chapter : 41

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"Pari, will dad come to see me today?"
The little 12 years old Skye is asking this same question to her barbie doll for the third time today...

She can't randomly meet her father - she is not allowed to step outside her mansion without permission.
Whose permission if you may ask?
The heir : Vasili

He has gone through a duel last year, to prove himself.. Now at this moment, no one is above his position.
And he doesn’t plan to give anyone chance. He has made sure of it.

And for Skye, as his gift for surviving that hell for one month, he asked Skye. Like she is a stone made doll to keep as a souvenir.
Sasa tried everything in him - to not to give up Skye. But Voklov being Voklov, he was so happy with vasili that he immediately agreed..

Sasa tried hard to rebel but nothing worked. He had to agree at last - because he knew the outcome. But he is saving her as much as he could.

Vasili literally is training Skye, just like the way he wants. Like his mother - Sasa.. He has proven his sadistic affection towards his mom.. His obsession for him.

Skye is waiting like every other days, to have dinner with her father. She just doesn’t get the idea - why her father is always limping or why he always dressed up in gold and diamonds or why the King always keeps her father on his lap?? And these whys don't get answered.

The two maids are doing her hair - decorating with fresh flowers. It's not that she dislikes flower but everyday the same routine is making her bored.
Why does she have to look well groomed all day? Can't she wear anything other than these flowy princess dresses?
She huffed in annoyance.

"Princess do you need anything?"
The maid asked.
"Is father not coming today?"
"Princess he is busy at this moment but he will join the dinner table"
"Can't he spend some time with me?"
"How about we play for some time in the garden?"
She sighed," no thanks "

A knock came indicating it’s dinner time.
She went to the big dinning hall - only brother ivor was present.
She got disappointed.
"Is dad not coming today again?"
Ivor reluctantly answered, "Princess you know right mom is busy.. He will come to you as soon as he gets free.."
She got more sad...
Ivor knew the little girl doesn’t deserve this life but his hands are also bound... He can't go against the King.
But he tries to be there for her as much as he can.

"I am sad" Ivor made a pout.
"Why brother?" Skye got conscious hearing her loving brother's sad tone.
"Princess doesn’t miss me at all"
Skye git scared and sad, she made her brother sad..
"No brother I miss you. I love you you know right?"
Ivor smiled "i love you too doll,now tell me how was your day"
Skye smiled and they started their little chitchat.

It was now eleven.
Her sleeping time, the maids got her prepared. She was on bed reading her new book.
A loud noise came from the other side of the door.
The maids also flinched hearing that loud blust. But for Skye, she was calm.
"Vasili is here"
The maids hastily got up and stood far at the corner, trying to make themselves disappear in the wall.

With a loud thud the door got opened.
A dark fuming figure took large steps towards the bed and sat infront of Skye - coving the cream colour bedsheet red. The toxic smell was even worse.

"Look at me" Vasili was panting.
Desperate for the glimpse of her black calm eyes.
She looked, "you should have showered first vasili"
His agitated sea blue eyes got sticked to her black ones.
He ran his pierced tongue over his lips - trying to not show his urge.

Skye opened her arms, "come"
He immediately ran in her arms and started smelling her.
"Why are you angry again?"
He didn’t say anything, just took her in his arms.
He went inside the warm water in the bathtub with Skye in his lap.
They stayed like this for another few minutes. Then they came to the freshly made bed to sleep.
Vasili hugged Skye really tight, like she will vanish if he removes himself.

In the morning as usual Vasili was missing from the table. But others were present. Her father again was on the King's lap.

"Princess, why aren’t you eating?"
Sasa tried making general conversations, he knew how he is not there for his daughter. But he is trying.
"I am eating father"
Short answer his daughter is angry with him. He tried to stand up from Voklov's thighs but Voklov tightened his grip on Sasa's waist and bit his neck, "Don't make me angry the first thing in the morning"
"Plz she is looking"
Sasa pleaded.
"Then should I invite her inside the bedroom to see what other things I do with you"
Sasa whimpered in pain and shook his head.
"Then stay still"
Sasa with a heavy heart starred at his plate.

Inside Voklov's office :

"Voklov just ten minutes, ok?"
He behaved like he didn’t hear anything.
"No" he continued his work without minding any words to Sasa.

Sasa is resting on the couch in front of Voklov's chair. He is persuading him for an hour to let him see his daughter. But Voklov is Voklov.
Actually he just doesn’t like the idea of Sasa loving anyone else other than him.

"King, Sir Vasili is here" the butler Informed.
And vasili came.
These days Sasa gets terrified of his sight. He is becoming The worst version of Voklok day by day.
Which he knew way before.

"My king" he greeted.
"Mom" Sasa smiled tight-lipped.

"What do you want"
"The mission is finished"
Vasili looked at Sasa, "mom"

"You look beautiful" Sasa got chills all over his body at the maniac expressions.
"Thank you. How have you been?"
Sasa tried to seem normal.
"Good. Skye seems to miss you"
"Me too. Tell her I will come soon"

"Stop ogling my wife" Voklov fired.
"My apologise"
"Leave" Vasili bowed and left.
The boy is getting bigger day by day.

After Vasili went out,
"What do you behave like this with him?"
Voklov starred at Sasa "How?"
"You are softer with him"

Voklov smiled big - the genuine one
"Because he is me"

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