𝟎𝟏𝟖: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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Y/N was walking to the convenience store when she spotted someone familiar

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Y/N was walking to the convenience store when she spotted someone familiar. "i've seen that dumb hair before..." she gasped. "takemichi?"

she could see takemichi was walking with someone. however, she couldn't get a look at his face. being the curious person she is, she decided to follow them.

"that guy looks older than takemichi, it can't be one of his friends." she thought out loud.

"maybe they're just going to a store?"

she watched them going into an abandoned arcade. "huh?" she walked up closer to the arcade. there was a weird symbol on it. "a headless angel?"

"am i going crazy? did they really walk in here?" she looked at the sign with a sense of recognition. "i know i've seen this symbol before."

she walked inside. looking around, all she could see was... gang uniforms? oh, crap. did she just walk into another gang's territory?!

as soon as she stepped inside, she heard someone getting beaten. trying to stay as hidden as possible, she made her way to the front.

when she got to the front, she saw baji and chifuyu?! she looked beside her and saw a familiar face, finally. "takemichi? what the hell are you doing here?!"


the boy beside takemichi turned towards her. "N/N?"

Y/N stilled at the familiarity of the voice. "kazu... tora?"

takemichi looked surprised. "you know him?!"

Y/N didn't reply, she didn't know what to say. suddenly, she felt herself being pulled into a hug.

"N/N? is it really you?"

she was shaking slightly, but managed to nod.

takemichi looked at the two with a shocked face. "huh?!"

Y/N turned to baji. "what the hell are you making him do?"

"we have to test his faith." kazutora replied.

"by beating up chifuyu?!"

kazutora just nodded in response.

baji stood up. "is that good enough? can i finally join valhalla?"

a voice spoke up. it was hanma once again. "well, we've brought a witness. step forward, hanagaki takemichi."

takemichi stepped forward shakily.

"takemichi, tell us what baji said in your last meeting."

"he said toman would be his new enemy. and that he was joining valhalla."

hanma thought for a while. "what do you think, kazutora?"

kazutora smiled. "he did a test of faith, and we heard a witness. i'd say he's good."

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now