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Sound of bird's chirping is making me annoyed. I can't believe there will be a day I will find it disturbing. I used to enjoy those stuffs but now the idea of sunshine and flowers make me miserable. All just because of HIM. What bad things I have done in my life that I had put up with this much pain.
I wish to vanish from this country where I have so much memories, my family, my friends. Only if HE didn't come to my life. I had a dream which I don't think will ever come to life .. Because HE would not allow it.. I wish HE dies ,in a very painful way.. My train of thought breaks with knock on my door .. My sister kira was calling for breakfast..

I freashed up quickly and got ready .
Downstairs are filled with noises . My 2 younger brothers were arguing about football match as always. My mother was rushing things cz she knew HE will be here in a minute and HE doesn't wait. As HE says my time with my family finishes at 8 AM after that HE won't wait a single minute. HE will take me without wasting a minute.  First time I tried to rebel and it cost my sister 's left leg. Everytime I see her walking with crutch it burns my heart so much I want to tear it apart. My mother noticed me few seconds later.
" sasa just hurry up and have your breakfast. HE will be here in 8 minutes"
Alek roared " will you just shove that food down , we don't want to loose another leg"
Andrei just kicked him to shut up. But I knew better. All this was my fault. I wish I never went to that match. I started eating quickly, finished in 2minutes . I can feel my father's eyes on me ,the man I respected so much , now he doesn't even talk to me that much.
I looked at him , said " papa "
He looks away " u should take your lunch pack"
" pa__ I could not complete the word cz HIS bodyguard head Brandon is here 
" my queen, King is outside waiting ".
I didn't waste another minute and ran to the car .

Inside the car ,
" my beautiful wife , why are u so nervous? Here drink this juice, it will make you feel better " with my trembling hands I took the bottle and thanked him that was a rule to address HIS mercy. 
"Now my wife , tell me  shouldn't u greet your husband first thing in the morning? "

  "Now my wife , tell me  shouldn't u greet your husband first thing in the morning? "

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" soorry Voklov I was sleeping late . I didn't have...
a slap echoed through the car . I couldn't feel my cheek for a minute.
" again wife"
"sor..r..rr.yy sirr good morning hubby " kissed his lips. He didn't leave me with just  a peck.. he was literally making out with me .
His hands were under my clothed penis and he was groping it . I let out a cry. Our making out came to an end with car halting. He immediately removed himself from me like this never happened and here I was being a mess. Brandon opened my side of the door . Volkov went out of the car without even saying goodbye.  I was going to the class with my head down as I knew everyone was drlling me with   hatred . I sat at my seat which was at front and separated from everyone.  The class started even the professors don't look at me. I just want my life back , I want to talk freely with my other classmates, go to class parties.  But can't even breath without his permission. It's so suffocating sometimes so damn suffocating that I want to hang myself. But can't even do that , he will hang the whole city including my family. He is a psychotic crazy madman with whom around I can't even breathe properly.


The bell rang. I didn't even realise when it became lunch time. Everyone is seated in their seat as they were waiting for me to get out of the classroom and go to the canteen . Until I go to the cafeteria no one comes out from their class .
It's a rule .
every one follows his rules.
Or you won't be in any shape to follow anything.

I was waiting for him to come and feed me as it was also a rule .
" my queen , king will be late by some minutes. He requested u start eating first "
I knew not to disobey him and also knew where he was being late. His fiancee Loretta. That's where he is being late. Yes , I am the mistress here , a boy mistress.  Not like the fairytale where the king leaves everything for his queen. But here I am the one he leaves behind everytime whenever he is with his fiancee. How I wish I could change my past. While cursing my fate I finished my food .


Now it's 4PM. 
" where is your king Brandon? " 
he didn't say anything ,stayed with low hanging head. It didn't even need any explanation. Cause I knew what that meant.
" queen u have to go to the castle today . He wants you there today. He said for u to wait"
I scoffed " All he wants"
Brandon just stayed quiet.

And here I am waiting in a blue shirt on the couch in his bedroom where only I was allowed to sleep. I didn't even know when I dozed off. I suddenly jerked off with the touch of a wet hand.
The dark green eyes were holding the same  madness I saw on that day , the match day. He was covered with blood top to bottom. In a second I could taste the metallic sense in my tongue.  He was above me in a blink.
"Why did you sleep wifey. ? I said to wait. Didn't I? "
I could not hold my fear in place . I was trembling. 
" soorry si..r "
he just smirked.
He started just biting me and I was nauseated with all the blood smell.
"Baby why are you so addicting? I wanna tear to into pieces and eat all of you " he bit my nipple so hard I thought it will come out.
"Husband plzzzz"
"Plz what love"
"I cannnn't "
He put his wood inside me in a second without acknowledging my repeated begging.  He just doesn't listen to me.
I was in pain but he just doesn't care.
All he wants his pleasure.
"Ahh.. Ahhh...aaaaa plzzz ... hu..s.

And the torture started for the whole night.

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