chapter : 43

613 26 15

Skye pov :

Today is my first day at school.
Dad has given me the permission to attend school physically.
Of course after the King agreed.

I am happy, so so happy.
But the only problem is - this is his school also.
He goes to this very school. Not that he is very regular but still it will be a pain to have him around. Dad also warns me to not get too close to him.
I get shivers all over my body the way he stares. But still my brother.
Can't deny that.

I sat in my desk. My last two days went well without much happening.
But today the class is oddly silent.
My deskmate, Rui whispered
"The King came to school today. That's why every one is alert. You are new so be careful today."
Pluzzed i asked "King?"
She gave me a shocked look, "you don't know the king, this is the basic when you come to attend this school"
Is it really that much necessary?
Should I call Dad?

"Just stick to me today, don't go anywhere alone, ok?"
Not knowing much I just nodded.

Suddenly few footsteps resonated in the room. It was utter silence in the room. I only noticed a hand shoved Rui out of his seat - it was so fast. I didn’t even blink two times.

I flinched at this loud action.
"Why didn’t you answer the phone?"
It was the deep voice of my fear.
I gazed up .
I was right - It's Vasi.
"It was on silent mode"
Vasi stretched his hand and I knew what that means. I pulled out my custom made Pink mobile.
He threw the on the wall making everyone present gasp.
"Then you don’t need it"
I got angry and slapped him.
Now another series of loud gasps came to my ear.
"Dad got me that. He would be worried. Vasi you moron!" I shouted

He smirked "then I will inform mom by my mobile"
"He won't receive"
I saw his face darkened "Let's see"
With that he went outside the room and some boys followed him.

I helped Rui in his seat.
"Sorry he did that"
Rui looked confused
"You know King?"
I gave a questioning gaze"king?"
"He is the king I told you about. Is he your boyfriend?"
He gawked
"No no.. We are si....-(before i could finish a voice interrupted the room)"

It was the announcing mike that made a horrible screeching noise.
My ears hurts.
"Mike testing... 1..2..3... This is an important announcement from the King. He will convey it personally"
Soon the voice changed to Vasi's-
"This is not an announcement but an warning to everyone. Today my love - Skye has started her school here. If I see anyone approaching her I will personally make sure you can never walk with you legs... Ever.
( i was now shaking with anger)
If I see any slut around her, then ( he chuckled) see for yourself what I will do. And last but not least - My queen Skye welcome to school"
And it was the last stroke.

I was really angry now.
He crossed the line.
I stormed out of the classroom.
After searching for fifteen minutes, I found him in the canteen - in a deep conversation with his fellows.

He didn’t notice me first...
I stormed towards him and in blink my palm touched his left sharp chin with full force.. It made a high pitched sound... Everything living and non living object stilled - no one was even breathing.

After that dramatic pause, his underdogs immediately stood up - roaring about the insult. He was stoic, just gazing me.
An extremely angry boy started approaching me with the gun in his hand..

A gun?
Is it even allowed in school?

He was barking nonstop - some unspoken words referring my mother.
All this happened in nanoseconds.

"You bitch!  How dare you? Why aren’t you answering?" with that he just jerked me by grabbing my hand.
Before I could winch in pain, bloods spluttered all over my right side of the body.

I gazed up to see Vasili with his favourite baby in his hand..
"How dare you?"
He was fuming - the pupils were dilating. It wasn’t a good sign for anyone. I was now on high alert.
That boy was crawling back on the floor in fear - begging for mercy.
"You touched my Queen? In my face!"
He was shouting so loudly.
Even me, who was the most accustomed to his voice, could not hear more. My ears were hurting.

Soon before my eyes, the chattering crowd became a group of mute mutts, kneeling on the floor - head bowing to him.

I saw in disbelief the sight.
A boy stood close to him.
"King, please be calm. Your father will punish you again. Please. He said to be calm for few days. The election is running. Please have mercy. We will finish him. In a most dread way. Please."

But Vasi didn’t listen, he did what he wanted. The most gruesome sight.
Everyone was trembling.
In fear of death.

When he finished with his artwork, he looked at me. He had that look in his eyes. Just like The King.
King Voklov.
The look of Thirst for Blood.

I had to step in now.
I started it.
He was now grabbing another girl's hair - dragging her.
To play.

I went near him - stood close.
He was breathing heavily.
Soon the same smirk adorned his lips.
He left the screaming girl's hair.
And touched my face.
"You look good"
"Take me home"
I whispered

He didn’t say anything, just took me in his arms and went outside.
I could feel everyone looking in disbelief.
More like in relief.

I didn’t want anymore drama, so i stayed silent.
I knew my school life won't be easy.
I should talk to Dad for a transfer.

Inside the mansion :

Everyone was silently doing there work, because it’s a normal sight for them.

He went inside his room straight and i knew i had to stay silent, for everyone’s welfare. He washed me, i felt uncomfortable but he just doesn’t listen, like everytime.

And he slept - with me above him.
It’s a really uncomfortable posture but his grip is really tight.

Soon i drifted to sleep.
My sleep broke with Dad's voice
"I told you to leave my daughter. Didn’t I? How many times should i warn you?" i sat on the bed to see a half naked Vasi looking straight at Dad with that idiotic smile on his face.
And Dad in a sheer dress - dazzling in golds. I don’t like that.
He doesn’t look like my Dad now.
Now he is looking like Vasi's mom.
I hate it.

"Mom I told you I can't. She is all I have. And Father promised her to me."
I was traded and I didn’t even know.
"She is mine. And I will decide who she belongs to.. I am telling you Vasili - stay away from her."

Vasi took a closer step towards Dad making him flinch slightly.
"Then you come to me"
Dad slapped him - hard.
Dad tried to walk past him
"Mom it’s either you or the whole world. It's upto you."
Dad punched him this time.
And came close to me.

He took me in his arms and came out of the room. I looked at Vasi.
He had this sickening look which made me want to vomit.

When Dad took me back in my room.
I looked properly at him now.
He was on the verge of crying.
I took his face on my both hands and made him look at me,
"Dad" now he cried.
I could tell it was a cry of despair -
a cry of shame - a cry of desperation.
He hugged me tight and wealed all night.
He was constantly saying sorry.

Dad got tired at a point and slept on my lap.

It was a long day..
I am tired..
I will bring happiness for you Dad.
All that you missed..
I promise..


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