𝟎𝟑𝟏: '𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬' 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞.

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"so, what do you actually have in mind for this date?" Y/N asked

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"so, what do you actually have in mind for this date?" Y/N asked.
"just you wait and see."

she was on the back of mikey's motorcycle.   she held onto his waist tightly as he drove her both somewhere for their 'christmas' date.

he parked up and took you into a shopping district. "here we are!"

she lit up. "oooh! were we goin'?" mikey smiled as he took her through. to find what he was looking for. "you'll see." he replied with a smug smile.

he stopped in front of a jewellery shop. she looked at him, confused. "never knew you were a blingy type of guy."

he chuckled. "wait here." he went into the shop. not long after, he came out.

"did ya get anything?" she asked.
"patienceee." he answered smugly.

she pouted. he just laughed at her. "why dont't we go do some stargazing? i heard there's meant to be a shooting star today." he suggested. she nodded and they laid down on some grass.

"wow..." Y/N mumbled in awe. "does the sky always look this pretty?" she asked as she continued to look up. looking at the stars that twinkled at her.

mikey smiled softly. "i'm not sure. but tonight it sure does. in fact, it used to look like this when we were kids, remember? now that i think about it, the sky is only dull when i'm not with you."

she gave a small chuckle. "trying to charm me under the starry night sky?"

he grinned. "maybe. is it working?"

she hummed as if she was thinking. "a little."

they went silent again as they stared up at the sky. surprisingly, mikey was right a shooting star was going past.

"there it is!" Y/N pointed as the star soared past. it was beautiful. she hadn't seen a shooting star before. the sky was beautiful. it was even better that she was looking at it with the one she loved.

"don't forget to make your wish!" mikey reminded.

Y/N panicked. "right!" she closed her eyes.

'please, may mikey have a happy future. and may i be with him through all of it, good or bad.'

mikey closed his eyes as well.

'please, never leave me, Y/N.'

the star left the sky and the two opened their eyes. mikey sat up. Y/N followed.

"can we talk?" he suddenly asked.

Y/N was suddenly worried by his tone. had something come up? "yeah, sure."

he took a deep breath before he spoke. "i love you, you know. your love is everything to me... you are everything to me. i want you to know, my heart is yours. it may not be much, but it will forever belong to you. nothing will change that."

Y/N was trying to cool her nerves. where was this sudden speech coming from? was something wrong?

"we've made promises in the past and will probably continue to make them in the future, right?" he continued as he reached his hand into his pocket. what was he looking for?


he pulled out two black boxes. he slowly opened the box, revealing what's inside. "i thought these could symbolise them. symbolise our relationship."

he gave her the box, revealing a ring with a small sun on it and his name engraved inside the band.

"wow..." she said, speechless. tears began to prick her eyes. "manjiro..."

he smiled warmly as he showed her his one. a ring with a moon and her name engraved on the inside.

she smiled at him practically with love hearts in her eyes. "i love you. so much." she gave him a warm embrace.

he smiled back, kissing her forehead. "i love you too."

they both put on their rings.

* the rings!

* the rings!

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