𝟎𝟒𝟑: 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞, 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧.

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"gosh, mikey, could you be any more clingy?" Y/N chuckled as mikey clung to her

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"gosh, mikey, could you be any more clingy?" Y/N chuckled as mikey clung to her. as soon as the battle was over and everything had settled down, he had immediately come to visit her.

"can you really blame me?" he scoffed. "i think you forget you were temporarily dead for a while."

Y/N sighed. "right. that was... something."

he chewed on some doroyaki. "you never told me the story of your resurrection." he mentioned.

Y/N shrugged. "i don't really know what happened." she paused as she tried to think. "i just... saw myself."

"i see." mikey nodded. "and how did you meet that new friend of yours?"

"she was the nurse. she let me out early and she drove me to where the fight was happening." Y/N explained.

"oh, lucky you." he smiled. "but i'm still your favourite friend, right?"

"yes, silly." she pinched his cheek. "you're my favourite friend."

mikey gushed, his smile growing wider. "phew, that's a relief," he reached up and caught her hand, gently pulling it away from his cheek. "and I'm glad to hear i'm still number one on the friendship list." he paused, his gaze softening. "but you know, you're my favourite... everything. not just a friend."

she beamed. "yeah?"

he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. "mhm."

her cheeks went pink at his sudden romantic gestures. who knew mikey could be so lovey dovey?

he exhaled as he brought her hand down. he noticed her flustered state and decided to change the subject. "did you know about takemitchy's time leaping?"

Y/N gulped, her mind flashing with all the futures takemichi had already informed her about. especially the most recent one. mikey... dying in her hands. just like she did on his back...


she jumped.

he raised a brow, looking concerned. "you okay?"

she nodded with a small smile. "mhm. and yes, i did know about mitchy's time leaping."

mikey's expression remained unperturbed as he listened to her words. "i figured you knew," he said quietly. "you always seem to be one step ahead of me, after all."

she hummed a yes. "he told me a while ago, but i kept it to myself. it's not my place to blurt something out like that."

he gave her an understanding look. "i get it. all things happen in good time." he decided to continue. "i think i'm going to ask takemichi to tell me everything."

me and him. | 𝙈. 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤Where stories live. Discover now