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Igor is always the rebellious one.
He just likes to see me suffer.
Ivor was my good boy. He drank without any tantrum and slept. But this mischief....... I huffed..
" My queen can I come in? "
"Yes Brandon"
He came inside and immediately downcast his eyes..
I was only sitting in a black lace panty. I am most of the time naked inside bedroom. These three boys just can't keep their hands off me.
I stopped feeding Igor and wore my sleep robe to make him less uncomfortable.
"She is here"
"In the lobby"
"Let's go"

 "Speak""She is here""Where""In the lobby""Let's go"

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I looked at her from the second floor.
She is really a model. The way she looks, the way she sits. Amazing etiquette. That's why she got voklov's attention. Not every human gets them.
Her golden blonde hair to her big bossom.. In a word.. Worth the penny.

Every servant just bowed their head at me. Before I used to despise this gestures but now it's really enjoying.
I think it's the side effect of being voklov's queen.

She immediately stood up after sensing me.
She just smiled.
"You called for me"
"Yes. I wanted to see how beautiful my company's model is. "
Her face totally showed the amount of displeasure she was feeling at my remark.
Suddenly Igor was sucking my clothed boob in his sleep...
So I opened my robe and started feeding him.. I moaned after that vibration I felt. My boobs are heavier than before. I think I am producing more milk nowadays. I hummed at Igor. Then I looked at her. There is a visible disgust for me on her face.
After a moment of silence, she smiled..
I could see her inspecting my nipple chain through her eyes.

"It's Ruby? "I smiled  " You sure are good

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"It's Ruby? "
I smiled  " You sure are good. I am satisfied with your skill. My company is in good hands"
"It's Mr Voklov's company not yours"
She sweet talked... Two faced bitch...
"Your Mr voklov is mine... So the company is also mine. " I returned her with a fake smile.
She was red at this point..
"You needed something from me? "
"Yes. "
"What can I do for you? "
"Kneel "
"What? "
"I said kneel in front of me"
She immediately stood and charged at me. Before she could shout at me, I took her neck at my hand and pulled her at the floor. She was shocked at my strength.
"Stay in your limits. Don't you ever think I don't know what you are upto"
"You don't know shit. King adores my body. He had me for straight two days. He never once asked for you" She spat

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