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Beep.. Beep.....Beep....
What's this noise? My head hurts. I am trying to open my eyes but it's like something is pulling them off.
After few more try I opened my eyes.. but it's dark..I tried to search for anything but failed.. I saw something attached to my hand. Is it a tube?

I was panicking... the sound accelerated. It's hitting on my nerves. I wanted to scream but none came out.
Suddenly some man came into the room .. they were rushing and running. I don't know what they were doing.

"Call the king. Queen has opened eyes."
Someone shouted.
They were saying something but I couldn't understand.
Again I fell asleep.

This time when I woke up the room is bright. Then I understand I am in a hospital. Brandon was beside the window. "Brandon " I called for him
He came to the room "u know what u did. For your stupidity how many people has died. " he whispered to me.
I was stunned. What's he saying.
He was typing something on the phone.
"He is coming. Plz behave. He has gone psychotic over this 4 days. Plz"
4 days? I was out for 4 days.
I was lost again ...

Brandon made me have soup and meds.
His phone rang again. I could see the fear on his face. He was trying to argue with the person over phone.
He immediately went outside.
I could hear some commotion but couldn't not apprehend what's going on.
After few seconds a gunshot rang.
I was terrified. In a minute Voklov came inside. He was looking dangerous not a good one. He had a robe on and a pyjama. The robe was open. He didn't even bother to wear shoes. His hair is like a nest. This is the first time I am seeing him this messed up.
What happened to him?
He came running to me and hugged me tight. I thought my breathing stooped.
He didn't say anything at all for 10 minutes, just kept hugging me. He was sniffing me like a dog. I wanted to tell him to leave but Brandon was shaking his head 'no' . I knew that Brandon is his lackey but he took care of me everytime Voklov made a mess of me. I knew he wished good for me .
So I kept quite.
Voklov just laid beside me in this small hospital bed and pulled me above him.
He was clutching me so hard that I felt pain . But kept quiet.

He fell asleep in a minute. But I couldn't. My nerves were wrecked up by what he will do in future.
"He didn't sleep at all . We had to give him anesthesia to remove him from you. He didn't let anyone come near you. He suffered a lot. I am warning you . Think before you open your mouth in front of him. "
I gulped. Brandon never threatened me . He always talked with respect.
I think they really respect their king.
"What did he do ?"
"You don't wanna know. "
"Tell me"
"He killed everyone on that building. It was a massacre. "
I really should have thought about before trying sui*ide. I was selfish. All I wanted just relief. Just relief from this darkness.
"My family?"
Brandon didn't look at me. Now I was terrified.
"Tell me " I roared.
"He almost killed andrei when your family was here. Only andrei and kira came . Andrei was accusing him. It was already messed up. Then he lost it. "
"Is he ok?"I cried
"Yeah. Jim was here. He helped "
I was relieved but crying.
"Just do as he says. Anything can trigger him now. Just keep him happy even if u have to act. Just for your own sake. Do as I say.. "
I just nodded.


Voklov didn't say a word to me after I woke up. He just gave me a bath , fed me , dressed me up. And again slept with me on top.

I didn't understand his odd behaviour.

His grandfather came to meet me . He just literally threatened me with my family. I can't even die with my own consent. His whole family came one by one but all the time Voklov just back hugged me, didn't even acknowledge anyone. He didn't leave me for second even when I was on loo.. he didn't move even when I was defecating. I don't understand this psychotic guy.

I think I have to make a talk with him. He is suffocating me. At first I thought he is gonna leave me after coming home. But he is sticking to me like a adhesive.
Even now we are sitting on the couch in front of the fire place. He is sniffing me again and again.
"Voklov "
He stilled.
"Voklov let's sit normally so I can see you" I whispered
"You want to get away from me ?" He gritted
"No. I just want to talk "
He again started kissing me like he doesn't want to talk. I knew he is avoiding communicating.
"V..ok.lov plz"
He in a second was above me .
"Don't ever think you will escape from me. Never ever. I am never gonna let u go. Never."
He started removing my clothes. I didn't stop him. I don't know what was on my mind . I just hugged him.
He stilled.
"It's ok. It's ok. I am here."
He is just silent .
I could hear his breathing become even. I think he fell asleep .
I just laid there.

After 1 month I am outside of the mansion. After a lot of pestering he let me outside.
"Brandon take me home"
He didn't say anything but I could feel him get nervous.
"Take me home"
I don't know there was a gut feeling. Something's wrong. Really really wrong.
"We are here"
I entered inside and astonished.
No this can't be happening.

"Brandon "
He came running
"Where is everyone?"

No. They can't leave me in this world again. The whole house was empty.
Not a single thing. I cried loud.
"King ordered them to leave. They are in Canada"
I was hyperventilating
"This is your punishment. He said , you tried to take his family. So he took yours."

I fell on the floor and was clutching my heart.. no.
I couldn't breathe........

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