𝟎𝟑𝟕: 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐮.

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mikey was in his grandfather's dojo with baji

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mikey was in his grandfather's dojo with baji. Y/N walked up to the door and watched. beside her, she felt the presence of someone else. she looked to her left and saw a girl. she looked maybe a year younger than her.

"oh, hey!" she smiled cheerfully as she turned to the girl. "theyre so cool, arent they?" she was talking about mikey and baji.

emma nodded in agreement. Y/N looked her up and down. "who are you? i dont think ive ever seen you before."

emma looked down at the ground as she answered. "emma. im manjiro's sister."

"HUH?! YOU'RE HIS SISTER?!" Y/N unknowingly yelled at the top of her lungs. because of her exclamation, she alerted the two boys. they both turned to her. emma hid behind her.

"oh, hey Y/N!" mikey grinned ear to ear as he ran over to her, followed by baji.

Y/N smiled back at the two boys. "hey, manjiro and keisuke!" she felt emma move behind her to peek at the two boys. she gently moved emma infront of her.

"manjiro, you never told me you had a sister!" Y/N pouted as she motioned to the girl in front of her.

"wait, you have a sister?" baji gasped dramatically.

mikey nodded. "meet emma, my younger sister. we have two different moms, so were only half."

"oh, i see..." baji needed time to process this new information. "emma sounds like a foreign name."

"i know right?" mikey smirked.

Y/N hit them both on the back of the head. "you cant say that!"

"ow!" they both say in unison as they rubbed their heads. she didnt even hit them that hard. how dramatic.

"then i'll call myself edward! ed for short!" baji grinned.

"then i'll call myself mikey, short for micheal!" mikey joined in.

Y/N wanted to be included too. she wanted a cool name. "what about me?! i want a cool name too!"

the boys paused as they thought. mikey perked up. "ah, i know! you can be called N/N!"

"N/N..." baji repeated, thinking it over. "yeah, N/N!"

Y/N smiled. "then i'm N/N!"

they all giggled at their new identities. emma stared at them at first. could having a new name really be that exciting? however, she gave in and laughed along with them.

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