chapter :35

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It was a contest
A contest of who steps back first
But i wasn’t gonna lose
It was my brother's life we are dealing with.
I would die today if It's necessary.
Brandon was looking no less than lucifer.
I have never seen him like this.
But i assumed.
He is the COO of this Empire.
I can't expect less.
"My Queen plz. ...  Where is my husband?"
"He is not your husband. And he won't be..  Ever"
I stepped close.
The gun was now touching my forehead.
"Shot if you want. But i won't let my brother come here again"
He was shaking.
"I can't breathe.. Please..  I waited a long time for him.. He is the one for me. He is my soulmate. Please.."
He was crying now.
If it wasn’t my brother i would have felt bad.
But i can't.
"And my brother can't breathe near you. Don't you get that he loathes you. He is not even gay.. Snap out of your la la land."
"Ahhhhhhhh" he shouted
"Why don’t you understand. I am never gonna leave him. I would find him anywhere he goes. Ok fine you don’t wanna say then don't say."
He stepped back from me.
"Yes master"
"Bring Kira here"
I got panicked
"Why?  What would you do with her"
He smirked
"If not his brother then she would be the bride.. And trust me i would find Alek from any corner of the world.. Then he would be the mistress"
I saw red.
I went near him and slapped him hard.
The whole hall got scared.
I was going to slap him again but a hand caught my hand.
"Wifey....  Why are you getting so angry... Chill"
"Leave me voklov.  I will kill this bastard. He...... "
"Shh..  Shh my Queen.  He is just angry.  His bride got missing.  It’s natural. Don't get so hyper"
He was cooing me like it was nothing.
"Voklov..  My brother won't get married to him. I won't allow it."
"My Queen just relax"
He just cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead.
There was something unusual about voklov today.
He seems different.
"Brandon go and see the preparations. Lots of work is still pending."
He was fuming.
Voklov left me and went to him.
He hugged him and said
"Don't worry. I am here"
He patted him.
I got more scared.
What's happening.
Does he know?
He can't
Voklov took the gun from his hand and shot his right hand.
I flinched
"You are my brother.  You have the reason to get angry but i never gave anyone the right to threaten my Queen.  Go and start the preparations"
Brandon didn’t even say a word.
He just went straight to his room trailing behind the dripping blood.

Voklov just went from there
No i can't let this happen.
I ran after voklov.
But he was fast.
He went straight to his bed chamber.
"Voklov please listen to me."
He didn’t even look.
"Husband please... I would do anything.  Just spare my brother"
He took his hand.
But he jerked away his hand.
"Husband please" i was begging him.
But i got silent with the view inside the chamber.
I ran towards the bed where he was tied with rope.
He had multiple blades scratched all over his body. He looked lethargic.
It looked like he was here for a long time.
He removed him from those ropes and made him drink water.
He was sobbing.
"Rano are you alright?"
He could not even form a word.
"Wifey come here"
I looked at voklov"why did you do this?"
"Come here"
I slowly went here him.
He just kissed my lips gently
"Go and get ready for the wedding ceremony. It will held tonight"
I cried loudly
"Please husband please.. I won't even come out of my room ever. I would do anything.  Just leave him"
"Wifey,  don't make me more angry than i already am."
I clutched his leg and was crying
"Please please..  I would do anything"
I was desperate.
I started opening his belt.
But voklov stopped me.
He never stops me.
"My Queen.  If you had come to me directly, i would have done something. But you wanted to suppress me. That i won’t let it happen."
He kissed me hard.
And dragged me towards a room.
More like a store room.
He threw me inside and locked it from behind.
I tried everything to open it but nothing worked.
It was dark.
I was shaking from anxiety.
I am so sorry Alek.
I slept like that crying.


"My Queen wake up"
I stirred open my eyes.
It was a maid.
"Please come out. You have to get ready. Everyone is waiting"

Suddenly everything came like a meteorite.
I ran outside.
But could not go far.
Bodyguards stopped me.
"Please this way my Queen"
I had no other option. I had to obey"
I got ready.
They said my husband has selected this for me personally.

I was feeling obnoxious

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I was feeling obnoxious.
Something is not right.

They led me to the hall.
It was extravaganza.
A lot of guests came.
"Love you look beautiful"
I flinched
"Voklov.  Where is Alek"
He didn’t reply just kissed my lips.
And went near the guests.
I wanted to search but those guards didn’t leave me.
I even saw Rano with lots of bandages.
But he was stealing glances.
I knew Voklov would burst.
But didn’t expect this much.

Suddenly the door opened.
"The bride and groom is here"
The announcer barked.
I looked towards that direction.
But my inside trembled.
Brandon was pushing the wheelchair.
And Alek was just sitting there looking downcast trembling.
He looked shaken up.
His legs had cast on them.
I wanted to go to him but Voklov just bind me to him.
Alek only looked up once.
He immediately downcast his gaze.
Like he got burned looking at me.
The wedding was completed with the roars of the ROSTOVAS.
I only cried sitting there at my fate.
At Alek's fate.

Voklov just clutched my hand.
I got startled.
"Let's go wifey. Now the fun parts starts "
He started dragging me I don’t know where.
"Voklov please.  You are hurting me"
"I tried to be gentle love. But nothing works on you"
He put me inside a car.
And the car took us to the airport.
I got scared.
What's inside his head.
He put me inside the plane.
And kissed me hard.
"Have a safe journey"
I didn’t understand
"What" i whispered
"You wanted to stay away from me right...?  Then stay alone"
He didn’t give me any reply.
Just went outside the plane.
The gaurds didn’t let me go out.
I screamed but no one heard.

"My Queen we have arrived"
I Just sat there soaked with tears.
"Where is this place"
"This is the private island of the king"
So this is my future now..
I smiled at my fate...
How can my life be like this.
All i wanted is love.
Nothing else.
And I loved voklov.
No I love my husband
A lone tear again dropped..

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