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I was panicking..I think at this rate I will get panic attack.
"I...I.. was... I was just.....

He smirked "why are shuttering? U didn't shutter in front of him. Not even once .. "

"" I was crying and it came out as a whimper.
"It's okay. It's okay baby. " he hugged and was consoling me like he wasn't the reason I was crying..
"I won't talk ..never again..just don't harm him plz"
"What will I get in return?"
"I don't have anything to give u..u already took everything " I sobbed
"A date"
"What?" I was shocked
"Go on a date with me .. any place u like." This time he didn't have that manic look on his eyes. It was something different like human eyes. In general his eyes look like animals.
"I.. ok."
He smiled even a genuine one.
" where do u wanna go?"
"I....." after thinking for a long time "art gallery "
He didn't answer. I thought I did a mistake. "It's ok if u don't like.  We can go somewhere else "
"No. We will go to that art museum "

After having a mental breakdown and panic attack, he and I are here at the gallery

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After having a mental breakdown and panic attack, he and I are here at the gallery.
Ilya Kabakov the famous artist of Russia. I used to wish be like him. But my fate took me somewhere else.
I can't believe till now he burned every painting item of mine because I gifted a portrait of his cousin sister VERA on her birthday. He said he won't share anything that belongs to me ,not even my arts.. he burned the whole art room that he built for me that day.. he took my half life that day.. he took my urge for living..
"Wife what are thinking so deep?"he backhugged me.
"Nothing "
"U were so immersed on that painting. Do u want to have it"
"No. I always immerse on every art piece. "
"I never saw before "
"Because u never let me go to art museum "
He tightened his grip on me. It was a signal he didn't like my tone.
"Babyyyyyy.... u didn't tell me u were coming today.." it was Loretta. He kissed her in front of me with the very lips he puts on my asshole. I cringed.
"I was here with sasa. Sorry I didn't want to disturb you. How was the bali trip?" I stilled for a moment
"It was amazing u know.  Every was so peaceful. How did you know so well about that place ?. U never went there."

I was so hurt after hearing this. It was my dream place. He asked me. Here like a fool I shared my dream place. I was over the moon after he asked me. My family was well to do but not rich enough to destroy money on a solo trip for me. I thought atleast I will get a chance to go there.. and he had to ruin it .. I always noticed he never behaves harsh with her nor any other kind of misbehave..
He just took another dream of time. How could he?. But here I was the mistress. I never had the privilege to question the masters of the house. Fresh tears came.

"Let's go baby. Dad is here .let's greet him."
"Ok.. wifey u stay and enjoy..I coming in a few minutes. " he kissed my forehead and left with her ..

Now I could take some breath of my own. I was so immersed on those art pieces I didn't realise the time.. I was sitting on a bench in front of a portrait it was of a river. It struck me. It was beautiful. I wish I could draw .I looked at my hand it was  twitching again to hold a brush. I again cried. How many things does he have to take from me?



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"Yeaaaaaa.. how long r you gonna read? I came to spend time with you. Do you how hard is this to meet you?
Your husband doesn't let anyone to see you privately . Why are you ignoring meee?" It was Jim . He came to see if I am breathing or not after that Incidence. I heard he requested like everyday to meet me. He is a good person but he is rostova . I don't want to make accountainence with that monster's family. They are all same.
Jim took my book and shut it.
"What do u want jim?"
"Let's go horse riding . I bought a new horse.. let's go .. plzzzz "
" you know he won't agree."
"I will convince him. Please just say yes."
"Only after he agrees. I don't want to mess up. I am going to meet my family this Tuesday. He agreed. I won't trade this for anything else. "
"Okeiiii "

I think I should go for horseback riding more. It was a good experience. Jim said he bought that horse for me. I am welcome anytime. I don't understand this rostova guys. They are like aliens to me.
"My queen the food is served. Everyone is waiting. " jane my personal maid informed.
I sighed. Can't i have a moment of peace?
"Ok. Let's go."
I could here everyone was happy. I saw Loretta blushing and smiling from ear to ear.
I just sat there. I don't have a single ounce of wish to know what good happened to her..

Luxe addressed me " did you hear the good news queenn ?
I don't have a good feeling about this.
"No" it barely came out .

"Loretta is with child." Vincent Rostova smiled with a mockery towards me.
I was shocked, in a minute it became frustration. This crude vulgar man...
I looked at Voklov. He was proud. It was clearly visible on his face.
"Voklov you should reward her. She is giving you a heir." Said his grandfather
"Yes ofcourse. I am happy Loretta. You really fulfilled your duties. "
"Thanks babe. I am really happy. "
I couldn't understand what was happening here. What's the meaning of this? Everything was circulating round and round . I was dizzy. I was sweating. Actually I was disgusted.

" now we should fix the date."
And I vomited . All I could feel was a hand that hold me. Everything became dark after that.


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