on the floor. he had passed out.

 he had passed out

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