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The cold breeze slap my face with the most pleasing smell of cherry blossoms.
He planted this trees behind the mansion. As he says pink suits me.
But I am greatful. This is the only safe place for me. I smiled feeling some containment.

"Those dimples are heavenly to look at

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"Those dimples are heavenly to look at."
I turned towards Jonathan who was standing with thousands of bruises, plastered hand, black eye and many more.
"How did u get those?"
"You should tell me first.  What happened to your leg?"
"Voklov happened "I smiled bitterly "now say where did u get those?"
"What did he do? Did he do this cz u talk to me? or ..or.. "
"King killed everyone from inside yesterday's meeting room." He cut my ramblings with this viscous nightmare.

I didn't know what to expect from him
" did u survive?"
"I was the only one not looking "
I was on the verge of crying again and here I thought my tear glands have dried. But so so sooo wrong I was.
"Now.Now no need to feel sad for those perverts."
"But there were around 40 people. How can he do this? They had families. They had life. "
"This is not your fault "
"Yes it is. It is my fault. Every fucking thing is my fault . I should not have gone to that match. .I should not have ." At this point I was crying and shouting at the same time.
Jonathan just sighed .

After a long period, I calmed down.
"Wanna have ice cream?"
I just nodded. "Let's go pumpkin "
I just smiled hearing the nickname.
We were in the kitchen having the ice cream. He made some jokes. It made my mood uplifted.

"Look, the slut and the bastered partying here." Here another day full of insults.
"What do u want luxe?" I retorted
Luxe is Voklov's mother's 2nd elder sister's husband's youngest brother's daughter.  I know soooooo close relative for her to wander around here all day.  She basically stays here all day . Oh and I forgot , she is Loretta 's minion.
"Nothing. Just for u to vanish from here. U don't deserve to be here."
"And what right do u have?"
"U bi+ch . Hold your tongue before I pull it out. " her eyes are literally coming out of the socket.
"King won't appreciate the way you are talking to the queen."
"Queeeeen? Like duhhh. He is just the mistress. Even a Male one. "
"I am telling you to stop there" Jonathan warned
"Or what. U guys deserve each other. U know. Low lifes. "
"Leave before I smack you"i was furious at this point.
"How dare u" she raised her hands
Before she could slap me, I slapped her hard. I think it is the all pent up frustrations that made me do this. When I came to my senses I was terrified. Not from her. but terrified of what Voklov will do to me after knowing this.
"S..sorry. .. sorry.  Plz don't tell Voklov. Plz..he is gonna kill me.. plz..""
"Just wait and watch what I will do to you"she stomped from there.
I was shivering. New fresh tears threat to fall from my eyes.
"Calm down he will understand. "
" he wo..nt"
I ran from there. Ran and ran don't know where my legs took me.
I looked and saw I am in the cherry blossoms garden. I landed my gigantic body under a tree trying to hide from my ugly future. I didn't realise the time passed. It was night time. I could only see from the moonlight. Suddenly I see lion sitting in front of me. It is the pet wolf of Voklov and its name is 'lion'
It is here that means....

"Love u should tell me in advance when u plan to do a picnic. "
I shivered
I looked up
His eyes were so dark that it shocked me to the core. His eyes doesn't even reflect the shade of green when he is angry. His eyes shade tell the level of his anger . And now it is the darkest. I am doomed.
He stroked my face gently "babe u know I want u in front of me all the time. U know my insides burn when can't find u in bedroom after coming home. Right?........" he clutched my mandible tightly "u know right?"
I sobbed and nodded
He pressed more tightly
"Y..yesss.. I.. I..  k.know . I know "
This time he pressed so hard , I think it's gonna break. It indicates he is not satisfied with the answer.
"I know husband "I sobbed loudly
"Now that's the way of talking. " he kissed my cheek
"love now get to the point on hand."
I shooked..
I know what's he is gonna say
"I...I...I s.sooorrr.y" I cried
"I know love." He smiled
"Plz I m sorry "

"Why did u cry in front of Jonathan today afternoon?"

"I am sorry I should not have slapped her."I was rambling.  When I realized what he said I was shocked.  I didn't understand for a few seconds.
"What..What ?"
" u cried in front of some man other than me"
I could see where this was going
"U know love, your tears are only for me. I don't appreciate the idea of you crying in front of another man."
He picked me  up and took me inside the castle. I was sobbing vigorously.
I don't know how many more times I have to cry tonight.


"Voklov your boy just slapped a family member. I hope you know i don't appreciate this type of actions in my house" Vincent rostova roared

I was shivering.. cause I saw one time how viscous Vincent can be.
Voklov looked towards me at the end corner where my seat is.

"Babe come here"
He didn't had to say twice
I limped towards him . He destroyed my ass with his crocodile skin belt. I begged and begged he didn't stop. I was asking for My creator's mercy all night. But none of my prayers were answered.
I stood in front of him.
He pulled me on his lap .
He started feeding me . I just opened my mouth and swallowed the food he gave me.
Everyone on the table got the message not to say further.
Every male from this family is viscous and cruel but they all feared Voklov.
Even his father.
His previous history is really dark ,means really really dark.
For this reasons his grandfather Marcello rostova made him the crowned king.
I could feel loretta's glare
"Baby let's go to Mr hofsteter's gala today as my plus one. Plz baby" she said with extra sprinkles
I hate the way she tries so hard to be the pink sweetest barbie girl in front of him .
"Of course " he just smiled and continued feeding me
Through the whole breakfast she tried to steal his attention from me .

"Wifey get ready by 6:30"
This got everyone 's attention on the table.
"Where are we going?"

"To Mr hofsteter's gala ".....

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