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"Papa when will I get my own prince? "
"Sasa baby you are a boy you will get your own princess, not a prince" Laughed my grandma.
I love my granny. She came only for my seventh birthday.
"What if I want a prince? "
My granny's smile fell. She looked at papa weirdly.
Papa immediately gave me a smile and pulled in his lap
"You can get anyyything you want"
I smiled loud
Again I remembered something
"What if my prince didn't like me? "
"Why do you think like that? "
"Because I am ugly. Prince only loves princess. Princess are beautiful. Not a frog like me"
My papa kissed my head and said
"Your prince would only love you no matter what. And my sasa is so beautiful. Why would prince not love him. He will come and take you in a white horse. "
"Then I will marry my prince. In a sea"
Papa laughed "you will drown in the sea"
"But princess Ariel is from sea" I pouted
"Ok. How about near the sea, in a hotel"
"Okkk. I will manage. But I want my prince to wear a crown. " I giggled
"Of course he would. He is a prince"
We were laughing and drawing in the garden seats. Granny was also there scolding my two stupid brothers. They were stealing granny's wool.
She caught them red handed.
"Kidsss come fast, the smoothie is ready" Shouted ma..
" Sasa come fast"

I jerked.
I woke up suddenly.
Some one was shaking me.
I was hyperventilating.
This was a common affair nowadays.
I am having my childhood memories as dream every night for the last one year.
But what am I doing here? This looks like a hospital room.
I sat.
Only Jim was inside the room. He was half asleep.
I was slightly happy after seeing him in so many days.
He abruptly woke up.
He immediately hugged me.
"I got scared. I thought you won't woke up"
"How are you? Where were you these days? I missed you. "
"I missed you too"

While talking to him, the door opened.
There stood voklov in his burgundy suit.
Every thing flashbacked like a meteor.
Anger rose above my head.
"Jim please leave us alone"
Then he realized , voklov was also in that room.
"Sasa listen. Your health is not that good. Just don't stress...
" Jim leave "
He huffed. Then he was on his way out. But he didn't miss to glare at voklov.

Voklov just stood there. He didn't utter a single a word. I couldn't see his expressions as he was looking downcast.
"Why? " I asked

"I should ask you. Why? "

He was looking deranged like he always does but it's kinda twisted deranged today. I can't find any reason behind it today.

"You are asking me. Me . How dare you. "

He came in front of me in a flesh and gripped my neck. I fell flat on the bed.
"Why did go there"
I couldn't answer. He was blocking my airway.

I was on the verge of fainting.

"Sasa Ivor is crying.... " It was his mother.
"Voklov what the hell are you doing? Leave him"
He at first didn't remove but after some slap from his mother he left me.
He was fuming.
He exhaled loudly few times.
"Why did you go there? What was that emergency? "
He was behaving like a moron now.
I realized then he didn't want me to do any harm to his little bird.
"Why? What's so wrong of me to go there? You did not like that I met your little birdie" I was laughing now but tears blurred my vision.

He looked at me with fire in his eyes. This is the first time he gave me those eyes.
It stinks.
I felt a dagger in my hurt.
Panama just stood there with Ivor in her lap.
"What's so special about her? "
He was now red. I could see his veins palpating.
"So I can't even talk about him. My position is that low" I whispered

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